Well i have totally mixed ones so it really is 50/50!
Boy- Ring test says boy, craving meat, carbs, cheese, spicy. Heart rate is between 145-155bpm. Hairs on my legs are growing way faster than they did. DH is having all my symptoms too. A psychic lady told me it is defiantly a boy!
Girl- Max got girl as did you on cards. Had terrible skin. Had morning sickness in 1st trimester. A psychic lady told me i would have a daughter. My belly is high up.
My son keeps saying she when referring to the baby which is strange. I would LOVE to have a girl but i also love the thought of having two sons! We will be chuffed either way but need to really crack on with girls names as none appeal to me except Charlotte but that is what we called our angel baby so don't want to use it on this one if it is a girl.
With my son i just knew he was a boy but with this one i really have no idea now!
You know, i might have to book a private gender scan as they are only £50 and i don't know if i can wait till 20 weeks!!