February 2013 Testers + clomid/ Femara

hopin4- How are your beta numbers sweets:thumbup:?

Jenna- The epidural will be your BFF :happydance:

typeA- I was on cycle day 14 when my eggs were 18,18 and 22. Be sure to fill us in on your ultrasound and gl at your IUI :babydust: coming your way!

Lei- That is very scary Fxed that everything is ok for you[-o<

Biggerfamily- That is so nice of you! What a good spirit you have!:flower:

AFM- I took the trigger shot yesterday and low and behold I woke up with cramping on my left side ( where my three big eggies were), proceeded to have some good ol BD and a cup of coffee:haha:; ahhhhhh what a lovely morning :coffee:. I am going to start cutting out caffeine in hopes that it helps the process along. I pulled into starbucks and ordered my "usual" only defaf, the lady knows me well and asked if I was pregnant lol "not yet, I said" :dohh:. So more Bding tonight, tomorrow and the next day then my hoo haa will be out of commission for a while:haha:. I wish it didn't feel like such a chore :wacko:. I have some pretty Chirstmas lingerie I am going to try on for size tonight:blush: (prob tmi but I love girl talk)

Wahoo!! Keep on BDing! I love dressing up for DH.. Makes it funner especially when TTC :) sometimes I do it just to tease him but eventually give in :D

It sounds like you will be getting your :bfp: soon! :happydance::happydance:
My appointment went fine, just the usual. I guess the strep B isn't until closer to 37 weeks? I could have sworn she told me we were doing it today, but oh well! I'm not complaining about not having to have a q-tip in my bum! So next week we'll be checking my cervix, oh goodie!

I used to dress up for OH all the time.... I think I'd die laughing if I tried to do that now! I have a little Mrs.Claus dress that I wore last year and I pulled it out while decorating this year and cracked up imagining myself putting it on. It'd probably only cover half of my belly now (if I could even get it around my giant tata's)

Lei, let us know how your US goes ASAP. I hope it's nothing bad FX!
Hello everyone!! Keep the updates coming!!!

AFM, went to the FS this morning. No cysts. Everything looked good. They took my blood and said that all looked good too so I start injections tonight. Since I have PCOS they are starting me low and slow! Soo I am taking shots from tonight until Sunday with alternating dosages of 50 and 25 iu....which is not much at all!! On Sunday I go in for bloodwork and they will adjust my dosage then, if needed. The nurse said better to take it slow than overstimulate. So there's a strong likelihood that I will be taking shots for a few weeks depending on how quickly we find the right dose for me. Also no vag supp until after ovulation. So all I have to do is shots for now!!
By the way...I asked my clinic how many eggs were too many to cancel the cycle...she said anymore than 4. So here's to hoping for 2-3 nice size eggies!
Hey ladies!!
That appt took forever! Well my doc said my ovaries looked perfect, no cysts, no fibroids... no nothing.. just said it all looked perfect!!!! I honestly wish she would have told me something was wrong so I could have an answer as to why I had not got pregnant yet. She did a mini pap & again perfect. She asked if I would be going back on fertility meds & I broke down & told her no that we stopped trying & it would happen when it was time.

Hearing those words come out of my own mouth made me have so many emotions run through me & when I got to the car I balled me eyes out. I can't help but ask...if everything is so damn perfect then why am I not pregnant by now :(

Ugh its just been an emotional visit & I'm ready to let it all go.
Hey ladies!!
That appt took forever! Well my doc said my ovaries looked perfect, no cysts, no fibroids... no nothing.. just said it all looked perfect!!!! I honestly wish she would have told me something was wrong so I could have an answer as to why I had not got pregnant yet. She did a mini pap & again perfect. She asked if I would be going back on fertility meds & I broke down & told her no that we stopped trying & it would happen when it was time.

Hearing those words come out of my own mouth made me have so many emotions run through me & when I got to the car I balled me eyes out. I can't help but ask...if everything is so damn perfect then why am I not pregnant by now :(

Ugh its just been an emotional visit & I'm ready to let it all go.

Oh Lei...I am so sorry to hear that she found nothing and her saying that left you so down. But I don't think you should give up on this! Do one more cycle and give it your all! Maybe even do an IUI. Don't give up just yet! It will happen, there will be a tipping point...if you continue to do things right eventually things will fall in place
Lei, just blame it on the hubby! That's what we're good at, right? :hugs: You've got like 2 more cycles until IUI so try and keep your head up, I know it's hard. Hopefully you wont even need the IUI. But if you do, the odds are really in your favor. OH's spermies may just be having a rough time making their journey. And since your reproductive stuff is looking perfect, doing the IUI will just be the icing on the cake. Hang in there, doll! :flower:
Hey ladies!!
That appt took forever! Well my doc said my ovaries looked perfect, no cysts, no fibroids... no nothing.. just said it all looked perfect!!!! I honestly wish she would have told me something was wrong so I could have an answer as to why I had not got pregnant yet. She did a mini pap & again perfect. She asked if I would be going back on fertility meds & I broke down & told her no that we stopped trying & it would happen when it was time.

Hearing those words come out of my own mouth made me have so many emotions run through me & when I got to the car I balled me eyes out. I can't help but ask...if everything is so damn perfect then why am I not pregnant by now :(

Ugh its just been an emotional visit & I'm ready to let it all go.

Just a question have you been checked for endo?

Is your period ever painful or do you pass any huge clots , have pain ful sex at times?

With endo you can have a lot of pain before ovulation or after plus you can have a lot of pain before you start your period. I know a lot about endo as it's a pain in the rear to deal with. Endo can keep a woman from getting pregnant also.

If got a link talking about endo about what all it can do plus sometimes endo can block tubes.



Just throwing out some stuff to think about..

I've battled with endo an hate it. Endo is what kept me from getting pregnant with our 2nd an now with our 3rd. So had it removed 2x.

I'm not saying you've got endo but that is something to think about seriously.

Gone to bake cookies.
Thanks ladies!!!!

Jenna when I called him to tell him what the doctor said I wanted to say. " damn your swimmers.. why can't they find the egg" lmao. We know we both work fine so it really is just a matter of time.

Biggerfamily- no I don't have any of that.

We are gonna continue just to bd until my iui appt.
Thanks ladies!!!!

Jenna when I called him to tell him what the doctor said I wanted to say. " damn your swimmers.. why can't they find the egg" lmao. We know we both work fine so it really is just a matter of time.

Biggerfamily- no I don't have any of that.

We are gonna continue just to bd until my iui appt.

Question how do you know your don't?

I've had others think they don't an they find out do

A woman can have endo an not even know it. First time I didn't even know had it until couldn't get pregnant with our 2nd an when went to be checked I had it. A ultrasound will NOT show endo.

This is all saying on this matter. Just thought I would help out some. Oh if your cycles are not regular there is a issue to.

What is your age? DO you have PCOS? Are you seeing a RE or a OBGYN?

There is a lot of things I can throw out to ladies an lots will say just a OBGYN.

I"ve battled IF for years an even my DH said lots of women don't think they have endo until they see a RE an they do lots more stuff.

Good Luck..Now gone to kitchen again.
Bigger family- I know I don't because I've been checked for EVERYRHING when I started this process. You may not be familiar with my story. Not trying to be rude or it come off wrong but it just seemed like you are trying to attack me. I'm not saying that's the case but its just how it seems to come off. It may just be my hormones right now though.

I have regular cycles which are usually 26-28 days give or take a day. My cycles have always been normal since I can rememeber. I'm 26 & when I started this process with my husband over 2 years ago we got completely checked out for everything. The only thing they could find wrong was DHS Sperm count which has now been corrected after surgery. His numbers are slowly going up with every passing month which is wonderful :) they just keep telling us we have to get perfect timing. I've been seeing a RE & OBGYN & Fs to help with everything. I saw my RE who did all the tests & just check in with my FS & OBGYN occasionally. Honestly today was the first time I had seem my obgybin almost year as far as TTC.
I'll be stalking you ladies but quiet for a bit as I have nothing to update on until the tww gets here :)!!
Bigger family- I know I don't because I've been checked for EVERYRHING when I started this process. You may not be familiar with my story. Not trying to be rude or it come off wrong but it just seemed like you are trying to attack me. I'm not saying that's the case but its just how it seems to come off. It may just be my hormones right now though.

I have regular cycles which are usually 26-28 days give or take a day. My cycles have always been normal since I can rememeber. I'm 26 & when I started this process with my husband over 2 years ago we got completely checked out for everything. The only thing they could find wrong was DHS Sperm count which has now been corrected after surgery. His numbers are slowly going up with every passing month which is wonderful :) they just keep telling us we have to get perfect timing. I've been seeing a RE & OBGYN & Fs to help with everything. I saw my RE who did all the tests & just check in with my FS & OBGYN occasionally. Honestly today was the first time I had seem my obgybin almost year as far as TTC.

I'm NOT attacking you. Just asking. Can't I ask questions about stuff like this? Others on other forums thinks the same darn thing when I
trying to do nothing but be helpful. ENDO is a slight thing an if you've not had a lap you may not know you got it until been checked. Lots of women don't have no idea how many out here in this world has endo until they start having pains or trying to get pregnant an can't. I even ask did your RE do a LAP? A woman can have tons of test an not do a LAP as they may say oh you don't have endo an you may do it. I've had stuff timed perfect for months an never got pregnant so had my lap an behold there was endo once again.

I'm the type of person that been through hell an back an just want to be HELPFUL but if I can't be I'll not do it no more. Endo is a painful issue an I've had it 2x an removed 2x an it will stop a woman from getting pregnant. I even looked at your charts an oen showed a cycle at 21 of yours' That is also WHY was asking. It don't matter the age endo can attack anyone.

I'll not ask you NO more questions.

Sorry if you think I"m attacking you BUT I"M NOT.

Now I'll not ask no more questions to anyone. As every time I try to help I get attack or saying I'm doing so.

Good Luck on you getting pregnant.

Last thing to say. If you all want to see how I'm doing you may can find me on other forums on this message board.

I'm done with here as someone thinks I'm attacking them. Was just trying to be HELPFUL.. Guess I don't need to give any HELP as get accused of attacking others..

God bless an may you all get your wishes.
Biggerfamily, save me some cookies! :xmas14:

Wanted to say BYE to you before I leave this part. Jenna may you have a easy labor when comes time.

Plus when OLDER than most get accused of stuff. I was only trying to be HELPFUL but what do I get tonight? Sayn I'm attacker.
This thread is very emotionally charged right now, not really sure what to say.

:hugs::hugs:Lei:hugs::hugs: the moment you described in your car when you left your appointment is a feeling I am so very familiar with, I'm sure we all are. It is such an exhausting process and takes so much out of us, physically, emotionally, spiritually.
I KNOW this will happen for you when it's supposed to, either naturally or when you do IUI. Know that we are here for you every step of the way. I know we all wish there was some type of magic bullet that would just fix everything or make everything work the way it's supposed to. It's just not fair. We are surrounding you with support!!!! Anytime you need to talk we are here, all of us - and I know you know that but just a reminder.

I don't think biggerfamily was trying to attack you, I think she was just trying to help you figure out what was wrong since you were really wanting to know and sometimes that might come across the wrong way. <3
This thread is very emotionally charged right now, not really sure what to say.

:hugs::hugs:Lei:hugs::hugs: the moment you described in your car when you left your appointment is a feeling I am so very familiar with, I'm sure we all are. It is such an exhausting process and takes so much out of us, physically, emotionally, spiritually.
I KNOW this will happen for you when it's supposed to, either naturally or when you do IUI. Know that we are here for you every step of the way. I know we all wish there was some type of magic bullet that would just fix everything or make everything work the way it's supposed to. It's just not fair. We are surrounding you with support!!!! Anytime you need to talk we are here, all of us - and I know you know that but just a reminder.

I don't think biggerfamily was trying to attack you, I think she was just trying to help you figure out what was wrong since you were really wanting to know and sometimes that might come across the wrong way. <3

Thank you hun I REALLY do appreciate this! I MADE this thread for support & so we could all talk about the emotions we are feeling. I didn't say she was attacking me.. I said I felt that way & thats how it came off to me but never once did i say "oh your attacking me." I was just voiceing how it made me feel.

I know all of us have been through so much & EVERYONE has a different story then the others. I personally love to read journals so that way I can see peoples stories & know how to help or give advice when needed. Yesterday wasn't a good at all & as most of you know I am ALWAYS positive about the situation I am in when it comes to TTC & all I wanted was support. I didn't want to be made to feel like something was wrong with me & thats how it came across to ME . It may have not been the case but thats how it felt. We all know the emotions that we go through & how sometimes things can be taken wrong. Im over it & going to continue my journey because I know MY OWN STORY! :) & at the end of the day its all that matters!

again I can't thank you wonderful ladies enough of being concerned & helping me through all of this! I look forward to getting my :bfp: ! Maybe Santa will grant me that one wish hehehe!
I agree 100% with everything Hopin4 just said.

It is very hard to not take things personally when we are all feeling very emotional to begin with. Trying to conceive is an incredibly emotional and sometimes very very painful adventure.

I am so thankful to have all of you ladies here for support and I know you all feel the same way. I think each one of you are WONDERFUL and I pray every night that each one of us will get the children we dream of. Until then...we are all here for each other....good days.....AND BAD days. Let's just try to keep in mind why we are all feeling so emotional and try to give each other a little bit of a break. Sometimes things just don't come out right on text.


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