February 2013 Testers + clomid/ Femara

Jenna I'm gonna have to try & find that later :)

Bio AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH It looks like you did wahooo :happydance:
Aweeeee!! Bio!!! BFP!!! Congrats girl!! You guys did it!! :happydance:

Jenna - Love the new pics girl!! You look great!! I hope I look half as good as you!! :winkwink:

I didn't drink the Goji berry but I did drink a cup of 100% pure pomegrante juice before OV.

Lei - I'm sorry about your Mom. Hugs girl. :hugs: Yeahhh for increase in Femara! I hope this does it for you!
Cant wait to see that digi Bio!!!
Thank you snowflakes, I'm sure you'll look great ;) I hope you share belly pics once you start to show. How you feeling? Any MS yet? I didn't feel a THING until 6 weeks when it hit me like a brick wall. I hope you don't get any :( I was soooo miserable!
Thank you so much for all of the love and congrats!! You girls are amazing! :hugs: Trying not to stress about another mc, remembering that everything is what it is and all we can do is hope and pray for a healthy sticky bean.

Jenna, I didn't get a digi. I've spent soooo much money on tests that I'm just going to keep using the Internet cheapies and get a beta draw tomorrow.

Plus we need to save our money because we got the house we put an offer on!!!!! Holy crap it's a great week!!

And again going by O date bean's EDD is DH's bday, how weird is that?!
I feel like your last situation with the mc was kind of rare wasn't it? It was more developmental than not being sticky, right? Sorry if I'm getting it wrong, I'm trying to remember lol. Maybe ask for an ultrasound a little earlier this time to rule out whatever happened last time. Your betas will come back great, this is early to be getting a BFP which means your HCG is already high! Which means that baby is sticky-icky!!!!
What a great week you have :) Perfect timing huh!
Bio can't wait to see your test darker in the a.m :) as always.... there are always 3 :) :happydance:

Jenna I'm going to buy that stuff tomorrow & DH is on the ball with drinking it with me :) yahoo!!!!!!

Oh & I moved my whole room around & found my thermometer lol... It was inside my pillow case the whole time lmao!!!!
Thanks, snowflake!! How are you feeling?

Jenna, what happened to us last time was VERY rare, like I felt I should've gone out and bought a lottery ticket. I guess when I say sticky bean I meant "sticky for 9 months" haha. Last time there was a chromosome abnormality in the egg and unfortunately it wasn't found until 13 weeks (all previous scans looked perfect). I blame the HCG trigger shot for that. I know a lot of women have healthy babies with a trigger shot, but honestly, it doesn't work for me. Last two cycles had trigger shots and I knew something was off and both were BFN.

Lei, wahoo for finding your thermometer!! It's like finding gold lol. How has the increased dose been treating you side effect wise? Will you be OPK'ing?

Took another cheapie test this morning and it looks the same as yesterday. I'm ok with that, I just want to know my beta doubling time already!! Will be going in for a draw today and Thursday and should know how the numbers look by Friday.
This morning, 10DPO, FMU:

The RE I saw last week freaked me out a bit about having increased androgen (male hormone) with PCOS and that she's concerned I have that. It can cause masculinization of a female fetus. Might ask the dr to throw in a testosterone check, too. Come to think of it, they never called me with my progesterone results...
Bio wahoo the line is still there!! :happydance: :headspin: Im sure your betas will come back great :D

Im thinking about opks but still not sure. I also only plan to only use my bbt to confirm O. I don't want to stress about temps after. I may check them randomly but DH agreed to not check them everyday after O is confirmed.
Looking good Bio! Let us know what the beta's come back at!

Jenna - I am doing well. No MS yet. I do feel a little off sometimes but nothing that's horrible or even lasts that long at all. I don't know - maybe it's in my head...

Lei - Yeah for both of you guys drinking the goji!!

Not much going on here. I'm going to go for another beta/P4 test tomorrow when I'll be 5 weeks. Hoping for my numbers to be tripling still and my P4 to raise a little bit.
Hi girls,

wow alot has been happening since i was last on here. How is everyone doing?

Bio - fantastic news i also can't wait to hear about your beta results and also see the test get darker.:hugs:

Jenna - loving the bump pictures.:happydance:

Lei - how you feeling on your increased cycle? what day are you on as i think we are quite close together - i understand about the feeling down - me and my husband have been TTC since we got married in April 2010, in the past 4 weeks i have had 4 of my close friends have babies and as much as i am really happy for them all i can stop thinking why is it not me.:cry:

our day willl come hun, a friend told me that god is not quite ready to give you a baby as he making sure its extra perfect for me.

i had an appointment with my fertility specialisted they said that they will only give me 3 months more on chlomid and if i am not pregnancy by xmas its IVF for me in the new year which is scary so hopefully will be pregnancy by xmas (which would be a lovely present) xxx
Bio- your hpt looks great and a tad darker from yesturday !!!!!! And your temp looks ace !!!!! Xxx
Ellie I totally know what you mean. I too have had about 2 close friends have kids & to top it off yesterday my older brother told me his fiance may be pregnant again with their 3rd kid!!! Im happy for them of course but cant help but wonder why not me.

Last night my daughter came & asked me when she was going to get a sister or brother & I told her it was up to god.. So I told her to pray for one & she tells me "mom I have been, you pray now" lol.

I know our day will come & it will make me even that much more appreciative of what DH & I have accomplished! The wonderful miracle of life <3

today I think I am on CD 6 :happdance: So far the femara has not been bad other then those headaches it gives me. I was reading up on success stories last night on 7.5mg of femara & there were alot of people saying they either had twins or triplets.. AHHH lol!! I would love twins though! :)

Ohhhh & GUESSS WHAT LADIES!!!! DH went for his SA this morning & we will know the results by 5 this afternoon! THANK GOD!!!! Atleast we will know if the vitamins are helping!
Bio: The line is actually darker today I think!! And you did it with out the trigger shot this time :) I feel confident that your little beany baby will be just fine! So happy for you! :hugs:

Lei: Lmao!!! In your pillow case, of COURSE. How funny lol! Glad your found it!! I think that's a great idea to not stress about post O temps. Maybe it'll help your TWW go by faster, and bring less stress for a nice healthy sticky boo. I'm glad you and DH decided to give the goji juice a try, I was also thinking of starting it again too for all the other health benefits lol. I forgot about it until I brought it up then wondered why I stopped doing it... Hopefully it'll give DH's spermies another boost! It's an awesome super food :)

Snowflakes: I'm glad you're not feeling anything yet. You've got pleeeenty of time to rack up on the symptoms though! The only thing I had in first tri was the MS, but that made up for lack in everything else. I didn't get sore bbs until 2nd tri. And the frequent urination kicked in to high gear to make up for missing out on first tri too. Oh and I got horrible acne haha. Gotta looooove pregnancy! Before 6 weeks I used to think I was nauseous but I figured out it was just nerves. Maybe that's what you're feeling?
Hi ladies. I'm not sure where to post my questions. Right now I am two days late for my period and I have been having cramps on and off for seven days. And when I say on and off it's mostly on. With my son I had sore boobs, cramps, bloated, vey sick to my stomach, could smell everything. So now I don't know what to think. Last month I had a chemical pregnancy so I'm scared to test now. I feel like AF will start any second for seven days. What do you think?
Lei, I didn't see your other post sorry lol. That's the cutest thing I've ever heard! How sweet, she's been praying for you.. I used to pray with one of my residents every night before putting her to bed. She's 100 years old and we'd pray for a baby. Weeeeee for the SA I hope it comes back great!!!

Mom2Cayden: I felt the same exact way with my BFP. Tons of cramping like AF was right around the corner. I almost didnt test because I was so convinced AF was coming. Its normal. I call it phantom AF. I say test ;)
Bio: The line is actually darker today I think!! And you did it with out the trigger shot this time :) I feel confident that your little beany baby will be just fine! So happy for you! :hugs:

Lei: Lmao!!! In your pillow case, of COURSE. How funny lol! Glad your found it!! I think that's a great idea to not stress about post O temps. Maybe it'll help your TWW go by faster, and bring less stress for a nice healthy sticky boo. I'm glad you and DH decided to give the goji juice a try, I was also thinking of starting it again too for all the other health benefits lol. I forgot about it until I brought it up then wondered why I stopped doing it... Hopefully it'll give DH's spermies another boost! It's an awesome super food :)

Snowflakes: I'm glad you're not feeling anything yet. You've got pleeeenty of time to rack up on the symptoms though! The only thing I had in first tri was the MS, but that made up for lack in everything else. I didn't get sore bbs until 2nd tri. And the frequent urination kicked in to high gear to make up for missing out on first tri too. Oh and I got horrible acne haha. Gotta looooove pregnancy! Before 6 weeks I used to think I was nauseous but I figured out it was just nerves. Maybe that's what you're feeling?

It was a body pillow at that lol!!! Im talking it was ALLLLL THE WAY in there lol . The benfits are great! I think I lost all the weight I wanted to lose but getting more healthy can always be done! :) I think if I lose any more weight I may look sickly for my height lol. Dr. Google had some great stuff about that ..not to mention I read its done with alot of chinese medicine which is what we use the ginseng for , for dh's spermies.. FXED IT WORKS!!!

Jenna - yes she is such a sweetheart but im glad that she prays about it withought me even asking lol. I never even knew she had been praying about it lol! I remember you telling me about your resident =) Thats too sweet! I used to do that with my great grandma. She lived in Arizona but I would call her just to pray.. Now that she passed away I just pray to her to get me through it.

Hi ladies. I'm not sure where to post my questions. Right now I am two days late for my period and I have been having cramps on and off for seven days. And when I say on and off it's mostly on. With my son I had sore boobs, cramps, bloated, vey sick to my stomach, could smell everything. So now I don't know what to think. Last month I had a chemical pregnancy so I'm scared to test now. I feel like AF will start any second for seven days. What do you think?

How long do your cycles usually last?? do you temp?? If you are usually on time I would recommend testing in the next day or so if you dont start.
Good luck Lei on the SA results! I remember waiting for the nurse to get on the phone (after being on hold for 15 mins) and my heart was beating so hard! I bet everything will be great!

I don't know if you guys feel this way but my OB's nurses just tell me my results like they would say the weather. When I got my DHs SA results I wanted to be like..."aren't you freakin excited for me"....crickets. Oh well!

I scheduled an appt with a fertility specialist for Early Nov. so if this cycle of femara and injections and trigger doesn't work...I'll be headed to the specialist. I'm a little nervous about having to get use to another dr. but HOPEFULLY this cycle will work.

Congrats to everyone that got their BFPs!
Bio: The line is actually darker today I think!! And you did it with out the trigger shot this time :) I feel confident that your little beany baby will be just fine! So happy for you! :hugs:

Lei: Lmao!!! In your pillow case, of COURSE. How funny lol! Glad your found it!! I think that's a great idea to not stress about post O temps. Maybe it'll help your TWW go by faster, and bring less stress for a nice healthy sticky boo. I'm glad you and DH decided to give the goji juice a try, I was also thinking of starting it again too for all the other health benefits lol. I forgot about it until I brought it up then wondered why I stopped doing it... Hopefully it'll give DH's spermies another boost! It's an awesome super food :)

Snowflakes: I'm glad you're not feeling anything yet. You've got pleeeenty of time to rack up on the symptoms though! The only thing I had in first tri was the MS, but that made up for lack in everything else. I didn't get sore bbs until 2nd tri. And the frequent urination kicked in to high gear to make up for missing out on first tri too. Oh and I got horrible acne haha. Gotta looooove pregnancy! Before 6 weeks I used to think I was nauseous but I figured out it was just nerves. Maybe that's what you're feeling?

It was a body pillow at that lol!!! Im talking it was ALLLLL THE WAY in there lol . The benfits are great! I think I lost all the weight I wanted to lose but getting more healthy can always be done! :) I think if I lose any more weight I may look sickly for my height lol. Dr. Google had some great stuff about that ..not to mention I read its done with alot of chinese medicine which is what we use the ginseng for , for dh's spermies.. FXED IT WORKS!!!

Jenna - yes she is such a sweetheart but im glad that she prays about it withought me even asking lol. I never even knew she had been praying about it lol! I remember you telling me about your resident =) Thats too sweet! I used to do that with my great grandma. She lived in Arizona but I would call her just to pray.. Now that she passed away I just pray to her to get me through it.

Hi ladies. I'm not sure where to post my questions. Right now I am two days late for my period and I have been having cramps on and off for seven days. And when I say on and off it's mostly on. With my son I had sore boobs, cramps, bloated, vey sick to my stomach, could smell everything. So now I don't know what to think. Last month I had a chemical pregnancy so I'm scared to test now. I feel like AF will start any second for seven days. What do you think?

How long do your cycles usually last?? do you temp?? If you are usually on time I would recommend testing in the next day or so if you dont start.

I usually always have a 28 day cycle. I know exactly when I going to af but about 7 months ago for two months in a row I was four days late. But that is the only time that has ever happend. I was late last month but it was a chemical pregnancy. I don't temp that seems really confusing to me. I think I will test tomorrow if nothing before then. I really dont want to see one line though. I'll post the results tomorrow. I'll be praying the rest of the day.
Lei, I don't think I can do goji juice until after pregnancy :( Dr. Google days there isn't enough research on it with pregnant women and I'd rather be safe than sorry. Even though it is just a berry.... I don't know lol! I'll definitely be starting it up again after though. Hopefully it'll help me get back to my regular self, lose baby weight, and keep SOME kind of energy! That's so sweet about your great grandma too :) How cute... She still prays with you though, I'm sure you already know that ;)

Mom2Cayden, I look forward to hearing how your test goes.
typeA TTC - Thanks hun!!! DH has not gotten one in about 4 months & even then they had gone up from the previous time so I am really hoping they are even higher now :D I totally know what you mean.. They act like its no biggy but to us its like a life or death situation!

Mom2Cayden- I will also be praying for you hun that you get your bfp!!!

Jenna- Yeah don't drink it if its not for sure on side effects it may have. I laughed when I read about the part when it told china men not to eat the berry when they are away from their wives cause it makes them horn dogs lmao!!!

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