Hi ladies...
Wow it's busy in here at the moment! Just taken me a while to catch up on a couple of days posts.
To update my symptoms:
- Sudden tiredness is hitting about 7:30pm, meaning I'm falling asleep relatively early (for me anyway) at about 10pm-ish.
- Boobs have turned mega painful. They were just giving me shooting pains every now and again, but over the last couple of days, the sports bra has been out to 'hold me in'.
- My dull twingy cramps (first noticed last week) stopped and now I have quite sharp twingy pains on the RH side only. Am hoping it's still just stretching, but it may be related to a cyst I have on my ovary. (More details in my TTC diary for those who may be interested.)
Like Glitterbug and Tansey, I'm also holding off until a bit later to notify the doctor due to an early MC last time around. We're umming and arring about whether to have a private early scan or not. Obviously seeing baby would be mega reassuring, but in the same vein, even if an early scan showed good results, something could still happen before the end of First Tri...so we're maybe thinking that as long as I don't have any unexplained bleeding etc, we'll wait until our NHS 12 week scan.
Finally 2 girlies and Samzi, CONGRATULATIONS! I don't think you'd made your way over here last time I posted so just thought I'd say hello...
Lots of sticky dust to all....