So I am back from my scan. I hardly got to see anything as she kept turning it away from me! my sister came though and she saw loads and absolutely loved it! I did get to see them waving their legs around and arms, really going for it bless, no wonder ive had trouble sleeping and peeing constantly this week! hehe.
Baby was in the same position as last time so still couldnt check the heart properly, she said she did get quite a good view though and didnt see anything to worry about although she hasnt seen it as much as she would like. The baby did flash her a smile though so she checked the face and said everything was ok with this.
She told me I have a synechia band attached to a low lying placenta. Didnt explain what it was even though I asked her quite a few times so I googled it and now I am really worried! It says its linked to miscarriages and sometimes can stunt the babies development. But then I think they would of picked up on this in the last 3 scans I have had?
I have to go back at 36 weeks for them to check it, but I am worried now. I am thinking of bringing my midwife appointment forward a bit so I can discuss with them, what do you girlies think?