Morning Ladies!
Well Oh and I had a lovely weekend away
It was really nice, then yesterday we went to the big monthercare and bought the Angelcare (I wrote sounds on FB lol) breathing and listening moniter.
And we also bought him a groovy bib: Mummy + Daddy = Me! Lol and I also got in a pack for £20, for moses basket- 2 celluar blankets, 2 fitted sheets and 2 flannel sheet
I have been so bad with my Doppler, literally every 30mins of so I have been listening to him
it’s the weekends that make me panic and I don’t know why
Halloween was fun, we went round mum & dads, have uploaded piccys on FB.
How is everyone doing *reading back pages*
OMG there are like 20 pages to get through
Aimee- Congrats on 24 weeks + now! lol Yay
& Love the new aviator pic!
BW & Hayley- love the signature piccys
BW- What a cow… Did you say you were in Asda though? Typical, the people who go there round our way, well they sound just like that nasty cow!
I never go there- for that reason only I cant stand the people in there! I could go there in PJ’s with slops down and I would still looked over dressed
Hayley- Not long until the 4D scan AND Weddign now!! Ekkkkk!
Aimee- you have just changed your pic lol, I like this one too
Random- I like Fallon, its one of the blokes surnames where I work lol, but it’s a really strong name
Claire- Whooooooooooooooo on 3rd trimester!
Whoooo PC & BW for moving up a box!
Sorry your not feeling well still 3girlies
Twiggy- lovely bump picky
MS- Whooooooooooooooo
on the house
On the weight thing… Both OH and I were normal weight babies 7lb ? but we are both fairly big boned people so im wondering how big he will be! Lol
Hopefully at the 4D scan she may give us a rough estimate
Twiggy- Wow you are thin!!
Lol come round my house, I will make you put a stone on in one weekend
You are more then welcome to have some of my lard lol
Bw- I am here!! I know, I feel well left out lol
Aimee- cant wait for your scan on sunday- Oh I am off next monday too! Make sure you upload the piccys on fB!
Hope everyone is good