I havent been there! I really want to go!
Just been out on lunch and have bought Angel a memory box, well not an offical one, its a big round me to you bear pink box

In my aviator, I have what I have up in the lounge, and althoguh I dont want to forget about her, I do want to put it in a box, that I can just go to

I can put the flower and photo frame in there, her scan photos, the bear we bought her, and the little stocking that we bought her last xmas. I also bought her a russian dolls set (each pressie was bought to mark each happy scan) and I dont know wheather to put this in the box as well, or keep out for this LO?
I will put a little top we bought for her away in it too.
I did buy other items when I was pregnant with Angel, but as they are more neautual, I dont feel as much of a connection of them for Angel as I do with certain items.