First time posting here.
I have Pcos, yet was able to naturally concieve 2 kids...
Now that the young one is 2.10 we are trying for number 3.
On may 28 i had a miscarriage (chemical). Ive been tracking ovulation and got a positive ovulation result on the 23rd this month. Probably ovulated on the 24th or 25th. Had a blood test for hcg yesterday morning that came back negative (under 5ml) that would be around 8-9 dpo.
Took an hpt today and got a faint positive straight away... but why would the blood test from yestrrday be negative? Scared of another chemical
I have Pcos, yet was able to naturally concieve 2 kids...
Now that the young one is 2.10 we are trying for number 3.
On may 28 i had a miscarriage (chemical). Ive been tracking ovulation and got a positive ovulation result on the 23rd this month. Probably ovulated on the 24th or 25th. Had a blood test for hcg yesterday morning that came back negative (under 5ml) that would be around 8-9 dpo.
Took an hpt today and got a faint positive straight away... but why would the blood test from yestrrday be negative? Scared of another chemical