hello everyone
Samzi, I'm so sorry, you must be so worried. I've read though that bleeding without horrible cramps is usually nothing to worry about and common. I hope it stops today.
mummysuzie, I can understand you worry about swineflu too, but thankfully, you will be away soon, lucky you
hayley, congratulations, it is so nice to have it confirm in writing isn't.
Tansey, hope you sleep ok away and don't let the cat out

Have you started suffering from nausea?
The only real symptom for me is sore boobs. I did have a little bit of nausea yesterday morning, but not sure I would have paid attention to it if I didn't know I was pg. I suffered from that desperate need to sleep too, but the cramps have lessened now and if I stop analysing everything, I don't really feel pg.
Am I the only early tester who wished she hadn't

I tested at 9dpo, exactly a week ago. So much seems to have happened already in my head, and it doesn't feel right that today, I am only 2 days after the witch was due. With my first, I didn't find out until I was a week late, so almost 2 weeks later...
I too think I am going to go for an early scan at 8weeks. Does anyone know how much they are approximately? With my first, I poas once, and didn't think for a second that something could go wrong, didn't have my first scan until I was almost 16 weeks (cause not even registered with GP!). Second, I poas twice, and was a bit wary, but the weeks went by quite fast and I was happy to wait for the 12 weeks scan. This time, I poas 8 times already!!!, and don't think I will be able to wait until 12 weeks.
One question, has anyone had a digi result that put them ahead of their dates? I was surprised to come up with a very dark line (as dark as test) on frer at 9do after about 5 wees, and when I did digi test at 13dpo, it came up at 2-3 weeks... I am absolutely certain of my dates (used cbfm and temped).
As for not telling people...I am not doing well.... I told my mum and was going to leave it to that until first scan...but then my best friend who had a baby last summer and moved away emailed me and asked me something about it and I couldn't resist. Then yesterday, I was talking to my neighbour, and she told me that she was awaiting a call from her daughter (who I get along great with) as she was a 1 week late and thought she could be pregnant...it all came out before I could stop myself
Have a great week-end everyone, and really hope all will be fine for you samzi