I know! I so want too! I cant because of p o o h y work!
Iv uploaded baby's heartbeat on to my facebook
Yes we went to the beach again sat evening lol It was so nice

Although this time, near teh chip shop we go to, there was police

and police tape all around one scene! Dont know waht happend though?!
You always say my name H lol
Oooh random! Cant wait to hear what they have to say! I so look like I have a bump today! lol Except, i dont its the magic of fatness, bloat, and the ruching t-shirt lol.
Oooh! Aimee, dream about moi! lol
I did have a dream on sat, where I went for a scan, and I said to the lady, im having a gender scan later what do you think? She said, well dont be surprised if they say boy, then I went to the gender scan and they said boy!
But now I dont know if im having a boy because I have convinced myself thats what I am having, or, because I am! lol