I know, sometimes I cant be ar*ed to reply, but sometimes, when im feeling hormonal I need to have a little let out lol, just some people are so oblivious to the meaning of the scans.
I still have felt nothing!! But whooo im 20 weeks today, and tomorrow, in 1 yr, il be getting married! lol
Thanks marie
I have got an anterior high placenta, but im wondering if it has moved low

to block any movement at all?
I have been getting some cramps last night and this morning, but nothing else.
Still listening to little man every night on the doppler, and last night he had his back to my tummy, so it was really faint, so I jiggled a little

and he turned over and we got a much clearer heartbeat
I still lok fat lol, well personally I feel like I have lost weight, as in my belly feels lights and I dont look pregnant yet

OH said to me last night when he was looking for Max 'I can see a dark line running from your belly buttom down below'

Made me well happy, esp as he doesnt even know about the linea (sp?!) line lol Yay.
Only 5 days until my scan, im feeling pretty nervous!
Wonder how Hayleys went yesterday?
Il give her a text as I havent seen a comment on here
