

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Does anyone know what the normal amount is you can express/get out of the breast at this stage?

Adam is 4 days old

Layla TBH I personally wouldn't be expressing at this stage. Your milk may have only just got in, and Adam will be telling your body how much he needs. Expressing interferes with this and could lead to over production and engorgement. I do know some people express early and are fine but unless there is any real reason too I would just let baby lead the way till about 6 weeks (4 weeks minimum)

If you do decide to express, there isn't a "normal" amount. Some women can produce loads, others (like me) barely get a dribble out. I found that expressing whilst baby is feeding on the other helped me to get some out, also early morning is a good time as overnight your prolactin levels are at their highest which helps to get your milk supply sorted (a reason why night feeds are very important)

this has some good links on it
ah, wish i had posted before i expressed now lol

I did express, my nipple and boob has become very sore and its bleeding very slightly, Adam feeds every hour or so and sometimes every 20 mins so i couldnt keep up with it, plus yesterday he was given 2 bottles while i was in hospital so he then found it hard to feed right from me.

I expressed for 5 mins and got 4oz (2oz from each side) my plan now is to carry on expressing and feeding Adam through a bottle, then Jase can help out too as im completely shattered. Im going to express every 4 hours and hope for the best, got to admit, my boobs do feel very heavy and full since i started expressing but hopfuly if i keep on top of it then i wont get engorged?

Feel shit for having to stop feeding Adam myself, i really wanted to make ago of feeding this time round, but for the sake of my other children i have to stop, im a walking zombie and i miss Coby so much, i havent been able to spend anytime with him coz Adam is feeding on me so often. At least now i can play with Coby while Jase does a few feeds.

Fingers crossed it works out this way for me but if it doesnt then i tried. Hats off to all you girls who can feed yourselfs and stick to it, its so hard and with other children too, i admire you

what a fab night!!

I expressed enough to go over night and this morning i got another 4oz, i was worried that i would be in paint his mroning but my boobs felt fine, going to keep on expressing 4oz every 4 hours.

Jase did 2 feeds and i did 2 feeds, woke up this morning feeling great, its bliss!

hi layla im also doing the same as u expressing then putting in bottle as aynjel didnt take to breast too well after having couple bottles in hosi she only has bout 2-3oz every 3 hrs at the most
great! i have an expresing buddy, hehe:D

How are you finding it? can we compare notes? im manageing to get 4oz every 4 hours, so far its enough for Coby but i know sooner or later it wont be as he will get hungrier, how does it work, any ideas? will my milk auto increase or will i have to express more often to make that happen.
At the mo i am expressing 5 mins on each breast and getting 2oz from each side.

My right side seems alot easier to express than my left for some reason, is that normal or should i keep an eye on it? mind you, the left side is the one thats cracked from when Coby was feeding from me, its still healing.

Sorry to overload you with all the questions lol

great! i have an expresing buddy, hehe:D

How are you finding it? can we compare notes? im manageing to get 4oz every 4 hours, so far its enough for Coby but i know sooner or later it wont be as he will get hungrier, how does it work, any ideas? will my milk auto increase or will i have to express more often to make that happen.
At the mo i am expressing 5 mins on each breast and getting 2oz from each side.

My right side seems alot easier to express than my left for some reason, is that normal or should i keep an eye on it? mind you, the left side is the one thats cracked from when Coby was feeding from me, its still healing.

Sorry to overload you with all the questions lol


My right side produces more milk than my left and is also the easiest to feed from and Alex's fave side.

You will have to pump more often to increase your supply as it won't increase by itself, hence growth spurts (when LO feeds loads to boost your supply).
lol the more u express the more u make u can stick to certain times to express i seem to get more when i do it in the mornings then get couple ounces throughout the day every 2 hrs say
thanks girls,

i expressed at 8 this morning and got 4oz, expressing now and have got 5oz so im guesing thats good?

seeing my MW on thursday for Adams first weigh in so i will talk to her about it then aswell

Woke up today and my boobs were huge! Jase loves it lol

Got 6 and a half today but i think thats a one off coz i slept all night

got another question..

Can i put all the milk in the same bottle for storage or do i have to keep doing it separet like im doing now, im running out of bottles lol

So if i express 5oz in the morning and then another 5oz 4 hours later, i can i put that in with the mornings bottle (in the fridge) or do i need to put that in a new bottle untill its you get what i mean?


You can add expressed milk to chilled expressed milk over a 24 hour period :)
got another question..

Can i put all the milk in the same bottle for storage or do i have to keep doing it separet like im doing now, im running out of bottles lol

So if i express 5oz in the morning and then another 5oz 4 hours later, i can i put that in with the mornings bottle (in the fridge) or do i need to put that in a new bottle untill its you get what i mean?



ive been doing mine separate and putting some in breast milk freezer bags and freezing it
I just spoke to my MW, she says the amount im getting is great and has advised me to express twice in the morning to compensate for not feeding over night, so i express at 7 and then again at 9, then every 3 hours from there.

Just had Adam weighed for the first time, He was 8lbs 9 and a half oz when he was born, and now today he is 9lbs 3oz! Im thrilled!!!, means im doing this expressing thing right :D :D

Great news on the gain Layla! So does Adam sleep through?
lol i wish, no he feeds every 2 hours in the night

So does he have what you express in the day at night? I can't believe you don't need to express at night, my boobs were like footballs if either of them slept for very long. It wasn't as bad with Alex as it was with Ella though, I used to have to sleep on towels when she started sleeping through lol.

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