February 2013 Testers + clomid/ Femara

beautifullei2 you can pry as much as you want my dear! I am an open book. Feel free to ask any question hun! So yes, we have been trying for over a year and at first I was just trying the natural approach, then took vitamins I researched online, tried softcups, pre-seed etc. It seemed nothing was working so we went to the fertility clinic here in Maine. I thought for sure it would be him because I had a baby 6 years ago with my x-husband with no problems, wasn't even trying; infact, I was 21 and having a baby, yikes to young but she is a blessing in every way! So truth be told DH had is semen analysis and came back with flying colors! the doctor said, and I quote, "your husband has golden sperm I have only seen 2 other analysis's this good in my 36 years in the field." So other then the fact that my DH's head is now the size of Texas I was relieved it wasn't him. My turn; poor egg quality, hormones a little high, uterine wall is thin ( hard for egg to attach) WHAT, ME? It was a shock non-the-less but here I am today first round of chlomid 50 mg took my hcg shot had a whole lot of BD'ing and now onto the dreadful TWW. I feel lucky this month, we will see! So now are you waiting to test for ovulation or pregnancy?

How did you go about testing for that?? I have had several tests done & those came back fine & now that DH's SA results are good I don't know what the problem is. Our FS said he was almost positive that this would be our month but this am I had a huge temp drop so I didnt even bother to test. AF is due wednesday or thursday & so far I havent had any cramps.. just pinching around my R ovary where I O'ed from.

DH has a daughter thats 11 & I have a 5 year old so we figured this would be a breeze but boy where we wrong lol.
Honestly, you're temps might just still be up and not due to the thermometer malfunctioning ;) What's your temperature during the day or what's your hubby's temp? If it's different than 98.3-98.4, then I'd suspect your temps are accurate.

Maybe you're not seeing a dip in your temps because you're going to get your :bfp:!!! :dance:

okay now I feel better, I just checked my temp and it is 98.9....

Eggplant for a few weeks :dohh: where have I been?! I'm so out of it, sorry :blush: What's the next fruit he'll graduate to? Happy start of the 3rd trimester!!!

Haha isn't our grey/white spec beautiful? Next u/s it should actually look like a baby. I've had a recurring dream over the past 5 years where I've seen all of my kids: boy, girl, boy. I had always said I wanted 2 boys, then when I met DH he said he wanted 3 boys and yet I still kept having this dream, so I'm going with the 1st born being a boy ;)

One week to the day after I had a D&E done with our angel, I got awoken around 3am, one of those half asleep half awake moments, and I saw a little girl about 4 years old with long beautiful hair standing next to my side of the bed. She told me "mama, I'm ok, don't be sad. I'm happy in heaven and all grown up." I wasn't going to tell DH at first because he'd think I was crazy, but he told me he woke up at 3:30am and he didn't know why - he never wakes up in the middle of the night. Not to sound crazy, but I honestly feel like all of my kids visit me one way or another :cloud9:

So, we'll wait until after we get the NT scan results to start telling everyone, which will be after Thanksgiving. Once we're over that hurdle, we'll feel much more comfortable to actually enjoy this pregnancy :thumbup:

Hahaha your pregnancy brain must be kicking in already :haha: No worries. I don't know what the next fruit is.... its the round orange thing haha I just don't know what the heck that is.
Wow, that's so sweet she visited you after the d&e. You don't sound silly lol, it makes perfect sense. It must have been somewhat reassuring. I had a friend pass away about 4 almost 5 years ago and the day after she passed I had the craziest dream. I dreamed that I went to the house where I first met her and knocked on the door. She answered and was SO pleased to see me. She kept saying "Jenna, I have to show you this! Come on, hurry I cant wait to show you!" And she grabbed my hand and led me to the stairs. At the top was a bright light. She walked up the stairs saying "come on, Jenna. Come on!" But I couldn't follow her. Then I woke up. I really do believe our loved ones visit us after their passing and that ABSOLUTELY includes our unborn. And all our dreams we have before being pregnant where we're holding our baby (I know all you ladies have had those dreams while ttc!) Is our baby coming to tell us they'll be here soon.
Wow, after thanksgiving... seems so soon :) Only a month and a week away! Any fun ideas on how you'll break the news?

Lei, I see your temp drop :hugs: Wahhh.... I feel so sad for you. I thought for sure this would be it with double the chance... so what now? Natural cycle with goji, right? will you temp still?
It was unfortunate but oh well. I don't think I am going to do anything to be honest. I have already thrown away my charts at home & I think my thermometer is next :(

Dh knows how strongly I feel about this whole situation and thankfully he is supporting me. I for sure thought this month was going to be it but God has another plan for us. No more FS & no more femara!!! Just gonna hump when we feel like it :haha: In time it will happen but after a year I guess it just wasnt in the cards. I'll stick around for stalking though :D

I do still have 1 more month of FF but its to tempting so I may change the password to something ill never remember so I dont log in hahahahah
beautifullei2 you can pry as much as you want my dear! I am an open book. Feel free to ask any question hun! So yes, we have been trying for over a year and at first I was just trying the natural approach, then took vitamins I researched online, tried softcups, pre-seed etc. It seemed nothing was working so we went to the fertility clinic here in Maine. I thought for sure it would be him because I had a baby 6 years ago with my x-husband with no problems, wasn't even trying; infact, I was 21 and having a baby, yikes to young but she is a blessing in every way! So truth be told DH had is semen analysis and came back with flying colors! the doctor said, and I quote, "your husband has golden sperm I have only seen 2 other analysis's this good in my 36 years in the field." So other then the fact that my DH's head is now the size of Texas I was relieved it wasn't him. My turn; poor egg quality, hormones a little high, uterine wall is thin ( hard for egg to attach) WHAT, ME? It was a shock non-the-less but here I am today first round of chlomid 50 mg took my hcg shot had a whole lot of BD'ing and now onto the dreadful TWW. I feel lucky this month, we will see! So now are you waiting to test for ovulation or pregnancy?

How did you go about testing for that?? I have had several tests done & those came back fine & now that DH's SA results are good I don't know what the problem is. Our FS said he was almost positive that this would be our month but this am I had a huge temp drop so I didnt even bother to test. AF is due wednesday or thursday & so far I havent had any cramps.. just pinching around my R ovary where I O'ed from.

DH has a daughter thats 11 & I have a 5 year old so we figured this would be a breeze but boy where we wrong lol.

They did a ton of blood work and an ultrasound on me. They found that the size of my egg was not of good quality during ovulation and they saw that my uterine wall was to thin at the time of ovulation ( all from ultrasound). Then blood work concluded that I had a few hormones out of whack one it which is the "male hormone" I forget the name but starts with an A. He said that this hormone deficiency is probably why I had poor egg quality and a weak uterine lining:nope:. His hope is the Chlomid evens all that crap out. We think it rooted from stress and diet.

How is your diet? Do you have a good balance between fruits, veggies, protein, and dairy? I have been working hard on eating healthy these last couple of months; it may be in my head but i really think it may make a difference. That is so excited that you and your DH have two little ones, they will be great "big helpers" when the baby comes some day! I always wanted mine close together but it just didn't work out that way.

I am going to sound like a super nut head but I had no idea you could temp after ovulation to see if you ovulated and to determine when af will arrive. I will send lots of :hugs: and :dust: your way and hope for a BFP this month! is your DH on any vitamins? Mine takes folic acid, vitamin c and zinc All great for:spermy:
babyhopesnme have you tried the clearblue opt's? they work wonderful! My fertility doc even suggested them! Good luck hope it fixes it self non the less!:winkwink:

I usually use the internet cheapy OPK and they seem to work just fine, I think. I don't use them after I know I've O'd though. I have a pretty regular BBT pattern but am unsure how the clomid that I took this month may affect it. I have my progesterone drawn on 7DPO and it was 47.9 which is higher than normal so I know I ovulated and am just seeing if the progesterone production drops off so I lose some of these side effects of insomnia and hot flashes and tender boobs. I am due AF friday so maybe in the next couple of days, all will be back to normal.

Oh yes I'm sure cheapy's work just as good! Is this your first month on clomid? I wish you the best of luck for that :bfp: fingers crossed that:af:doesn't show her ugly face!
It was unfortunate but oh well. I don't think I am going to do anything to be honest. I have already thrown away my charts at home & I think my thermometer is next :(

Dh knows how strongly I feel about this whole situation and thankfully he is supporting me. I for sure thought this month was going to be it but God has another plan for us. No more FS & no more femara!!! Just gonna hump when we feel like it :haha: In time it will happen but after a year I guess it just wasnt in the cards. I'll stick around for stalking though :D

I do still have 1 more month of FF but its to tempting so I may change the password to something ill never remember so I dont log in hahahahah

Try not to feel discouraged it WILL happen, in time, it just takes some of us longer than others. It's hard, I know, trying for this long; it gives little hope in our hearts. But god has a plan and fate will take it course in time! A lot of people have a sticky eggy when they stop FT and just have fun:sex::winkwink: so good luck.... IT WILL HAPPEN!!!![-o<:dust:
Took clomid days 5-9 and had cramps for 2 days on cd12 and cd13. Is that too early for me to have ovulated!? I last took clomid in 2009 and I ovulated late at cd23. Hoping and praying I ovulated because I'm having tender bbs and fatigue at cd19. Anyone have any input? I also didn't chart.

TTC #2 clomid baby :). Good luck to everyone!!!!!! :hugs:

I ovulated early on my first round of clomid! BUT I already O on my own, just took it to boost our chances bc we are using donor sperm and IUI. I ovulated CD11 and I THINK I may have ovulated twice within 24 hours! (so again on cd12)
hey girls,

I had a temp dip (from 98.6 down to 98.4) on cd8 and cd9 (98.45) then today, cd10 it was back up to 98.65 Do you think that could have been implantation dip? I don't wanna get too excited, but my iphone dumped all of my temps from my ical when I synced and so I don't have reference for last few months, I honestly can't remember if my temps ever fluctuated like that before. Usually, my temps drop off 2-3 days before AF.
Momof1making2 they have always checked the lineing on me as well & always said it looked fine as well as my eggs. I had blood work done on CD3 & my 21 blood draws which all came back normal. Hmm I wonder what other tests they can do.

My diet usually contains all the above but lately I have had cravings for junk food lol. I ate a philly cheesesteak yesterday along with fried egg plant. Not something I usually eat but I just wanted it hahaha. I usually eat pretty good though aside from the past few days.

I always wanted mine close in age as well but it didnt happen lol. DD & my step daughter are 6 years apart & it looks like our next will be the same if not more.

DH take ginseng which is suppose to help improve & it actually has so he takes it religiously :haha:

Thanks for encourageing words hun! I know EVENTUALLY it will but gosh why does it take so long! Hopefully since we stop trying it will happen by surprise.. It always ends up working out that way.
Ginseng huh? I'll have to look into that as well! Anything for healthy spermy's :spermy:
Benefits for Men
Much of male infertility is due to low sperm count and/or poor sperm motility. Ginseng has been demonstrated to improve both of these conditions. In 1996, the Italian Journal "Panminerva Medica" published a double-blind study led by G. Salvati in which infertile men showed improved sperm count and motility after being treated orally with 4 g of Panax ginseng for three months. The website CellHealthMakeover.com notes that some studies have shown ginseng to improve testosterone levels and erectile function. Further research is warranted, however.

Benefits for Women
Ginseng is believed to help tone the uterus and increase blood volume, thereby improving the conditions under which an embryo could implant in the uterine lining. It may also stimulate the ovaries to produce more estrogen and balance the reproductive hormones. Few scientific studies, however, confirm the effects ginseng on female fertility

Read more: https://www.livestrong.com/article/492547-korean-ginseng-fertility/#ixzz29UEBtk00
Thanks for sharing the story about your friend, Jenna :hugs: It's amazing how these things happen
the whole no baby thing really put me in a crummy mood today BUUUTTTTT I just got the greatest news ever. We are suppose to close on the house next week!!! :happydance: !! Im so over the moon about it & cant wait to have more space! plus whenver I do get preggers the baby will have its own room since its a 4 bedroom house! wahoo!!!!
babyhopesnme have you tried the clearblue opt's? they work wonderful! My fertility doc even suggested them! Good luck hope it fixes it self non the less!:winkwink:

I usually use the internet cheapy OPK and they seem to work just fine, I think. I don't use them after I know I've O'd though. I have a pretty regular BBT pattern but am unsure how the clomid that I took this month may affect it. I have my progesterone drawn on 7DPO and it was 47.9 which is higher than normal so I know I ovulated and am just seeing if the progesterone production drops off so I lose some of these side effects of insomnia and hot flashes and tender boobs. I am due AF friday so maybe in the next couple of days, all will be back to normal.

Oh yes I'm sure cheapy's work just as good! Is this your first month on clomid? I wish you the best of luck for that :bfp: fingers crossed that:af:doesn't show her ugly face!

This is my 2nd month on clomid but my first month was un-monitored and I didn't temp. It was already stressful paying attention for side effects! This month has been just fine as far as side effects go (few hot flashes, ovulation spotting and some cramping for about a week after o)

I tested :bfn: today at 11DPO so I might be out but my BBT chart is giving me hope. The Wondfo strips say they detect 25 miu. I know the cramping is from cysts on both ovaries per my ultrasound friday and my sore boobs and insomnia are from the progesterone spike so I can't use any of my "symptoms" as indicators.....we shall see in the next couple of days
Congratulations on the home Lei!!! How silly, 3 of us are moving to a new home! There's your special 3 again. Feel free to share pictures of it too :]

Babyhopes, 11dpo is still very early. If I were you I'd give it another 3 days and retest at 14dpo. Good luuuuck!
Hey ladies, I just finished my first round of clomid and want twinsies so bad! :oneofeach:
Goodmorning all! Crazy thing happened here in Maine last night; We had a 4.5 earthquake! This has never happened in my 28 years of exsistance here. I'm just hoping it shook the swimming spermy's in me directly to my egg lol:haha:. Anyways Congrats on the new house Lei,( I'm guessing that is your real name cause someone else said it :winkwink:) other than marriage and baby that is the most exciting thing to happen in life! What does your new house look like? I cant wait to hear! I'm jealous, we are renting a home at the moment, hoping to buy in the spring. Thanks for all the ginseng info, I'm going to go buy some :flower:

babyhopesinmi- You may be testing to early hun! It is still very possible to have a nice ripe eggy in there! Now these wonfo strips, I have never heard of them, what do they do? They sound interesting! sending you:dust: for your 14 DPO on the rise:winkwink:

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