Morning girls-
2girlies, sorry about the bleed hun

But YAY and Congrats on your little girl! Loving the piccys
I still cant feel Max at all!

hmmpff lol
I even shone a torch on my belly, but nope, nada! lol
MS- Love the name
Welcome Vinnypeanut
We have decided on (although probably change our mind lol) Ok, dont laugh girls, because he will have 3, yes 3 middle names
Max Stanley Ross Shaun (surname) (for the girls that know it, it really rhymes lol, dont want to say it on here incase psyco ever sees lol)
Max- first name
Stanley- after OH's dear grandad
Ross- OH's middle name
Shaun- my Dad
I know its so many, but we couldnt decide on one and I reallly want our first son to have my dads & OH's name in it, but OH's grandad meant so much to him we wanted this too
What do you girls think?
Oh and we got a new car on the weekend yay its lovely- an ex undercover police car! oooh! lol So I can have that once OH gets his van