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FatBuster 2011 Thread. Roll On In...

well done on losses!

i was really bad last night and ate dominos pizza! ¬_¬ put 3/4 lb on this morning so abit gutted, hoping to get it off again by monday!
Well done on losses girls! I had a bad day and ate chilli, cheese and some cake :( been good last few days and just needed something nice today still hoping to have lost 2 pound this week. xx
hi ladies im back...
missed WI on sat as i was away for the week and had one too many treats. Im back this week and back to WI's on saturday.
Back eating healthy and going mad on the exercise bike lol going swimming 2moro.

hope everyone is ok :D xx
Hello Ladies,

Hope you are all well. I am now back after 5 days of eating rubbish. I had chippy twice, harvester, wine, chocolate, cake the list goes on... I feel absolutely rubbish, very bloated and very mad with myself for losing track. I didn't weigh myself yesterday, too scared of seeing the damage so will weigh again next Monday.

4lbs lost this week. Makes a change to my 1lb a week loss. Plus, I've eaten alot more this week and changed my overall diet. Go me :happydance:
Start weight: 10stone 12lbs
Goal weight 10stone exactly

Does anyone think the workout DVD's are any good?

Definitely. I've lost 15lbs so far doing the WOW (Weight Off Workout) by Vicky Entwhistle (Corrie's Janice).

I'll join! :thumbup:

Starting Weight: 12st 10lb
Current Weight: 11st 9lb
Target Weight: 9st!

Keep up the great work ladies!
Start weight: 10stone 12lbs
Goal weight 10stone exactly

Does anyone think the workout DVD's are any good?

Definitely. I've lost 15lbs so far doing the WOW (Weight Off Workout) by Vicky Entwhistle (Corrie's Janice).

I'll join! :thumbup:

Starting Weight: 12st 10lb
Current Weight: 11st 9lb
Target Weight: 9st!

Keep up the great work ladies!

Hey hun! Well done :happydance:

I've been doing the 30 day shred DVD :D
4lbs lost this week. Makes a change to my 1lb a week loss. Plus, I've eaten alot more this week and changed my overall diet. Go me :happydance:

well done :happydance:

Start weight: 10stone 12lbs
Goal weight 10stone exactly

Does anyone think the workout DVD's are any good?

Definitely. I've lost 15lbs so far doing the WOW (Weight Off Workout) by Vicky Entwhistle (Corrie's Janice).

I'll join! :thumbup:

Starting Weight: 12st 10lb
Current Weight: 11st 9lb
Target Weight: 9st!

Keep up the great work ladies!

we way the same ... race you :winkwink:

Hi ladies,
Back on the diet although i did have a couple of choccie biccies earlier :shrug: just done half an hour on my bike and i really went for it, my bum cheeks are now twitching :blush:
determined to lose weight this week after my pigout last week :growlmad:

Ive ordered myself some new clothes as a pat on the back :flower:

hows everyone doing? whats average days food for you ladies? what do you drink, tea/coffee/fizzy juice/diluting juice/water?xx
4lbs lost this week. Makes a change to my 1lb a week loss. Plus, I've eaten alot more this week and changed my overall diet. Go me :happydance:

well done :happydance:

Start weight: 10stone 12lbs
Goal weight 10stone exactly

Does anyone think the workout DVD's are any good?

Definitely. I've lost 15lbs so far doing the WOW (Weight Off Workout) by Vicky Entwhistle (Corrie's Janice).

I'll join! :thumbup:

Starting Weight: 12st 10lb
Current Weight: 11st 9lb
Target Weight: 9st!

Keep up the great work ladies!

we way the same ... race you :winkwink:

Hi ladies,
Back on the diet although i did have a couple of choccie biccies earlier :shrug: just done half an hour on my bike and i really went for it, my bum cheeks are now twitching :blush:
determined to lose weight this week after my pigout last week :growlmad:

Ive ordered myself some new clothes as a pat on the back :flower:

hows everyone doing? whats average days food for you ladies? what do you drink, tea/coffee/fizzy juice/diluting juice/water?xx

Well for me today, this is what I had:

Breakfast: Protein pancake & orange juice with ground flaxseed
Snack: Carrot & Pepper slices with 1tsp houmous dip
Lunch: Mackeral fillet, sweet potato and sweetcorn
Snack: Banana
Dinner: Grilled chicken, romain lettuce and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar

No fizzy drinks. Just been having lots of water, 1 cup of tea in the morning and a glass of squeezed juice with my breakfast.

p.s. if i can lose 3lbs this week i will have lost a stone!! woop woop xx
Lost one pound in the first week of my challenge... I'm on track for this week as well, food wise. wish I was doing a bit better... I'm usually 200-400 cals short for the day, which still means I'll lose weight gradually... anyway. It's hard to cut calories when I work so much. I really need my energy *sigh*
Starting the morning off good, home made oatmeal with blue berries, flaxseeds, milk, brown sugar and a dollop of yoghurt with a nice cup of tea. Made veggie beef stew last night, turned out great too! Hope to hit the gym today. Weighing in on Monday eek!
lost 2lbs this week :D that means if i can lose 1lb this coming week i can say bye bye to a stone, bit disappointed i didnt make it this week but considering ive been quite lazy 2lbs is still amazing :D

Hannah how was your WI? xxx
I stayed the same this week boooo :( but I suppose that isn't too bad as I had quite a few treats this week especially as DH bought me a big fat box of my favourite chocs for Valentine's day
hi girls iv had a bad week this week lots of takeaways and naughty stuff i just weighed in though and sts 13st 7lbs so not too bad, will be back on it on monday, i bought my wii yeserday so got wii fit and just dance2 plus excercise bike so hoping that is going to make a nice difference in my losses! xx
Hey girls well done on all the losses....:D
I started going to Zumba...omg what a great workout love it :thumbup: and I go to the gym now twice per week
I am low carb'ing at the mo just because I want to be 2st down for my hols in June....hope I make it :D
oo i forgot to add i bought a pair of size 14 super skinny jeans yesterday and they fitted! i could get them up easily without even undoing the button! iv been wearing size 16jeans for ages and they are literally falling down now but i didnt dare to get a 14 incase they didnt fit! i was soo happy that they did and i have room to spare! a few more weeks and ill be buying a 12 hopefully! :D

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