Hi angela
How do you know it is a boy, do tell!!
You guys are amazing -- I am WAY behind!
I know because I have a CVS test -- where they go in and take a "chorionic villus sample" (a little sample of the placenta). I wanted to have this done because I am older than many of you, and just need to be able to know about any chromosome "variations".

All is good with the test -- next up will be a 20 week level 2 U/S, and also a cardiac echo-cardiogram. All precautionary.
The CVS was unpleasant, but not terribly so. They inserted a hollow needle through my abdomen, into the uterus, and got to the placenta. They did an U/S simultaneously, so they could get to the right spot. Quite a technology!
I need to catch up on reading this thread!