Experience going off BCP

So I'm wondering if any of you lovely ladies have some insight for me. It's my first cycle off bcp and ttc. I rmember a whiiile back I went to see my gyne for low pelvic pains and he said everything's probably fine that they're just O pains. (While on bcp) fast forward to my current cycle. I had ewcm cd 14,15 and 16. Since then I've had some curious symptoms.

So my question is.. did any of you have the regular cm patterns through your cycle to indicate that you ovulated on your first cycle off the pill? I'm so hopeful yet nervous.
Alexanne - in answer to your first question - no funny coloured CM and the pills did fit but it's a bit of a faff to get them up there. They come with an applicator - thank God, cos I hadn't figured that out at first! Today I have literally been leaking CM (so sorry for TMI!) But it was CRAZY! It actually leaked out my underwear and into my shorts!!! I'm now carrying lots of pantyliners with me. I'm pretty sure I ovulated yesterday but my cervix is still high and soft and I've got EWCM today. That might all be down to the estrogen pills which I'm taking orally, though. Might try and get one more BD in today but hubby is not feeling well today so we'll have to see.

As for your spotting, when I had my first "period" (which was induced by provera) it was pretty much spotting most of the time. I didn't need more than a panty liner. The doctor said it was because of my thin uterine lining and that there really wasn't much to shed, so I'd definitely message your doctor as your body is clearly doing something and maybe it is AF but just in a super light form. Keep us posted - hoping good things for you! Xx

Welcome Puppylove - love the picture of your pup! Very cute. Hoorah for coming off BCP! We've all had quite a journey since coming off BCP. For me personally, I had crazy CM signs since I came off - EWCM would come randomly and I didn't get a natural period till after 100 days and even that had to be induced by pills when I went to see obgyn. I also had very weird hormonal symptoms going on eg sore breast, cramps etc.

However, there was a genuine abnormality with me. Lots of people who go off BCP go back to their regular cycles quite quickly - others it can take 3-6 months. I'm hoping that if you're getting EWCM round day 14 that that is a positive sign for you! But definitely keep track of everything your body is doing, just in case.

Keep us posted and feel free to ask any questions. Really hoping that coming off BCP and TTC will be a smooth process for you :)
Webby - Don't worry, that's not TMI as I have been there! :P It really sucked since I was at work and didn't have a panty liner. I now make sure I have a liner wherever I go. Hopefully you O'd for sure yesterday! Did you take another OPK test today at all? Even so, I would still try to BD today and tomorrow if it was me. But with a sick hubby it probably won't be fun for him. Good news is that sperm can live in you for up to 6 days! I'm going to message my doctor in the morning and just get her opinion on my situation. I'm hoping they can still test me or do something for me. This waiting game sucks.

Puppylove - For me my CM was so random (and still is) and I was dry most of the time. I also didn't get my first natural period until 139 days after BCP. Hopefully that doesn't happen for you. As Webby already said on average it usually takes a few months for your body to get back to normal. As for us gals here, the process has been a bit more difficult. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)

k8nz - Did you take another OPK today? Was the line any darker? Do you take more than one test in a day? When I think I'm closer to my O day I take a test whenever I go to the bathroom, unless I'm at work of course. I don't think they would take kindly to me holding up the bathroom several times a day. :P
Hubby was too ill. His disease was really playing up today and had to take the day off work because he was in so much pain. I obviously understand but I can't help but be a tad worried as now I'm thinking I'm ovulated today - had EWCM this eve. Took another OPK and it was negative. It's around 48 hours since the positive so I guessed I ovulated either yesterday or today. Hoping it was yesterday. I've been using preseed this cycle. First time I've used it in me rather than just on hubby. Hoping that that will be enough to keep any spermies alive if I did ovulate today.

Let us know what the doctor says Alexanne.
K8nz - hope the OPKs are showing positive and you're enjoying your BD marathon!

PS just thought that maybe all this EWCM is from the estrogen pills I'm taking. Bloody hormones!
Welcome puppylove! As the others have mentioned, I also had random CM my first "cycle" off BCP. There were a few days of EWCM etc spread throughout the cycle. It's all your body getting used to its own hormones again :)

Webby sorry to hear hubby isn't feeling well. It definitely sounds like you O'd tho with all that CM!! What CD do you think O was?

I'm still doing OPK, doing them every time I wee now! Which is a lot as I'm trying to drink lots of water for good CM haha. I was doing the old school dip sticks before but started with the digital OPK today and that was negative :( I'm on CD12 so O could still be a few days away yet, I suppose it's still quite early. For the first time this cycle I had some light CM today so looking promising. I'm just not a patient person!!

Alexanne that sounds like AF to me! As Webby mentioned, my doctor also told me that spotting should be considered AF. I was told mine could be very light so count spotting as CD1. Fingers crossed for you!!
Don't worry k8nz - I'm confident your OPK will come. Good call on taking more tests - my surge came near midnight on day 15. We had been playing games at a friends house and if it weren't for that, I would have missed my surge because the test was negative the next day! I usually go to bed a lot earlier! Also, don't panic if you don't get a positive OPK - it doesn't mean you haven't ovulated. It means you missed your surge.

Based on my temperature, I'm hoping I ovulated on day 16. However, my mucus signs suggest day 17. I'm hoping it was day 16 intercourse wise. However, I'm also aware that I'm taking estrogen pills which produce fertile fluid (so maybe I'll keep getting fertile cm just to confuse me) and progesterone pills which make your bbt rise - so there will be no guarantee until I get my blood results next week!

Looks like your in your fertile time k8nz - enjoy!! Xx
Quick update: AF came back in full force this morning. Cramps, bloating, etc. Called the doctor's office and was told to count today as CD1 so I have an appointment for testing Friday morning. So nervous! I didn't ask what all the tests were (I'll need to do some research), but I'm assuming they'll have to draw blood. :( But hopefully if something is wrong with me they can figure it out!
I'm glad proper AF has showed. Hope it's not too crampy for you. They'll probably take blood tests - I think they tested my hormone balance, thyroid BD something to do with breast milk?! It will help them narrow down of anything is wrong. Did they say if they'll do an ultrasound? Make sure you're heard and are able to say everything that you want to say xx
Alexanne it's a good sign that AF showed! Hopefully it isn't too intense for you. Yup, I second what Webby said, especially the part about making sure you're heard! My first tests were bloods - they checked hormones, thyroid, and I suppose other things. Tbh another doctor told me that bloods don't actually show much fertility wise unless something is off - for me personally my bloods came back normal but it was later discovered I have PCOS so who knows! Having said that, it's a good sign that they're testing in the first place.. I would just try get an ultrasound/ internal scan :)

Good news ladies.. I had a positive OPK this morning! Poor husband had to do the deed before he was barely awake haha. I'm a bit confused tho.. the positive one was with my digital tester but the "manual" one didn't look positive, so who knows?! The digital one tests for estrogen and an LH surge so I'm thinking it's an estrogen surge before LH spike that it's picked up on.

Honestly I can't believe how complex this can all be - there's always at least 3 different explanations for things! ugghhh
Yay k8nz!! It's so exciting to receive that smiley face! Enjoy your baby making time! Xx
When both of you went in for testing the first time, did your SO go with you? I'm having my DH come with as I'm nervous. I can sit for hours while getting a tattoo but for some reason I can't handle getting blood drawn :P
I went on my own but hubby has offered to come if I ever want him, though, I know he probably wouldn't enjoy it. Especially the ultrasound part! You do whatever makes
you most comfortable. The bonus part of DH going with you means he can get all the info first hand alongside you. When I relay things to hubby, I don't think he fully gets how much needs to happen in order to conceive and them implant to become pregnant. Hehe x
I went on my own, hubby isn't great with doctors and he hates blood tests more than me so he wouldn't be much use! haha

Webby I so appreciate what you mean re DH not fully getting it! I swear I tell mine everything that needs to happen and he doesn't seem to appreciate that it's not as easy as doing the deed! I think he thinks it's normal to need to take drugs for the process to. I suppose he doesn't know any better but it has annoyed me at times!
Yeh it's a tricky one to get right - if you give them too much information then it almost turns them off because it makes it too much scientific and they don't actually want all that info on how the female reproductive system works but then if you don't tell them enough, you can't assume they'll know stuff - stuff like the spermies having to be there BEFORE you ovulate lol. Us poor women!

Feeling a bit low tonight- thinking I ovulated a day later than I originally thought and am worried that we didn't get BD in that day cos my hubby's auto immune disease flared up and he was in too much pain. We both had a bit of a heart to heart tonight both being a bit sad that neither of our bodies will function how we want them too! At least we've got each other. And even if this cycle doesn't result in a BFP, hopefully it will show that I ovulated so at least I know it will work for next time. Though, to be honest I'm not enjoying all these vagina pills, even with the amusing blue cm hehe.

How's it all going k8nz - you feeling okay? Are you still doing OPKs after you positive? I did mine for a couple of days afterwards just to make sure.

Alexanne, when do you go for you appointment? X
I have to be quick as I'm leaving town and won't have access to internet for a few days. They only did a blood test. Hopefully my doctor will call me Monday and let me know the results and the next step.

I will post a better response once I get back and have time to read the above posts. Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!
Ok I'm back. DH is running late so I have a few minutes. He went with me to my appointment and held my hand while getting my blood drawn. It was pretty quick and I guess it wasn't that bad so next time I should be able to handle it myself. :P We also dropped off DH's sample for his testing as well.

I prefer my DH to come to these first few appointments so we're on the same page and can remember everything better. He doesn't mind. Both of us are learning about this whole process and whatever I read or learn I tell him, gross parts and all! :P He's wanted kids for years so he doesn't mind all the info I've been telling him about how our bodies work thankfully. He tells me often how thankful he is that he's a guy!

Sorry to hear that your DH is having a hard time understanding this process k8nz. Sounds like he needs to do some research! If he can't even handle being there while you get a blood test, how is he going to handle when you're in labor? :P I told my hubby that he'll be standing by my head and not looking down there! lol!

So sorry Webby that everything isn't lining up for you. It's so tough not knowing for sure. I'm glad you and your DH can talk about everything and strengthen your bond. Now that you're in the TWW maybe you can find projects/hobbies to keep you occupied? I hope I don't have to do the vagina pill thing but if it works, it'll be worth it right?

Well I have to go. Have a great weekend and I'll take to you gals in a few days. :D
Thanks Alexanne - hope you have a good time away! Glad your appointment went well. Hoping things can move forward now :) xx
Alexanne it sounds like your appointment went well, hopefully the bloods return normal! If they do, maybe ask for an internal scan? Your DH sounds just lovely! What a guy.

So today is CD15 and I got my "peak" positive OPK this afternoon! I'm so confused tho as I haven't had a positive with wondfo tests so unsure which to go off? I started researching and have heard you can get false positives with the digital OPKs, but trying to be positive this hasn't happened to me as its around the right time of my cycle and my cervix is quite soft. I haven't had much CM tho, except for when I check *tmi*

Anyway DH have been BD every day (sometimes twice a day!) for a few days now and will continue to do so for another 2 days, so fingers crossed!

Webby when you got a positive OPK was it from a digital one or other?
I used a digital. If your cervix is soft as well, then that sounds about right. Clomid can make you cm a little less (the only reason I had some was because of the pills) so make sure you stay super hydrated. Sounds like your getting loads of action in - Woop Woop!! Xx

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