Wow loads to catch up on! Lol *reading* lol

How are we all?
Hayley YAY only 2 days until your scan!!

and my birthday!
Oooh! Mummy Suzie! I cant see the piccy
Glad scan went well though
Cue piccy Amiee

Angel, welcome to Feb Bugs
I cant believe I am 12 weeks tomorrow! Where has the last 8 weeks gone??!
Yes fingers crossed all goes well on Friday- I promise to update first thing! My scan is at 9
if you havent heard from me by 12 at the latest, that means somethings up, but fingers crossed il be on here by 10!
I have had NO nausea, dont want to speak to soon, but for the last 2-3 days, iv felt great, my boobies are a little sore still but other then that, thank god im saying toodles to sickness! lol xxxxxxx