Morning lovely ladies!
Yes I am in a happy mood today lol!

Im 24 weeks!!! Whoooooooooooooooo V.I.A.B.L.E! Yeaaaaaaaaaaa
Well dentist TODAY lol.
The MD of where I work just made me a cuppa! Haha!
Thanks MS about the pinapple juice- MW said same thing!
So here I am typing away with a glass of pinapple in hand
She said apparently I have a wriggler and not a kicker! Oh no scan

Because I have felt the 'bubble' movements and remember when I shouted in my car and felt as if something had tucked down but I thought it was my imagination, well apparently it wasnt!

She reckons that because I just feel the occasional 'wiggle' hes not a kicker. She said though by about 30-32 weeks (Thats long

) I should start to feel real kciks, Godsake! thats like the end of my pregnancy!
Oh but I forgot to menchion yesterday that on monday evening I needed a wee, and every now and then it felt as if something was 'pushing' a little, liek the type of feeling if you pushed your finger on to your skin, and she said 'Yes that was him probably jumping on your bladder' Oooh then I got all excited because thinking aobut it, it probably was!

She listened to the hb and said that it was defintly baby so she has no worries
So im feeling good about little man
YAY on the 99 days BW & MS
