
Hope your all well

Sorry I wasnt very talkative on Friday :sad:
Im ok and back to normal now lol.
Hope you all had a lovely weekend- God it was meant to be 24 degrees yesterday! I think not! Lol
Whoooo5 days until my gender scan!! Finally!
I had to send back my rented Hi-Beb Doppler on Friday as I have ordered one to keep!

But for now I only have my angel sounds and its not as clear on my fatty boom boom tum lol, but I did catch babys HB for a few seconds yesterday so put my mind at rest again

I ahd another scan gender dream last night! They told me it was a girl as I was saying to OH, look there is her Minnie you can see its a girl! Lol
And he was saying no, thats not clear, its a boy, so I said no look at her bum, can you see little balls? No yu cant- its a girl lmao

Also in my dream, I said look, you can see her hair!
I have been so naughty all weekend, drinking pop

lol and eating crappy food- chips, pizza, although I did have some veg on Sat night
I have uploaded pics from 14+5 and today 16+5, can you see a difference?
Im going to do a guess the gender thread too lol.
Whoooo Samzi! Cant wait for scan piccys!
Hayley- Lovely looking buggy!
Random- yay the scan in near enough finally here!
Aimee- oooooh I cant wait!!!

lol I am getting all excited as most of us will know what we are having this week!
And Yes think il be having an Epi! Although, does it make you feel out of it?
MS- Work! Boring boring work

First 14+5
second 16+5