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February 2010 Love Bugs :)

Aww laura :hugs: sorry about the house.

BW- funny that, they told us not to do it because of the low placenta but it has been getting harder to with hold so we just sneaked off for a quickie :blush: I feel a bit bad though cos i kept telling him to be careful as normally before we got told not to i got cervical pains after sex.
Afternoon everyone!

Congrats on 27 weeks 3girlies and MS!

I cant remember anything else I read, something about heartburn, yep got that its very annoying, something about nightmares, every night you dont even want to know they are so strange! Sex, well OH is away which poses a problem, but lately I have wanted it a lot when he is back! So glad they havent put me on a sex ban Aimee, I can imagine it just makes you want it more! I do get pains afterwards though, think its BH.

Oh BH, been getting a lot of those lately as well!

Positive note, my skin is eventually somewhat normal! xx
Hi Claire, i think she just said we shouldn't have sex cos she felt like it. I understand the risks but the placenta is just very close to the cervix not actually on it so i think a very gentle go now and again shouldn't be too much of a problem (touchwood).
I thought they were going to tell me that yesterday but they didnt. She did ask if sex had brought it on, obviously not. I was so embarrassed I had to have an examination and my wotsit was not in best order! Hes away so havent bothered :blush: She asked if a man could come and help to start with! Luckily he wasnt available! God I was dying!

She did say though its normal to bleed a bit after sex if you have a low placenta but didnt ban me from it? :wacko:

Mind you the care and advice you received sounds a lot better than what I got!

There was a women in their giving birth, OMG the noises, that was my rude awaking! and the lady next to me was having her waters broken, yuck, didnt sound nice! I really hope that doesnt happen to me!
Oh tell me about it, when i was in labour with Kayden there was a woman across the corridor absolutely screaming her head off. My mum said 'gosh Aimee don't listen to that'. Hmmm yeah you couldn't miss it!
They had to pop my waters with this fish hook thing oh dear so undignified having two women fishing around in there. The waters had already gone though which i knew but they wouldn't have it, so i got all my insides shredded for nothing. That's why i don't care if i crap during labour, it seriously is the least of my worries LOL!
hmm sex-wise? Well its about once a week or so but i just dont feel sexy AT ALL so its not that enjoyable tbh...poor OH though, i feel bad as he loves my preggo body! and yeah i do worry about bubs when we do it...thinking she can open her eyes and stuff now..she never kicks during or after tho which also scares me a little!

hope its not coz shes traumatized!! :wacko:
haha both twiggy and Aimee!

All I could hear was this screaming and the midwife going oh i cant do it with the hook :blush: I really didnt want to listen! I hope I dont have to go back to there until I'm screaming lol.
Oh tell me about it, when i was in labour with Kayden there was a woman across the corridor absolutely screaming her head off. My mum said 'gosh Aimee don't listen to that'. Hmmm yeah you couldn't miss it!
They had to pop my waters with this fish hook thing oh dear so undignified having two women fishing around in there. The waters had already gone though which i knew but they wouldn't have it, so i got all my insides shredded for nothing. That's why i don't care if i crap during labour, it seriously is the least of my worries LOL!

They had to pop my waters with that fish hook looking thing, what annoyed me is.. Paris's head was right there, so soon as they did that i could push. makes me wonder how long her head had been there, i could have pushed a lot bloody sooner, plus the woman said it was very lucky, that fish hook thing didnt go thru her head, seeing as it was right there! im sure some of them have no idea what there doing
I am so niave, I dont know about any of this! I liked it more when I didnt know what could happen!
Im off now ladies, hope you all have fab weekends, il be back Tuesday.

Aimee- make sure to post the piccys on FB so I can have a look! lol xxxxxxxx
Aww claire! I know...

BW- they cut Kayden's head with that fish hook then they had to put a clamp on his head to monitor his HB. the reason we were struggling was cos he was big and had a big head like his dad LOL xx
OH YEAH SCAN :D I keep forgetting! I will do chick, see you on here later xxx
Why have I only just come across this thread after almost 5 months on bnb? :/

Can i be added pleeease? Im an 18th lovebug! :D

I can never keep up with this thread :dohh: I try but you all type too much :lol: xx
Yeah Claire it is on Sunday at 12.20!

Hey Vinnypeanut Welcome to the club. We are a very chatty bunch!
Okay, hope you don't mind me trying to keep up with this again :blush:

I think my bubs will come as late as he possibly can, I have a horrible feeling I will be induced.

I also get mega heartburn, my doc has given me ranitidine tablets to take along with gaviscon to try and sort it out.

I'm trying to forget what I was just reading about fish hooks :shock: Scared!

Are you having a 4D scan Aimee? xx
LOL it's not that bad, well you forget quick!

Yes i am having the 4d scan on Sunday :D I wanted it later but DH can not wait! I wasn't going to argue though. We had a preview at 19 weeks and saw loads then so i think we should be ok at 25 weeks.

I was just going to say are you having a boy when i saw you have heartburn. I had it terrible with my first son and have it fairly bad this time too. Luckily i love the taste of Gaviscon!!
I don't mind the Aniseed one. I hate how thick and gloopy that is though, it makes me heave.

Oooh that's so exciting, and bless your OH for being excited too! I have my 4D scan on Weds but my OH finds them freaky, so is only coming with me out of a sense of duty, I wish he was excited about it xx

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