I was SO SO bloated last week that I thought I would die. Now today I feel a little bit better. I can only eat small amounts, and not too much protein or heavy carbs and did a lot of walking today and seemed to help.
Then on the other hand every time I feel slightly better I get terrified. I got two VERY clear HPTs on day 33 of what should have been a 28 day cycle (probably O'd on day 15). I'm 5w + 4d now and I'm SO worried about everything. Every twinge, every lack of twinge.
This is my first, I'm 38. I cried after talking to my sister (7 years younger than me and has a DS 5 and a DD 3) and she told me I was being silly and that it was going to be a LOOOOOONG 9 months for my hubby. Well I cry at everything...