See that makes me wonder, was I that ill because she was a girl? Or because something was wrong?
The only promising thing for me I have heard about this pregnancy is, if the babys fold was going to be 7.30 @ the 12 weeks scan, it would have been bigger then 1.22 already at my 10 week scan when baby was just over 3 cm, so thats something hopeful
Lol thanks BW I will deffo remember that, I might go for a pudding too this year, I have to admit though, im 2 stone heavier this year

lol so Iv got a bigger belly this year to fit a pud in! Hehe!
Thank you, what a lovely thing to say, I deffo beleive that too, some people have said to me 'Dont you feel its Angel that has come back to you?' And no, if im honest I dont, Angel was and always will be my first pregnancy, experience, baby, everything, she showed and taught me so many things and prepared me so much for this new pregnancy, so I dont think its her, although I did read in a post that a medium told one lady how because the babies we lose arent 'fully formed' that when we fall again, it is the babys sprit coming back to us, which I thought was nice.
Althoguh, I will tell any future children about her, she will always be a part of me
I so hope so! I am so nervous, I really wish and hope this is now my time to be a Mum.
I can remember the day as if it was yesterday, so Mum is also coming along with OH and I this time round, and the other day I popped round and we were talking about the scan, and she said to me 'Dont wear that top', why? 'thats the top you were in on the 12 week scan' I cant believe she remembered that, even I didnt, OH menchioned it to me too though! Strange...!
Thanks Mummysuzie

I do like to think she is up there with my 'real' dad (He was run over and left for dead when I was 3 months old

) Although, my dad now, has been with me since I was 6, and I cant really remember anything before him, so in my eyes, thats my dad
Good luck for your scan hun

Cant wait to see piccys! ooh your a Leo too!
Oh god, sorry for the life storey lol