February 2013 Love Bugs

What about working out? Who is still working out and have you made any modifications?

I am doing a bar method class that has a lot of focus on the abs (as well as thighs, butt, and arms). I haven't made any mods yet, but starting to wonder if I should. Google searches not so helpful.

Im still doing everything that I normally do when not pregnant. They only suggest that if you start exercising and you normally don't ,to do low impact stuff. For me Im still playing ice hockey, running and biking. Last pregnancy I ran (hobbled) 7 k every day till 37 weeks.
What about working out? Who is still working out and have you made any modifications?

I am doing a bar method class that has a lot of focus on the abs (as well as thighs, butt, and arms). I haven't made any mods yet, but starting to wonder if I should. Google searches not so helpful.

I wouldn't do weights personally. But up to 34 weeks last pregnancy I was still going to the gym three times a week.
Maybe I should of made more sense- I was cycling for 30 minutes and swimming 20 lengths of the pool.
I haven't had sex yet. I'm really nervous about it!
As far as working out... I'm still going to the gym and doing, for the most part, my normal routine. Instead of running, I've switched to 20 mins fast walking on the treadmill, 20 mins on the elliptical and 10 mins on the stair master. Trying to keep in shape without over doing anything.
Hi Ladies!

I am hoping to join in on the discussion. My husband and I are expecting our first on February 6th if the dating is correct. My doctor won't schedule an early ultrasound since I'm not in a high risk category, so I have to wait until August 2nd to find out for sure about the date. I wish that I could have an early ultrasound though to know that everything is okay.

I went off the pill in April since we were told by my doctor that it would take at least 3-6 months to conceive, if not a year, because I was on the pill for 10 years. We are so excited that it happened so quickly!

We made the decision not to tell anyone except one close friend who lives out of province. Other than that, we are waiting until after the ultrasound in August to make the announcement. It is so hard keeping it from everyone. The little one will be the first grandchild for my parents, and my husbands siblings all have adult children, so his parents have been dropping hints for months about wanting another grandchild.

Looking forward to talking to everyone!
Hello Fellow Febrians!

Due Date February 9th 2013

I joined this site hoping to find someone else who knows how I feel right now. I have always wanted children and honestly thought I would have at least 2 by this age (25). My husband was a little slower to come around so I was super excited on June 13th to learn I was expecting as he still hadn't decided he really wanted to try yet. He was instantly on board (he often needs a shove lol) and I walked around in a state of euphoria after an early ultrasound detected "twins". I had been cramping for about ten days so I had gone in for an ultrasound to check for major problems and the ultrasound tech AND radiologist apparently didn't know what they were doing (I was informed this two weeks later by my OBGYN, whom I had to wait a month to get into) and flat out told me I was for sure having twins and gave me an ultrasound picture to prove it. Two weeks later at my first REAL appt., my OBGYN (I think I'm switching, I didn't appreciate the lack of consideration in the conversation) Laughed and made a joke that "small town radiology departments don't have any idea what they are doing.. I can't believe they told you for sure that is twins, the second sac stopped developing and you will harmlessly miscarry it at some point."
He acted like I was silly for being excited the first information and laughed it off as not a big deal since it was so early. After all, my healthy sac was perfectly good so everything is awesome!

But its not for me. We had told everyone it was twins (I'm stupid right? It's just that I have never been so excited about anything in my life) And even though it was only two weeks, for two weeks, that was the idea I carried around in my head and my heart and I was devastated to learn otherwise.

I feel HORRIBLY guilty because when I saw the HB of my healthy baby and the doctor looked at me for happiness, all I wanted to do was cry. This is so silly because it was so early, and I SHOULD be happy to have a healthy baby and I am so depressed.
Then I go to a baby shower last weekend and an old high school friend who lost a set of twins at 16 weeks last year comes up to me and informs me how lucky I am to have gotten to keep one of the twins. AND SHES RIGHT!!! omg I would never downplay what she went and is going through in a million years.. But I'm still not ok. :(
:nope:My poor baby deserves a mommy who is happy and excited like I was. And I want to be... But I feel devastated.. I haven't gotten out of bed hardly at all in like 8 days and everyone around me is assuming it was too early to be a big deal, and i'm sure they are right. So I just feel so alone. Please don't judge :( Ty for reading
Hi scared mummy don't feel guilty Hun ur grieving ur loss and u will be excited soon enough about ur healthy little one... :hugs:

I had a loss in march and I was devastated so I feel I can't get excited about this one until I get past 12 wks I think il feel a bit better after 8 wks as I lost my last one a 7 wks...cx
Prayers your way for safety and smiles! I hope the time passes quickly. Ty for your response!
Your are right to grieve the loss of a child, whether that child is a few weeks gestation or years old... It doesn't matter how long that child played a part in your life,you will always feel sad for losing them.

I miscarried in April at nearly 13 weeks and it was devastating!, I fell pregnant in may and this pregnancy started out as twins, unfortunately I miscarried one and my body expelled it :( and now I'm currently pregnant with the remaining twin.

I go for a scan on Wednesday to check for a heart beat..

Please don't think your daft or silly.. It's very natural to feel sad for your loss x
Hello Fellow Febrians!

Due Date February 9th 2013

I joined this site hoping to find someone else who knows how I feel right now. I have always wanted children and honestly thought I would have at least 2 by this age (25). My husband was a little slower to come around so I was super excited on June 13th to learn I was expecting as he still hadn't decided he really wanted to try yet. He was instantly on board (he often needs a shove lol) and I walked around in a state of euphoria after an early ultrasound detected "twins". I had been cramping for about ten days so I had gone in for an ultrasound to check for major problems and the ultrasound tech AND radiologist apparently didn't know what they were doing (I was informed this two weeks later by my OBGYN, whom I had to wait a month to get into) and flat out told me I was for sure having twins and gave me an ultrasound picture to prove it. Two weeks later at my first REAL appt., my OBGYN (I think I'm switching, I didn't appreciate the lack of consideration in the conversation) Laughed and made a joke that "small town radiology departments don't have any idea what they are doing.. I can't believe they told you for sure that is twins, the second sac stopped developing and you will harmlessly miscarry it at some point."
He acted like I was silly for being excited the first information and laughed it off as not a big deal since it was so early. After all, my healthy sac was perfectly good so everything is awesome!

But its not for me. We had told everyone it was twins (I'm stupid right? It's just that I have never been so excited about anything in my life) And even though it was only two weeks, for two weeks, that was the idea I carried around in my head and my heart and I was devastated to learn otherwise.

I feel HORRIBLY guilty because when I saw the HB of my healthy baby and the doctor looked at me for happiness, all I wanted to do was cry. This is so silly because it was so early, and I SHOULD be happy to have a healthy baby and I am so depressed.
Then I go to a baby shower last weekend and an old high school friend who lost a set of twins at 16 weeks last year comes up to me and informs me how lucky I am to have gotten to keep one of the twins. AND SHES RIGHT!!! omg I would never downplay what she went and is going through in a million years.. But I'm still not ok. :(
:nope:My poor baby deserves a mommy who is happy and excited like I was. And I want to be... But I feel devastated.. I haven't gotten out of bed hardly at all in like 8 days and everyone around me is assuming it was too early to be a big deal, and i'm sure they are right. So I just feel so alone. Please don't judge :( Ty for reading

I lost a baby almost 4 years ago, and I had only known about it less than a month. Length of time doesn't matter, when you start to plan all these things in your head, and your mind is a constant thought circle about the baby (babies)...or you get excited for the prospect of twins then it hurts to have your dream crashed. Losing one of the twins is still a loss- no different than losing a singleton except you still have one growing. You have every right to grieve- you lost a child, you lost a dream and also the "status" of being a mom of twins. I'm sure in time you will be the happy mommy excited for the health of the remaining twin, but don't beat yourself up for mourning the loss of number 2 :hugs: Hang in there sweets, and I hope your little one continues to thrive
I agree with everyone else. It's a loss and you need to grieve. That's your mind's way of closure. I lost my first baby in 2000 at 8 weeks 5 days and I was devastated too. It's hard because you get attached. When I got pregnant with my son four months later, I felt guilty and I felt like I couldn't enjoy my early pregnancy because I was so upset and scared. However, my husband suggested we mourn the loss by letting off a balloon in that baby's honour so I could get past it and learn to enjoy the gift I'd been given.

It really sounded dumb, but it helped tremendously. Treat that baby as a loss...grieve and mourn, but remember, the baby you have that survived is a gift and you will soon grow to love and enjoy your pregnancy.

I know these are just words, but I hope we've all helped you just a little bit. Take it one day at a time and remember there's no set time to heal....
Welcome Blair and Scared Mommy!

Scared M- you came to the right place for support. Many of us have recently mc and know how you feel. You should feel free to grieve all you need to. You lost a baby, it's understandable. It took me a few weeks, I felt better and was ready to try again. But that baby will always have a special place in my heart.
Hello Fellow Febrians!

Due Date February 9th 2013

I joined this site hoping to find someone else who knows how I feel right now. I have always wanted children and honestly thought I would have at least 2 by this age (25). My husband was a little slower to come around so I was super excited on June 13th to learn I was expecting as he still hadn't decided he really wanted to try yet. He was instantly on board (he often needs a shove lol) and I walked around in a state of euphoria after an early ultrasound detected "twins". I had been cramping for about ten days so I had gone in for an ultrasound to check for major problems and the ultrasound tech AND radiologist apparently didn't know what they were doing (I was informed this two weeks later by my OBGYN, whom I had to wait a month to get into) and flat out told me I was for sure having twins and gave me an ultrasound picture to prove it. Two weeks later at my first REAL appt., my OBGYN (I think I'm switching, I didn't appreciate the lack of consideration in the conversation) Laughed and made a joke that "small town radiology departments don't have any idea what they are doing.. I can't believe they told you for sure that is twins, the second sac stopped developing and you will harmlessly miscarry it at some point."
He acted like I was silly for being excited the first information and laughed it off as not a big deal since it was so early. After all, my healthy sac was perfectly good so everything is awesome!

But its not for me. We had told everyone it was twins (I'm stupid right? It's just that I have never been so excited about anything in my life) And even though it was only two weeks, for two weeks, that was the idea I carried around in my head and my heart and I was devastated to learn otherwise.

I feel HORRIBLY guilty because when I saw the HB of my healthy baby and the doctor looked at me for happiness, all I wanted to do was cry. This is so silly because it was so early, and I SHOULD be happy to have a healthy baby and I am so depressed.
Then I go to a baby shower last weekend and an old high school friend who lost a set of twins at 16 weeks last year comes up to me and informs me how lucky I am to have gotten to keep one of the twins. AND SHES RIGHT!!! omg I would never downplay what she went and is going through in a million years.. But I'm still not ok. :(
:nope:My poor baby deserves a mommy who is happy and excited like I was. And I want to be... But I feel devastated.. I haven't gotten out of bed hardly at all in like 8 days and everyone around me is assuming it was too early to be a big deal, and i'm sure they are right. So I just feel so alone. Please don't judge :( Ty for reading

So sorry for your loss :hugs:
Please do not feel guilty a loss at any point of pregnancy is traumatic and is a big deal.
You have chosen a great forum a lot of us have been through a mc and know how you feel. Vent as much as you need, we are all here to support each other through our triumph's and tragedies.
With all that said I wish you a healthy 9 months.:hugs:
I ess feeling very nausious for several days, Tues morning was the last bad one, but this morning I feel fine. Thurs and Fri I was even able to eat breakfast. It's stressing me out. I want to need to puke!!!
Has anyone had some spotting? I've had some today and really worried as last time I mc after the spotting I've been told to rest I'm freaking out x
Sorry Ive not been around lately, went on holiday for the week, had a lovely time but my nausea was so bad! I'm nearly 99% sure this one is a little girl, It's so much like my daughters pregnancy. I had no sickness with my sons pregnancy at all.

Im so sorry to hear about the losses :cry:
I am feeling a bit uneasy today!
I will be 8 weeks tomorrow and have an us on Tuesday at 8w 2d.
My uneasiness is stemming from our loss in October, with that pregnancy
our first us was at 8w 5d and that apt was devastating the babies hb was only
50 bpm and a week later they could not find a heart beat. I ended up mc naturally at
11w 5d Everyone keeps telling me not to worry because I have been being monitored
and this pregnancy is moving along so much better then the last (Hb 6w 1d 109, 6w 4d 119, 6w 6d 139 and 7w 1d 150) They all keep saying "this one will stick" .
To prove her point my mom even bought a crib to keep at her house for the baby .
Even with knowing all this I am petrified. This week and next are going to be difficult
for me because of all the what ifs. With all the great scans I have had am I crazy for having the fear that history is going to repeat itself?
Has anyone had some spotting? I've had some today and really worried as last time I mc after the spotting I've been told to rest I'm freaking out x

I know you recently were asking about :sex:.
Not to pry but if you guys did it can aggravate the cervix and cause spotting.
I had it happen last Saturday and I freaked and went to to the er. The doc there said it is rather normal to spot after :sex: and that it would not harm the baby.
Best wishes and hope this helps.
I understand your worries!! I have been feeling very tired but not nausious at all the past few days. I'm worried sick, so I just booked a private scan for this afternoon. Your scan results are great sounding!!! I have never mc after seeing a heartbeat, so I pray my results are as great as yours!
I understand your worries!! I have been feeling very tired but not nausious at all the past few days. I'm worried sick, so I just booked a private scan for this afternoon. Your scan results are great sounding!!! I have never mc after seeing a heartbeat, so I pray my results are as great as yours!

:hugs: good luck at your scan:hugs:
I am sure it will go great and it will easy your nerves some.

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