Hey everyone, sorry I've been MIA
Those of you not on the list or need to change your due date, please send me a PM! 
My goldfish brain can't handle looking at all the threads
I've had my 12 week scan and just came home from my first midwife appointment. Everything looks great in there but the scan pics were CRAP, just a big blur

Hope I´ll get better ones at my 20 week scan. The midwife appointment went great, BP is good and the baby's heart rate was 160 bpm

The scan put me back one day so my due date is now Feb 7th, me and OH's wedding anniversary
The midwife booked a glucose tolerance test in 2 weeks since I have a history of GD w/insulin shots, so I guess I had it coming

She also looked a bit worried that I'm already using my crutches for the SPD, but it was to be expected. Most nights I can't walk without them, unless I sit on the sofa all day doing nothing
But the good news is: My nausea is gone although I still can't eat certain foods, like meat

Also, my headaches have been better since I got permission to take co-codamol for the worst ones

I feel bad for using it, but the pain is sometimes so crippling and I can't take care of my other kids while I have a blasting headache.
I'm so happy to hear about everyone's scans and I love all the pics

we're gonna have a really cute bunch of babies next February!!