Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

treeroot - I am 30 weeks and I don't think I could go on a hike lol. He's up in my ribs with his feet so it seems, and sometimes I can hardly breathe.

We did our baby registry for the shower with babies r us as well and yes, it is super expensive. I got a little nervous today cause we were talking about my babyshower and I won't have it until the end of february/ beginning of march, which is ok I guess, considering that my due date is March 26. But the last scan, little bub measured already a week ahead and I feel like I won't be able to go all the way to 40 weeks.
Also I told DH grandma how we wanted to buy the packnplay soon that we picked out and she told me to wait until the shower, but to be quite honest, that thing is $170 and she already told me that her and my aunt are gonna buy the crib (which I hope they buy the one that's on my registry and not the one my aunt showed me, cause even though it doesn't look bad, I don't really like it. I didn't tell her that though, cause I don't wanna be ungrateful :( ). That leaves me with my MIL and DH other aunt, which DH other aunt gets me the diaper bag I want. So there's not many people left to buy me that stuff, and I wanna make sure, that I get the few things that I really want. There is seriously no other pack'n play that I liked and in the beginning, he's gonna sleep in that since it comes with a bassinet.
The play yard I want is like $179 too but I'm hoping someone goes in together to get it and that I can get my dad to buy the $329 travel system. But you should wait till after your shower because if you don't get it you might get gift cards and cash and if it's at babies r us you get a discount on things you didn't get starting at 4 weeks before your due date. Just my opinion though.

I'm so exhausted. Work is wearing me out! My pelvis and hips hurt so bad after I get off and today my legs are swollen. I hope I can do this another 13 weeks. I can't afford to take off before he's due.
treeroot that's cute haha like you're in the club! I forget that I have the bump a lot of the time, until I go bend over or something hahaha.

klink people might wanna go in on stuff together like Dini mentioned! Don't give up hope at least, but then you can get stuff at a discount when it gets closer to your due date and you have plenty of time for returns and exchanges, so I wouldn't worry too much. Can you mention to your aunt that you found a crib that you like even more than the one she showed you? That way you show that you appreciate it and like that one but you just saw another one that's so awesome you can't resist it hahaha.

I went to register today, it was fun but I did put a lot of stuff on there that I don't think will be necessary! I might just modify it online, I don't wanna be flooded with stuff. It's just so easy to scan away at the store hahahaha.
Oh yea I modified my list today and only left the things on there that I think we really need and that we really want. I sent it to the few people that will attend the babyshower so when she looks at it she'll see the crib we like lol
Oh I didn't know that you get it cheaper four weeks before your due date. I don't even know when my babyshower will be though and I'm scared that it's too last minute for people. My MIL is throwing it and she'll be in Thailand for 3 weeks and will send out the invitations after....
I told her if she'll give me a date I can send out invitations, but she said it's ok and she got it. So I guess I just have to wait. It just sucks cause I have friends that are working and I really don't only want to have relatives there. I'm also scared that I'll only go up to 37 weeks, since my mom delivered my brother that early and then I'm not gonna have everything for him. We bought our car seat used and we are gonna buy a matching stroller used as well. Right now we just can't afford all new stuff, and the pack and play is the only thing I really want new.
I told DH grandma and aunt that I'll be grateful no matter what, but that I'd rather have the pack n play for the babyshower than the crib, since he's not gonna sleep in the crib until he can roll over anyways.

Dini - You poor thing! :/ Hip pain really sucks. It already sucks for me just being at home but like I already said, I couldn't imagine being up on my feet and working all day right now. Hope you'll be able to work as long as possible :hugs:
Sounds like a lot of you are getting your registries set up, yay! I did one with Babies R Us and one online with Target. I go through and edit each of them pretty often lol.

Treeroot - That hike sounds really awesome. It seems like you'll have a lot of options that will help make it possible for you to do even being pregnant.

Maggz - I have a shark vacuum and love it!
I don't think I'm doing a registry (I don't think I'm having a baby shower for that matter). But it sounds like fun!

We had a warm day yesterday and went for a little hike in the woods. When I got out of the car I cried - seriously. It was just so nice not to have the air hurt my face and I felt so comfortable...so it was a happy cry.
I even exposed my belly for a bit so the baby could experience natural light lol.
(Temp was 3°C (37°F))
Good morning, everyone!

Sorry I've been away so long. I've been trying to get as much rest as possible lately so I haven't been as diligent with catching up on the thread.

Sweetbliss, so sorry to hear about the unexpected move. Big changes are hard enough to deal with when they aren't surprises. :( I hope you will end up loving where you're going, though!

Welcome back, Mint! Great to see you. Your ultrasound pic is so great! What an adorable little nose!!

Treeroot, glad you had a nice hike, and I'm looking forward to hearing the news from your anatomy scan!

Lacanadienne, I bet you'll feel so great when you get those report cards done!

klink, hope everything works out for you regarding your shower! :)

Congrats to everyone moving onto new milestones in their pregnancies!!

AFM, I am doing ok, happily no infections for over 2 months now, but I am having soooooo much muscle pain. It started about a week and a half ago with the feeling of a muscle pull in the groin, just from standing up off the couch. So lame. I mentioned it to my OB when I saw her last week and she said it is attributable to muscles in the pelvic area loosening up to prepare for childbirth. Throughout the week, the discomfort really spread... now I'm feeling bad muscle aches in the back of my thighs, my lower abdomen, and tons in the groin. Walking or bending to pick things up hurts, but the worst is turning over in bed. I toss and turn a lot, but everytime I do, it feels like I'm being stabbed or punched in that area. Ouch! Last night wasn't quite as bad as the nights prior, so I'm hoping maybe a little relief is coming my way.

Has anyone else experienced this type of muscle pain?

I also found out at my OB appointment that my hemoglobin is a little low. She said it's nothing to be alarmed by now, but that it will drop even lower once I have the baby, so it's good to address it now. I don't want to take an iron supplement because they've made me sick in the past, so I've been trying to up my iron intake with diet. I found a good protein-enriched oatmeal that is high in iron, and I mix it with a granola cereal that is also high in protein and iron, and I find that on days when I eat that, I don't feel quite as tired in the afternoon.

Hope everyone has a great week!
Treeroot - It warmed up here a bit too but probably for not too long.

Karen - Oh I am so tired too lately! Sorry to hear about your muscle pain! My groin area hurts too but mostly just on one side and now my lower back on that side and my entire leg are starting to hurt too. I feel like I'm getting so heavy lol But I don't have stabbing pains :/ Maybe you should ask your OB again about stabbing pains?
Gosh Karen that pain sounds terrible! I hope you get some relief soon!! Glad to hear your infections are under control though.

I'm finding the fatigue is getting bad again, getting theough my usual shift is harder than usual and that's saying a lot! I kind of wonder if I'm anemic as well as I keep getting told I look pale at times or my lips are blue.
Karen I think I might have spoken too soon lol Now I get shooting pains in my inner thigh whenever I walk or bend over or sit too long. I think it's sciatic nerve pain!
Okay so we went out and bought a car today! DH came to the realization it wouldn't make sense to have a Mustang anymore lol so we went looking and I was totally not gonna drive a new car home as I like to sleep on big decisions like those - but we ended up driving home a new car! I'm very happy with it it's a Mazda cx7. My sister has a Mazda and they love it so I hope this one will treat us well :dance:
Only downside is the paperwork took a while so we missed our hospital tour. Oh well lol I got a new one scheduled in two weeks.

Sorry you guys are having pains and aches :( I'm really looking forward to my first yoga lesson this Wednesday I hope it will relief my back!

Ooh sweet I'm gonna look up your registry see if I get any ideas or stuff I forgot :) Feel free to look at mine too haha
Yay for having a new car maggz! :) We bought our car in october and once we are situated and I'll be able to work we will get me a car too so I don't always have to wait for DH to come home to do stuff.
Ah, sorry the real aches and pains are starting for you ladies. I feel like that's generally the joys of third trimester.

Hey speaking of trimesters...I'm still nauseous, it sucks. Most of last week was pretty good, but I lost my breakfast on the weekend, and had some dry heaves this morning. So it come and goes. I'm just being patient that there's more "going" then "coming" now.

Maggz, congrats on the car! That's a big and existing purchase!

My DH is currently building our second vehicle. I told him it needs to be done before the little one arrives. We do have a back up - but it also needs some fixing. Ugh.

Ok maggz, I'm going to use you as motivation. I'm been meaning to get started on yoga and the class is tomorrow.
Maggz, congrats on the new car! How fun. :)

Klink, sorry to hear you've been having the pains, too! And treeroot, sorry about the nausea! Hope you both feel better soon.

I have another appointment with my OB on Monday, as we are on a 2-week schedule now instead of 4, but if things get worse before then I'll call her. It's really all muscular pain, though, so I think everything is fine with my little flower. :)
Treeroot - I'm not having a shower either but I made the registries as my "to-do" lists so I knew what I still needed to get lol. That's great that you were able to get out and go on a little hike!

Karen - That's great that you haven't had any infections for two months! That muscle pain sounds awful, I'm sorry! Keep it up with the high iron diet, I hope that you're able to manage it that way!

Maggz - Congrats on the new car! Woohooo! Let me know if the yoga helps your back, I might need to look into that if you say it helps. I couldn't find your registry, what is the registry #?

I'm joining all of you on the aches and pains train. My back has been hurting really bad lately. On a good note though I finished the bookshelf I was making for the baby's room! I'll post a picture once we get it moved into her room, I let it on the porch overnight to finish drying. I still need to get a few baskets for it but that is no biggie. Have any of you been feeling your baby's hiccups? I think it is the sweetest thing!
Oh so sorry so many of you have bad aches. I am tired a lot and achey at times but nothing out of the ordinary yet.

Also I love that so many of you Maggz, Dini, Tree - have set up a registry! I went to look at baby things with DH to pick out stuff we'll be buying later and loved a cot and a stroller. My sister wants to buy the cot at the 10 day baby welcoming ceremony. Is a cot for a newborn a good idea?

Sweet I am sorry about the overwhelming move :( I hope you and DH can travel together to make it easier.

Mint you look fab! We are a day apart aren't we? Also team yellow :) Is there anyone else who is too?

Treeroot good luck with the hike!

yay new car Maggz! I too did the same thing, went looking and ended up trading our car :)

Karen hope the iron levels go up with diet. Glad of infection free 2 months :)

Sanjan I hope you are doing well. :hugs:

AFM Ive been battling an achey wisdom tooth that I cant do much about. :| Today it isnt so bad but mealtimes are horrible. Other than that - Happy Vday to me :) Soon to cross 2nd tri and I still cant believe it!
Sorry for your wisdom tooth pain Mol :/ Is there anything a dentist could do while you're pregnant?

We bought a used stroller today and it's not the same color as our car seat, but we are gonna get a car seat cover that matches :) If we even have to. The lady said to get back to her in a couple weeks and see, cause she might get a new travel system, and if that's the case then we'll get the car seat with base for free :)

I talked to DH's aunt and I'm getting now the pack n play that I want instead of the crib for the babyshower :)

Hope everyone is doing alright. x :flower:
I'm not kidding you guys I think this child will soon break its way out of my belly! :rofl:

Thanks you all, I'm glad we got it situated, treeroot we were in the same situation as you, we had (have) two cars but both of them needed fixing and one of them is an old Jeep that I honestly don't think is safe enough for a baby, the other one was a 2-door Mustang. So go figure haha.

I saw your stroller klink on fb! Looks nice :D

sweet I'll look it up after I take my nap haha I'm about to fall asleep at this table right here. Must move to the couch ;)
Haha maggz I feel the same way! His kicks actually hurt me now :/
To all of you with aches and pains, I hope it gets better soon. I've been having sciatic pain on and off, and some pulling sensations in my abdomen, but nothing too bad yet (fxed).

Karen, if you do end up having to take an iron supplement, check out Trophic Iron (https://well.ca/products/trophic-chelazome-iron_84595.html). It's a more absorbable form of iron, and it worked great for me - I've had trouble with a lot of forms. The only thing you have to watch out for is not to take it around calcium if possible. You just take one capsule a day.

Maggz, congrats on the new car. DH and I have to go car shopping soon - it's on our to-do list for the next two weekends because we both have two-door cars that wouldn't work for car seats. Our front-runner is currently the Hyundai Sonata.

AFM, sorry - it seems I'm always complaining about work. I actually do like my job sometimes, I promise, but my class has been really hectic, and I just can't wait to be finished evaluations and report cards so that I can have a bit more rest. I ended today with a huge tantrum from one of my students who hit another student, and two other students imitating her screams and running around in the hallway. Two more days with the students, then a few days of report cards. After that, I won't be as worried about getting stuff done.

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