wellI feel a little more relaxed now...
The hospital called me back as I asked them too, the nurse said (after speaking to consultant)
That the babys scan was perfect, there were no indications or soft markers to indicate a problem with the baby

when they do the blood tests, they check for 3 hormones, anything about 1 is consider slightly higher then normal, though nothing to jump out or worry them.
My results came back 0.58, 8.3 & 1.0 so she said all looks fine, only 1 hormone was high, but nothing for them to worry about, they are only calling me in due to my history, but other then that, this baby looks fine
So OH said thats it, we are deffo not having the amino done

Plus the fact, I have a 1 in 300 chance of a downs baby, or 1 in 100 of MC, so the risk, for us, really isnt worth it
