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February 2010 Love Bugs :)

random, breastmilk is still better that formula when its expressed so i think it just depends on how long you want to express for really. get a good pump though, the breastfeeding section will recommend a good one x


i love it ms, is so classy. :thumbup: just think its not long till he will be laying in it :happydance:
I agree with 3girlies expressed is better than nothing i got the avent electric one but got it off ebay cuz they are expensive.Also with expressing you can keep the milk fridgerated for up to 48 hours so you don't need to do it every few hours. I would talk to your midwife about how you would go about it in the hospital etc.

lol 3g's.. Have you been drinking loads? I know when i'm dehydrated my urine goes really dark orangey colour? xx
MS-lovely pram

3girlies- do i not need to get the breast pump that goes with my bottles? as ive already got all the tommee tippee stuff god im sooo dumb when it comes to all this stuff
i know i keep panicking that im not organised enough but i am quite organised really. Just would feel better once my bag is packed! we are packing it after my 4d scan so we can go shopping to get all the stuff i need. I cant wait till shes in my arms so i can kiss her :)
MS-lovely pram

3girlies- do i not need to get the breast pump that goes with my bottles? as ive already got all the tommee tippee stuff god im sooo dumb when it comes to all this stuff

not sure really, its all new to me, i bottle fed both my girls.
aww 3g thats soo sweet, its still all so surreal to me lol i cant see myself as a mum lol

thanks for your advice think i might do a bit of research just now on the whole expressing thing
Didn't think of that when i wrote it lol i would say yes probably best..i do believe you can get an electric tomee tipee one..electric is best as you don't have to keep pumping with your hand it does it for you..I used the tomee tipee ones last time and they are really good.. this time i opted for the Avent ones to give it a shot. I would say tho when you buy the avent one you get a bottle with it so could always pump into that one then pour it into your tomee tipee ones. xx
That is sweet 3 g's. When is your 4d scan? I'm going to pack it before i move house then it's done. My grans going to america to see my mum for christmas so she's gonna bring me back some nice pj's for the hospital so that will be the only thing i'll have left to pack in my bag. xx
Ooooh, gorgeous pram MS!!!! I wana put mine up and play around with it too but it got delivered to my mum's house for 'space issues' and now we've cleared out the spare room shes decided to keep it until im 30 weeks?! Boo!!

Random im hoping to express too...but after the first 8 weeks apparently so baby can get used to breast. But id agree with the other ladies, any breatmilk you can get to bubs is better than none. Just try your best! Im trying not to put too much pressure on myself, scared i wont 'get it' or baby will have problems and il be devestated :cry:
Random, expressing is definately a better option if its between that and bottle feeding, lots of people dont like the idea of breastfeeding I wouldnt worry about it, if you express they are getting exactly the same nutrients. If you are going to be doing this exclusively definately get a electric pump, will make your life soooo much easier.

I'm not sure about brands, I have bought tommy tippee, but Like someone said (was it you 3girlies?) ask on the breast feeding section.

You can only do your best! I think the first 6 weeks is the crucial time, but just manage what you can. I am planning on breastfeeding for about 3 months, however I've not done it before so might only last 3 mins! :haha:
Ooooh, gorgeous pram MS!!!! I wana put mine up and play around with it too but it got delivered to my mum's house for 'space issues' and now we've cleared out the spare room shes decided to keep it until im 30 weeks?! Boo!!

Random im hoping to express too...but after the first 8 weeks apparently so baby can get used to breast. But id agree with the other ladies, any breatmilk you can get to bubs is better than none. Just try your best! Im trying not to put too much pressure on myself, scared i wont 'get it' or baby will have problems and il be devestated :cry:

I agree with the breastfeeding. I want to do it, but worried that it'll hurt too much and I won't be able to stick with it so trying not to worry about it too much and hopefully just go with the flow. Fingers crossed we'll both take to it no problems, but I know it's never usually that easy!

I have my 4D scan on Weds :) at 5.30pm, really excited

MS- Your pram is lovely, I still haven't picked on yet. Eeek.

Is now okay to start packing hospital bag or is it too early?

thanks for all the advice ladies i know i cant breastfeed i just cant but i want to do whats best for baby so im going to try expressing at least for a little while, if i cant do it i cant but i really want to try!
Ms- i LOVE the pram! I was going to get one if we were having a girl, in a different colour, as we have Kayden's mamas and papas one i hardly ever used and is like brand new so just going to use that now.

I breast fed with Kayden for 3 weeks but he was too hungry it just wasn't doing enough so he went on to hungry baby formula. I tried to express but i just could not do it no matter how hard i tried, it is not easy at all but i heard electric pumps are much better and i used a hand pump one so maybe that's why i couldn't do it.
I only too plan to feed him myself in the hospital as they only get goodness form the first few feeds.
My friend breast fed her girl for 14 months as she wouldn't take a bottle and she even says to say it is meant to be better for their immune system her little girl was poorly all the time with colds and stuff, loads compared to other kids. She is bottle feeding her new baby!
I am a bit worried about breastfeeding. That I won't be able to do it, and that other people will make bad comments. My friends are really against it for some reason :shrug: xx
My MIL is against it too although i don't see why, that is what they are there for LOL but i do feel that in this day and age the baby probably gets more vitamins and stuff from the manufactured powder milk, if you look on the side of the tins there are tons of vits and stuff in, more than i think i can provide!

I really think the only pluses of BF are cheap, clean and easier than making up bottles and sterilising bottles.

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