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February 2010 Love Bugs :)

That's it, Nathan was right high up, she was scanning me just under my ribs! He is laid total across which i though because the kicks are at either side. Which makes me wonder as he gets bigger where else could he possibly go?!
I can see his point though, i am so squeamish and the thought of seeing someone being cut open, especially someone i love makes me go all queezy. I know though deep down he will be in there if it comes to it he wont let me go through it on my own xx
Evening ladies..

Sorry Aimee he was being a cheeky monkey for you!! That's wee boys all over though lol Countdown begins again :)

And i just had to add a section is no where as bad as you think ladies..especially a planned one.. hubby can't see anything cuz the screen is up so he doesn't have anything to worry about. He'd see more with a natural birth. If i could pick which i have a bit anyway i'd take a section over a natural birth any day. No tearing, i know when i'm going in so can be organised and it's a relaxing enviroment believe it or not so don't worry about it cuz you don't want to be getting stressed. More times than not your placenta moves away so am sure yous will be fine. I had a low lying placenta till 36 weeks and then it moved up so still hope :)

Hope everyone had a good day xx
Morning all

Never mind Aimee, least you get to see your lil man in a couple of weeks

morning everyone, so whos scan is next now then? Aimee do you find out when your next one is today?
Morning ladiesss!

Aimee im gutted for ya hun about the 4D, i would be exactly the same with being disappointed as you've been excited about it, counting down to it, and especially when you weren't expecting them to turn round and say that :hugs: Hope u get a date today, and its not too far away :flower:

A section doesn't bother me too much as MS said- everything is behind a screen so it shouldnt be too bad right? although if i can go for a natural birth (well, im opting for an epidural!) im hoping for that! Any way to get my baby out safely i suppose...

Ditto rachy! Iv got my 4D on sunday!! (the 15th). Im hoping it goes smoothly now as im only guna be 26+4, u girls think that will be ok?!
Ive got mine next (i think...along with Katy) on wednesday. Cant wait but ive got a feeling my little pudding is not gonna co-operate. Hes been shy on every scan ive had so far xx
Oh my lil man, was stubborn and kept putting his hands in front of his face, so we didnt get many good pics, which is a shame seeing as we spend all that money on 4D scans! x
Your pics were amazing BW! Mine was stubborn, but maybe not quite as stubborn as Aimees lol.

Did everyone have a good weekend? xx
Babybond rang and re booked it for the 28th at 10.10am. Not long to wait really i am sure it will fly by!
At least he will be bigger then too but i got a feeling his hand is still gona be in front of his face! It has been there since the 19 weeks scan...
Aimee- sorry about the scan, it seems to be a common thing with little boys being shy lol mine had his foot infront of his face at his 20wk scan! glad you've got it rebooked tho and im sure you will get great pics

3girlies- how are you feeling today

pc- woohoo into your last full week of work

OH felt the little man last night, he cant feel him if his full hands on my tummy but if he uses just his fingertips he can!
im feeling ok today, still breathless but alot better than i was. thankyou xx

i have got orange cm :blush: not sure if this is a side affect lol
Afternoon ladies..

My pram arrived!!! I just put it up it's gorgeous!! Am so excited lol

Not long to go Aimee till you see him again..hopefully this time he coperates!!

Am hoping i get mmy growth scan on the 4th and don't have to go back up for it again..that will be my next scan whenever it is xx
3girlies- glad its easing up a bit now, tho orange cm thats a bit strange have you had it checked?

MS- glad Alex's party was a lot of fun, and pics please of the pram??

ive got a question ladies how long is it that the breast milk is the best i mean if i was to do it for a littlewhile how long is best? x
Will put some up in 2 secs..

The colustrom sp? comes in the first few days and that has alot of nutrients and infection fighting stuff etc so am gonna exclusively do it while i'm in hospital for the 5 days then going to express..how long are you wanting to do it for? days or months? xx
random i thought it might be a side affect from being ill, i'll sound like a right freak :blush: might just mention it at antenatal on friday, it might go before then.
no nothing only paracetamol. My wee is dark orange like the colour of lucozade!! i reckon ive been tango'ed lol
i cant breastfeed i dont know why i just cant but i do want to express for the first while whilst its all the good stuff if you get me??? im pretty poor at explaining x

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