Oh Smiley I understand completely...I was in labor for about 30 hours and it took almost 24 for me to dilate past 1cm...most of that time I was having horrible contractions all in my back and down my legs (he was sunny side up) every 3-4 mins. I was in tears too...I thought it would never end! It did though and was all worth it with LO in my arms! Hang in there, you are so close!!!!
Becca on the plus side once I had started to dilate and got to the hospital I wasn't progressing past 5cm on my own so they started me on Pitocin. Like Newt, I was only on Level 4 (the lowest dose) and went from 5cm to 10cm and +2 in about 2 hrs...and only 15 mins of pushing he was out! I would definitely do an induction, had a very positive experience with the Pictocin!