Experience going off BCP

Thanks k8nz! And you're not going crazy - I've had EWCM round day 29, then day 55, then somewhere in the 60s, 80s and now even 90s. I think it's just hormones playing up, but it's worth getting some baby-making action in as you never know! :) That's what I've been doing anyway... Day 94 today. I remember thinking before, 'ohy my word, I'm approaching 90 days' and now I'm approaching 100!
I've been off BCPs for 7 months now and my body is still not regulated completely. I'm not sharing to discourage you, but to let you know that there is nothing "wrong" with you for taking more time to start producing your own hormones again! My doctor ordered a whole battery of tests (blood samples, ultrasound, hormone levels, etc) and there is medically nothing out the ordinary, but my doctor says for some women it just takes more time. Get some bloodwork done as soon as your doctor orders it, but in the meantime know that you're not alone!
Hey girls so i thought i would post an update- I finally got a period on monday which only lasted like 2.5 days. Better than nothing I guess! I think it was around cd 100-105. So dont lose hope! My doc said to be patient and af did come. However i started taking Vitex today because god knows how long this next cycle will be!

I never imagined this TTC process would be this stressful!:cry:
Thanks AnnieJ10 and marieg0219 - as you say, nice to know that we're not alone!

I've got my obgyno appointment tomorrow so I will let you know how it goes.

Hope the vitex works for you AnnieJ10! :) xx
I went for my appointment yesterday. The doctor was super lovely. She did pap smear, physically examination and ultra-sound. She said that my uterine lining is very thin, so the reason i haven't had a period is because there's nothing there to shed! She also said she could feel some scar tissue from the endometriosis surgery.

Since my husband and I have been told we need to have kids now so my husband can go onto some medications (You can't have kids on these meds) she has put me on provera for ten days and then after that I should have my period and then when that starts, I need to ring her back up for another appointment so she can do some blood tests and see what's going on.

She did also say, though, that it can take up to 6 months for your body to sort itself out after the pill. It's been around 4 for me...
Thanks for the update Webby! Did your doctor indicate whether the uterine lining could be linked to BCP? Overall it sounds like you're making a step in the right direction :)

I have my obgyn appointment tomorrow morning, pretty nervous! But also excited to be making a proactive step. Will let you all know how it goes
Hi all, an update from me. I had my obgyn appointment this morning with a lovely doctor.

He explained all the possible reasons why my period hasn't returned, then he did an internal scan. The scan showed that my uterine lining was thicker than normal, which indicates PCOS. He also showed me I have lots of eggs, a bonus I suppose! He said it's quite normal for women with PCOS to have lots of eggs.

Anyway, he's given me provera to start today, which will be followed by letrozole. I've been booked in for a blood test for day 21 of my cycle, assume it all goes to plan. So fingers crossed! Regardless, I have a follow up in October to check where things are at, hopefully by then I'll be pregnant.

I said to him, it's so odd how you spend your teenage years and early 20s trying to avoid getting pregnant, then suddenly when you want to get pregnant you realise it's not that easy!!

Webby I'd love to keep in touch as we're starting provera around the same time! :)
Yes I'd love to keep in touch too! I started the provera yesterday as I couldn't get to the pharmacy on Friday. Are you on it for ten days as well?

So pleased your appointment went well. I was so nervous that the doctor was just going to fob me off. She didn't specify why she thought the uterine lining was so thin, but I've looked online since (as you do!) and it can be due to estrogen (which could still be from pill maybe) or it also said scar tissue (which she said she could feel from endometriosis surgery) could cause a lack of blood flow, so I guess I'll find out more when I go back for blood tests when my period comes. I need to ring up on the first day of my period or if it doesn't come within seven days after going off provera then I'll need to go back anyway.

I'm glad some proactive things are starting to happen for both of us! I said something similar to my doctor about how we us to dread getting our period and now I really want it! Haha. Women and what we have to put up with!?
Hey k8nz - how's it going? Are you noticing any side effects from the provera? I'm not noticing anything major. I had slightly tender breasts yesterday but they've been playing up for the past few months after coming off BCP anyway. What I have noticed is that my BBT is going up which has been amusing.

When do you come off your provera? I take my last pill on Monday.... I've expecting the first AF to be a b*tch! (I've read it will be). Eeek!
Hi everyone. Just hopping in here. After being on Yasmin for about 10 years I didn't get AF until CD139. Reading all these posts makes me wonder if I should've gone to the doctor but I felt they would've just shrugged their shoulders. Before I went on BCP my cycle was 30 days and now I'm at 40 days (I think). It's so frustrating because I've only had one positive OPK back in February and I'm having a hard time figuring out what my body is doing. I really wish I knew that this could happen before I went on BCP. I would've went off of it years ago! I'm at a point where I'm going to wait until the 1 year mark before seeing a doctor but it feels like I'm wasting this year. Hope everything is going better for everyone else! :)
Hi everyone. Just hopping in here. After being on Yasmin for about 10 years I didn't get AF until CD139. Reading all these posts makes me wonder if I should've gone to the doctor but I felt they would've just shrugged their shoulders. Before I went on BCP my cycle was 30 days and now I'm at 40 days (I think). It's so frustrating because I've only had one positive OPK back in February and I'm having a hard time figuring out what my body is doing. I really wish I knew that this could happen before I went on BCP. I would've went off of it years ago! I'm at a point where I'm going to wait until the 1 year mark before seeing a doctor but it feels like I'm wasting this year. Hope everything is going better for everyone else! :)

Hey alexanne89!
I never thought I would be one to use a forum, but it's been nice chatting to people who have had similar issues and understand. Wow - 139 days. Well done for waiting that one out. I've stopped counting now I've one over the 100 mark.

I know what you mean about the BCP. The doctors just put me on it when I was a teenager because of my irregular cycles and heavy periods. They said, "it will help regulate your period and make your period lighter". Little did I know it would screw my body up even more, and actually, end up masking symptoms of a deeper issue which turned out to be endometriosis.

When you do reach the 1 year mark? I think it would be worth going to see an obgyn if you can. Try and do your research before if you have the option to about who you go to. I made sure I went to someone who I was confident would listen to me and be proactive and it's paid off.

We'll get through this! :) xx
Hi everyone. Just hopping in here. After being on Yasmin for about 10 years I didn't get AF until CD139. Reading all these posts makes me wonder if I should've gone to the doctor but I felt they would've just shrugged their shoulders. Before I went on BCP my cycle was 30 days and now I'm at 40 days (I think). It's so frustrating because I've only had one positive OPK back in February and I'm having a hard time figuring out what my body is doing. I really wish I knew that this could happen before I went on BCP. I would've went off of it years ago! I'm at a point where I'm going to wait until the 1 year mark before seeing a doctor but it feels like I'm wasting this year. Hope everything is going better for everyone else! :)

Hey alexanne89!
I never thought I would be one to use a forum, but it's been nice chatting to people who have had similar issues and understand. Wow - 139 days. Well done for waiting that one out. I've stopped counting now I've one over the 100 mark.

I know what you mean about the BCP. The doctors just put me on it when I was a teenager because of my irregular cycles and heavy periods. They said, "it will help regulate your period and make your period lighter". Little did I know it would screw my body up even more, and actually, end up masking symptoms of a deeper issue which turned out to be endometriosis.

When you do reach the 1 year mark? I think it would be worth going to see an obgyn if you can. Try and do your research before if you have the option to about who you go to. I made sure I went to someone who I was confident would listen to me and be proactive and it's paid off.

We'll get through this! :) xx

Thank you so much for your kind words! I went on BCP at age 19 when I didn't know a thing about my body or how it works and of course the doctor just said here you go and that was it. I really wish in high school there was a course for women to learn more about how our bodies worked. All we got was a video on STDs. :P

I'll reach the 1 year mark on 10/5/16 but will probably call in the beginning of September since I'm not sure how quick they could get me in. I live in ND so sometimes it can take a couple weeks.

Sorry that you have endometriosis! Hopefully your doctor can help guide you into a successful pregnancy. I don't know much about endometriosis or provera. Will provera for sure jump start AF? If it does or doesn't, what's the next step for you?
I agree with you about educating women more about bodies and hormones etc. I was also 19 when I went on BCP.

Provera is meant to induce a period when I stop taking it (on Monday) but if it doesn't come within seven days, I guess that means something ain't right... Either way, I'll be back at the obgyn finding out more. She said I need to book an appointment on the first day of my period if it does come so she can do some blood tests. She didn't say what for, but I'm assuming it's hormone related. Maybe all body needs if a kickstart to "wake up" and provera might do that.

I'd definitely book into see an obgyn when you can - there's no harm in having a woman wellness check up. If your cycles are no waround 40 days, what day are you currently on now? How are your periods when you do have them?
Hi Webby and welcome alexanne89 :)

Webby I'm on day 6 of provera now and like you haven't noticed any major side effects. My temp seems higher too and I've had a bit of CM so very interested to see what happens! Hopefully we don't have to wait too long before AF comes after the last pill.

We've just found out hubby is doing a work trip overseas around the same time as ovulation will be (all things going to plan) so I'm crossing my fingers that AF comes quickly and the trip is on the tail end of O!

Alexanne89 you are so patient, what a saint! As Webby says, I would definitely book yourself in to see an obgyn. I went to two other unhelpful doctors before my obgyn but my current doctor is so helpful and supportive. Find someone who is a fertility specialist as they seem to be pro action rather than "just wait it out" - good luck! :)
I agree with what k8nz says :)

Hope all works out for you k8nz. My last provera pill is on Monday so I'll keep you posted next week as to when/if AF comes!?
So, update from me.. I just came off the toilet and when I wiped there was some blood. Really faint and thin but still fairly bright.

We'd just had sex so I don't know if it's something from that (but it didn't hurt and has never happened before) or whether it's early AF but I didn't think you were meant to get AF till AFTER you'd finished taking provera because of the hormones... My bbt has dropped the past two days which would make sense for it to be AF but not really whilst taking provera.

Just googled it as you do and the following is all from the same website about provera which makes it more confusing:
See your healthcare provider right away if you get vaginal bleeding while taking PROVERA.

Call your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the following warning signs or any other unusual symptoms that concern you:
unusual vaginal bleeding

The following side effects have been reported with the use of PROVERA alone:
spotting (minor vaginal bleeding)

Women who experience vaginal bleeding during or following sexual intercourse should always visit their doctor to determine the cause of the bleeding.

I think I'll just leave it a while and monitor it.

K8nz, did you get an info sheet with your pils? If so, does it say anything on there? I didn't get anything with mine - just a label on the front with instructions....
Webby that does sound odd if it isn't normal for you. I occasionally have very minor spots of blood after sex so that's relatively normal for me.

I did receive an info booklet - I just looked it up and it does say, "tell your doctor if you notice any of the following and they worry you: irregular vaginal bleeding or
spotting or unusual changes in vaginal secretions"

How much spotting was it? I personally wouldn't worry too much. My obgyn did say that it can make you more "sensitive" which I definitely noticed when we had sex this morning, so it could be related to that?

It's Sunday here today and I finish my pack on Wednesday (Tuesday your time?) I'm so excited and nervous! I hate not knowing what's going on in there, I don't like having no control haha
Thanks for looking that up for me. It's very very faint now when I wipe and the same in my panytliner that I put on, so I'm less worried. I think it's more of a case of being more sensitive in that general region as you said and the intercourse triggered it off a bit. I

Saturday night here now, so I'll see what it's like tomorrow morning but I'm predicting it will be gone. Thanks for bearing with me in my mini freak out!

I'm feeling the same as you - excited and nervous to see what happens next week when we stop provera - sounds like I'm a day ahead of you...
Sorry, me again. So there's still blood this morning. At first I thought there wasn't when I looked at my panytliner but then when I wipe, there's actually more then yesterday. Not full on AF though.
Bit confused again. I thought I might try and talk to someone at a pharmacy - or do you think I'm overreacting?
Sorry Webby, I'm probably not the best person to give any advice so hopefully k8nz can jump in. I'm the queen of waiting things out until they get really bad before seeing a professional. :P I could understand if there's spotting after sex but still spotting the next day would concern me.

Thank you for both for the advice! I'm currently on CD31 and am excited to announce that I got a positive OPK yesterday. Temp is still low so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I may actually ovulate this cycle. My periods seem like a typical period so far so nothing concerning there. I guess I'm hesitant to see a doctor because I had emailed her in December telling her that AF hasn't visited yet and she said to wait a few months and didn't sound too concerned. Then a few weeks ago I had a ruptured ovarian cyst that sent me to the ER and the doctor there didn't seem concerned when I told her my troubles TTC. Idk. Now that I got a positive OPK I think I'm going to wait a couple more months. I keep going back and forth in trying to decide what to do. Thanks for listening to my woes.

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