Morning girls
Random- sorry I didnt reply to your post last night

sorry to hear about your dad- he reminds me of a bouncer I once knew!
Newcastle will be fine

I will just get a train up there, probably cheaper then driving? maybe we could do the first weekend in December? Saturday the 5th? I will try and get a half day on the Friday so i can come up the night before or something
Yay for the new car Amy

We have sold OH's beautiful car, its going tonight

But its ok, because we are getting a more friendly family one that I can drive so when little one comes along, its safer then my little thin piece of metal car! and OH is going to get a van

Oh yes I saw your photos of charlei! OMG cute!!! I remember when my mums 3 kittens where that small they were so cute! Now they are massieve! its funny to think they were that tiny!
That reminds, yesterday i bought a couple of bits for Max (we were thinking about calling him maxwell as a full name

) and I bought him a few baby grows- and I said to OH just think, you were once that tiny too

you wouldnt think to look at him now lol.
Yes we should deffo meet up again once LO's are here, we could do a yearly meet or something

would be great.

We have missed you! Whoooo not long until your scan

I bet now because our scan dates have passed it will drag, unless we all have private scans, Im hoping to have one around 28 weeks, maybe end of November
Hey 2girlies- Me too- thats why I may take the train

I was thinking it would be cheaper then petrol?
And if we booked a travel lodge 30 days in advance, the rooms are usually cheaper too
Hi Blackrose and welcome
Yay 21 weeks BW- 3 more weeks then you will be viable!!!
I was reading the pregnancy & birth mag last night and tehy said that babies who are born breathing at 22-26 weeks now have a 70% chance of survival, thats fantastic

it has risen so much now and so much has changed.
My Nan had a little boy born at 25 weeks, and if it was in this day & age, he probably would have survived
So it just goes to show how far science has now come

Especially as they say babys do no open there eyes in the womb until 26-27 weeks xxxxx