Sorry Webby, I'm probably not the best person to give any advice so hopefully k8nz can jump in. I'm the queen of waiting things out until they get really bad before seeing a professional.I could understand if there's spotting after sex but still spotting the next day would concern me.
Thank you for both for the advice! I'm currently on CD31 and am excited to announce that I got a positive OPK yesterday. Temp is still low so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I may actually ovulate this cycle. My periods seem like a typical period so far so nothing concerning there. I guess I'm hesitant to see a doctor because I had emailed her in December telling her that AF hasn't visited yet and she said to wait a few months and didn't sound too concerned. Then a few weeks ago I had a ruptured ovarian cyst that sent me to the ER and the doctor there didn't seem concerned when I told her my troubles TTC. Idk. Now that I got a positive OPK I think I'm going to wait a couple more months. I keep going back and forth in trying to decide what to do. Thanks for listening to my woes.
Thanks, I feel a bit silly now, I think I was just really shocked and surprised as I was not expecting it and then a bit hormonal too because of the provera.
Went to obgyn today and turns out its just menstruarion but it's light because there's not much there to shed. So I ended up going on the right day anyway for her to take bloods and she also did another ultrasound to check ovaries and follicles. She said my follicles were fairly enlarged, almost polycystic looking but she doesn't want to label me with PCOS.
Due our extenuating circumstances with my husbands autoimmune disease and having to go on meds (can't have a baby when you're on the meds) she's putting me on a low dose of clomid which I start today. Hopefully ovulation etc. will work out just before he has to go in for surgery, so we'll see what happens.
How are you both doing? Good news about your OPK - hoping it will be confirmed by a temp rise soon - get active!