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February 2010 Love Bugs :)

You know what, my midwife still hasn't got the blood results from 12 weeks back and i was anaemic in my last pg. She din't even seem bothered by it i got my next ones in a few weeks i hope they don't go AWOL too.
That's ridiculous!

I had to ask about my bloods because they just never mentioned it. Not looking forward to having more taken in a few weeks xx
I had to ask about mine as well, apparently they didn't test me for a couple, cant remember what they were, but when I asked it was because the midwife hadnt filled out the form properly! Duh! I did have the aids one done though, because I met my OH when I was posted here he always goes on about girls where I live have aids, I find it very funny to say not me! Yes we are both very immature for our ages lol.

I'm having my bloods taken on Tuesday! EKK!
I think it'll only be one little tube thingy will it? Or maybe 2? My notes say Full Blood Count and Rhesus factor. Hope it's just one! Also, how can my blood group have changed since my booking in bloods?! xx
eeeerrrhh bloods :( I have bloods every 2-4 weeks cause I'm anaemic. Anyone had a GD test yet? I'm not looking forward to mine dont fancy the sugar drink.

If theres 2 names it will be 2 tubes but still only one needle. I always have FBC and Ferritin (sp) which is 1 needle then she fills 2 different coloured files if that makes sense?

Evening ladies..

Had a busy day today am absolutely knackered. Party was good Alex had a blast. Can't believe he's 3 on Tuesday. It has def flown by!

Am glad you're feeling better 3g's it's lasted so long!

I didn't have a GD test with Alex and midwife hasn't mentioned it with this one so think it's different depending on where you live or if you show symptoms?

I have my 28 week appt next week. Can't believe i've made it!! Then appts are every 4 weeks after that so getting closer!!

Have my other consultant appt on the 4th so hoping to get my appt then

Hope everyone has a good night's sleep tonight :) xx
My midwife hasn't mentioned a GD test either.

Mummysuzie - I love the name you've chosen for your little boy :flower: xx
Hello MS, glad the party went well, bet your shattered arn't you!

I haven't been offered a GD test xx
i slept so much better last night night, felt ok until i got up & then realised that i havent fully recovered but its a really great start :)

how can i get my energy back quick, like what foods etc coz i feel so weak?

i have my blood tests on friday & they will send off my urine sample to check it properly, they said they like to give a growth scan too after having flu so will that be 36 weeks??

thanks for everyones get well soon wishes this week, means so much :hugs:
Glad your feeling better! I would recommend carbs galore, pasta, potato that kind of thing, also bananas are good for energy, personally I would just go for a iced bin or something :haha:

I'm not sure about growth scan, my friend went for one at 30 weeks when they were worried she was measuring small, no idea about after flu though xxx
I think they can do a growth scan at any stage so i think they'll probaby just do it as soon as you're well again.

I'm not sure about foods to build you up again, I know if you go to the chemists there are shakes and other drinks you can get to help get all your mineral levels back up. I agree with just eating lots of carbs. Just eat whatever you fancy really. :hugs: xx
Afternoon everyone :)

Well have been for the 4d scan but Nathan was in a bad position and was moving so much that they couldn't do it properly so i have to re book it for a couple of weeks time.
They said because my placenta is so low and anterior that Nathan is squashed right up at the top and laid across ways so it is a very awkward angle to get 4d at. Plus he had 1 arm over his face the whole time!
We got to see his lips and we saw a yawn and a smile and him stick his tongue out. But it was only for 2 minutes then he turned away.
In normal 2d we saw a lot, he is certainly a boy, there is absolutely no doubt in the slightest about that! We also saw his feet and hands etc a lot more formed than the last time we saw him. We didn't get any pictures either :(

Wayne was well pissed off that we didn't get to see him in 4d properly, he was really upset but he is so impatient! It is a bit annoying cos we could have just waited and had it done at the place in Barnsley which was a much better deal who only do it after 27 weeks.

So! Countdown to the 4d scan begins! They are ringing me tomos to book it again.
Thats a shame Aimee, but good you get to go again, look at it like that! lol.We'll all just have to be a bit more patient to see the piccies then! xx
That is a real pain. Hope you get to rebook for a date not too far away xx
Thanks :D I know it is a right pain! But as i said to Wayne, for what we got to see today which is free as we get to go again at no extra cost, we would have paid around £85 to have it private as we saw his bits clear as day about 5 times, we saw all his limbs much more developed than last time. We got to see a couple of mins in 4d and she had a look at the placenta and stuff so really it was ok to say it was for nothing. I hope he is in a better position next time!

Claire she measured the distance of my placenta from my cervix and it is 1.1cm away which is a lot closer than i thought, she said it has to be 5cm away to have a safe natural birth not 2.5cm like i thought. EEEK! seems like it is too close for comfort....
Yeah its 5cm either side as you dialate 10cm. I have no idea where mine is! You seem to find out so much more, but yeah that sounds very close. C-section for you then!
Well i thought that but i'm sure the lady said it had to be 2.5cms! I wouldn't have found out how far away it was unless it was for this scan today. I am worrying about a c-sect now though. Wayne said he doesn't know if he could be in the room while it was going on but i couldn't be on my own. I never though i would actually want a natural birth.
Tell him its you going through it he should at least be there to hold your hand! I know what you mean though I am really worried about having a c-section as well. When I went for my 4d scan she couldnt see the postion of the placenta due to where the baby is but she said the baby was sitting very low and would be very surprised if the placenta was low as well so fingers crossed! xx

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