expressing help (avent comfort electric pump)


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Hello everyone, so some of u may have seen my re lactation journal post but here is my question. I first started with a medala mini electric my sis gave me but it broke down, it doesn't have any buttons to change suction etc on it but just before it broke I had got a little milk flow though not enough to go in the bottle now I have the avent comfort electric one that has 4 buttons and iv always turned it on then pressed the biggest suction button and all I ever get is a lititle milk on end of nipped that doesn't drip or anything. Tonight I was googling the pump to see if u could get different cushions for it incase that was the problem. Upon reading the description I saw how it said it always powers on and automatically goes onto the lowest suction one (the two water drops button) so now I'm wandering if I'm using it wrong and shouldn't be pressing the high one straight away? on you tube people say it's the let down button so should I be starting with this and if so for how long? Sorry if I sound stupid it's my first time using electric pumps

Thanks in advance
I have the medela pump in style, which seems to be a little different than yours. It starts with the lowest suction and has one button that you press when you have your first let down.

My understanding is that it starts off with a quick and light suction to simulate an infant sucking when they are extremely hungry at first, and then once you have your let down, it switches to the slower, more powerful mode. I think it is best to start off slow and work your way up instead of starting with the most powerful suction.

In the case of the medela, there is a button that you press to switch the suction mode. The instruction booklet says that you can either press it once you have your let down, or it will automatically change after two minutes. There is a knob that increases the suction, but I personally only make it higher after my first let down.

I hope that made sense!
Oh, one more thing. When I very first started to pump in the hospital, I put it to the highest setting because I was only getting a tiny tiny bit and thought that a higher suction meant more milk. I was wrong! Within a day or two, I started getting blisters on my nipples and they were so painful, and I did not yield more milk that way. Even now, I have been pumping for over nine weeks and can only turn the power knob halfway. So, only do what you feel comfortable with, and turn it down if it becomes painful or if you get blisters.
That does make sence and does mean iv been using it wrong so I will try leaving it on let down mode from start now and see what happens :) I'm waiting on a double pump and Cant wait to get it
Good luck! A double pump will make your life so much easier.
Hello! I have been going through the same thing. I have a double avent pump. I have been struggling pumping. My son is 8 months and when I use the pump I see little drops of milk and that is it. I did switched to a medula hand pump because there was only drops from the electric one. Now I want to use my electric pump again because it is faster. I have slowed down in pumping because I just been sooo tired. I know this may have something to do with this.

Have you received your double pump yet? If so how are you doing with it??
Hi, yes got my double pump yesterday and I'm not getting on well with it at the moment pretty sure it's losing suction some where as its not very powerful and struggle getting it to even suck sometimes. My sister Is gonna come have a look for me tomorrow so will see what happens. I got the ameda lactaline and Thats suppose to be hospital grade pump and yet doesn't seem it so we will see. Did ur hand pump get any more than drops?
I'm sorry that you are going through this even with the new pump. Hopefully, your sister can find out what is going on. The Medula pump did get some milk but the milk was still coming out in drops. I still can't get up to 1 oz and that I spumping both breasts. :growlmad: Tomorrow I will start pumping every 2 hours, it is hard since I have 3 kiddies. Well at least 2 of my daughters are school age. Hopefully I can pump every 2 hours all this week. I will let you know if it helps. I just don't want to give up....
Yea I know what you mean it is so stressful that a few times iv wanted to give up as I can't get it right lol but I'm still trying and I'm sure in time we will figure it. Are u relactating to or just building a supply? I would defo appreciate knowing if it's helped and I will let u know how it goes with the new pump :)
Yes I am relactating. I only stopped for about 3 weeks. My asthma was acting up and I was on antibiotics. I would appreciate you telling me if your pumped worked. We will figure this out somehow.:winkwink: We will not give up!!
I do see a difference but I am struggling to keep at every 2 hours. This week I will try my hardest to keep at it. It is hard to keep at it every 2 hours since there is nothing coming out since I already pumped 2 hours ago. How is your electric pump working for you? Any results??
No but like u im struggling to do it every 2hours I just feel like it's going to fail :-( I am however going to try a lansinoh pump lol
I'm rooting for you, ladies. Pumping is so hard. I wish more than anything that my baby would feed from me so I could stop. Are either of you pumping at night?
I would recommend pumping more often at night, if you're not too exhausted. Milk production is increased at that time compared to during the day. :) I try to pump once at midnight, again around 3 or 4 am, and the again around 7 or 8 when my baby wakes for the day.
I'm guessing your baby sleeps through the night then? I really need one them hands free pumping bras I think it would be much easier then as it can be hard trying to feed him and pump especially with a 5year old aswell lol
Well, the weird thing is that he only just started sleeping better literally three nights ago. Since his birth, he would be up every hour and a half to three hours at night. I figured since I was already awake, I should pump. But three nights ago, it was like a switch flipped in his little head! He has slept for a straight six hours, woken to eat, and gone straight back to sleep. I'm hoping this is not just a fluke lol. But my body automatically wakes anyway around those times, so I am still getting up. The times that he would wake back up and cry when I pumped, I would make my hubby get up with him, and then I would take over once I was done. I hear the hands-free bras are helpful. How often is your baby waking? Does your 5 year old sleep through?
Yep 5yr old sleeps through she Has done since I can remember she would only wake once in the night this little monkey on the other hand doesn't he wakes every 3hours think he has it wrong cause around about 1pm he will go sleep n not wake for ages lol I got an ameda lactaline and I'm struggling with it and I can't work out why it's very annoying I have one thing left that I can think of and Thats if the standard flange on them all is too small. Sometimes it seems to suck one side more than the other and sometimes it hurts. Iv just bought a lansinoh when it arrives and have had to email them because I can't seem to buy their large flange in UK and can't find anyone who ships to :-(
That's probably where I went wrong by not pumping at night. I just be sooo tired. I will start pumping at night and in the middle of the night again. My son wakes up in the middle of the night since he is hungry and then he wants to play. Lol!! In an few hours I have to get up to get my DD's ready for school and help my husband ready for work since he is always rushing and forgetting things.

I had to buy a bigger flange since it was too small also. How is everything going for you? Any increase in milk yet? I am going to use my electric pump for about 20 minutes on one breast to see if I get any out. I will let you know if I do. If I do not get any out, I will just go back using the manual medela pump.

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