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FatBuster 2011 Thread. Roll On In...

eurgh ive used it a few times - did 20mins last night. Im looking at it now and thinking i should but sitting on my bum watching eastenders is more tempting!xx

Cant you do both?
Thats what i do, takes me mind off my sore butt x
when i used to go to the gym, i found going on the bike made me go for longer :) x
Well done on your losses everyone :happydance:

I put on a pound this week grrr :( I'm not surprised as had bit of a shitty weekend food wise and have just come on too.

Oh well, fingers crossed for a better result next week!!

yesterday did good had 29points plus 4 extra so still got 35weekly to last til monday, went on scales this morning sneaky and iv lost 2lbs! made me more motivated to not eat crap at weekend cus i want it to stay off for weigh in!

my bike has just come so gunna try put it up in a minute and have a go lol x
i built the bike but jesse snapped the sensor when i was building it :dohh: gunna try get OH to fix it when he gets home, i just timed on my phone did 30mins started off lowest intensity and cranked it up every 5minutes, til it was on highest, quite proud i managed it okay cus i never excercise at all apart from wii fit once in a blue moon but want to get into it regularly now x
i built the bike but jesse snapped the sensor when i was building it :dohh: gunna try get OH to fix it when he gets home, i just timed on my phone did 30mins started off lowest intensity and cranked it up every 5minutes, til it was on highest, quite proud i managed it okay cus i never excercise at all apart from wii fit once in a blue moon but want to get into it regularly now x

:thumbup:well done you x
Bluebell be af fault. :)

Well done booth.

I did day.3 of shred, I'm still sorw though.
Had scone this morning, heaven.

Having tuna steak veg and mash for tea.
had 9 points so far, big bowl fruit and yoghurt for breakfast and a turkey subway for lunch, still got 20 points to use up cant decide what to have x
has anyone ever tried using orlistat?? my dr has prescribed them to me, i know you can get leaky with them (TMI sorry) they are similar to alli but double the strength. just wondering if anyone has lost anything with these???

i wouldnt take diet pills just seem a quick fix to me and bad for your body, healthy eating and excercise is the only way to go if you want to keep it off! :)
i used fat buster tablets before i had ava, i really liked them and they seemed to really work. and they are all natural! :)
Youve got your metabolism in my eyes thats all you need :)

I was planning on weighing in tomoorow but need new battery

even though i didnt loose any new lb last month, see ive toned up, pic update on my journal.
Tonight I tried on a new dress I brought on the weekend. It's from Next in a size 14 and it was too tight :cry: All my other clothes from Next are size 12-14 and they fit so I am guessing the dress is smaller than a standard size 14 but still it has made me feel rubbish. I now need to go shopping on Saturday and I am dreading it. I hate trying on clothes :growlmad:
I know im steadily losing weight but i dont feel or look anmy different!! lol xx
I know im steadily losing weight but i dont feel or look anmy different!! lol xx

Me too, I have lost half a stone and clothes feel no different yet. I can see in my face I have lost weight but that's it xx
it took a long time for me to notice a difference in myself even though other people noticed, i only noticed when looking at pics of when jesse was newborn to now, ill find some examples, x
this is me december 09 just before we started fat busters - weighed 16st

this is november 10 nearly a year later weighed 13st 7lbs

this is last week at 13st 11lbs

so can definatly tell a difference x
yesterday used 29points plus had 4points as a treat out of weeklys i had 2ww cake bars, so got 31weekly points left now for today sat and sunday not bad at all,
did 30mins on bike yesterday gunna do the same again today

were having pizza and chips for tea tonight, treat night but still in my points, and doing it on friday so got saturday and sunday to eat light for weigh in on monday :) x
Wow you can really see a difference in your pics Booth. Well done you. I really like your dress in the last pic too :thumbup:

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