February 2013 Testers + clomid/ Femara

no I think FF changed it when I put in my sleep.. I slept about 4 hours but I was so tired I was tossing & turning so not sure how accurate it was. FF has a mind of its own lol

but as you can see on my other charts it tends to jump up high then drop lol. Ahhhh the beauty of temping ;-)
stevens - I'm sorry :hugs: Is the dr offering you and IUI or anything like that this cycle? If it's your final round of clomid, do everything you possibly can :dust:

babyhopes and Lei - beautiful charts!!! Lei, happy belated bday! When are you moving? That's so exciting! babyhopes, when are you testing?

Jenna/Draven - happy eggplant day! That boy is growing and growing, hooray!!!! Finish line is in sight ;)

AFM, DH and I just got back from our viability scan and I'm happy to say we're over hurdle #1 - there's one baby in there (even though it's super tiny) with a heartbeat of 123bpm measuring right on track! Due June 8, day before DH's bday.
Next scan we're holding our breath on is the NT test at 11-12w (when we found out something was wrong last time).

Throwing up started this past Saturday and hasn't been fun. We had people over yesterday for the football games and I had an ingenious idea of emptying a brown beer bottle and filling it with water so no one would suspect anything :thumbup:
thanks Bio!!!

Awwwww your little bean :) It sure does have a strong HB :thumbup: Don't stress hun everything will be fine when you go for your next scan :D

We should close on the house within the next week so hopefully after that. im ready to move!
tested this morning :bfn:

Only had the Wondfo strips though so still holding out hope....kinda hard with no symptoms but I am only 10DPO today so who knows???/

Waiting til Wednesday to test again.
let me add I retested with our work cheapies & it was negative. My last dip was at 9dpo which was only 3 days ago so if I am preg. its to early to tell since my hcg hasnt build up. I think I may re-test on wednesday as well.

I looked on FF & did a search on the tests that I am using & almost ALLLLL of them aren't showing up positive until 14dpo. There are very few that had their :bfp: at 12dpo so im really hoping the test just isnt as sensative as it claims to be.

My boobs have been hurting all day & I Feel like im gearing up to O again which I know isnt going to happen ahhahaha
Hi ladies:flower: I have been snooping on your thread:shrug: and got excited:happydance: because it seems as though you ladies are on the same boat as I am. I have been ttc for well over a year and haven't been on bnb for a while ( very discouraged). I am on my first round of Chlomid (50 mg); had two large follicles on my ultrasound and DH gave me "the shot" two nights ago. we Bd'ed twice yesterday and once this morning ( will again tonight and once more tomorrow). Very nervous but very exciting as well. I hope to join you ladies on our journey together, can feel very lonely at times as you all know!. I want to congratulate those of you that are now expecting:baby: SO EXCITING! I have hope for the rest of us that we get a sip of that same water:winkwink:. Sending baby dust to all you ladies through this fascinating journey:dust::dust:
Bio, thank you! We've been an eggplant for a few weeks already, I THINK this is the last week as an eggplant. I could be wrong though I might have one more week after this. But whatever!! Today marks the first day of third trimester :) And what a beautiful little black dot you have!!! :hugs: Do you have any hunches towards boy or girl yet? OH and I knew right away we were having a boy even though at first we wanted a girl. We still knew he was a boy :) Sorry about the MS! I don't miss that one bit. I had it baaaad, never went away. Hopefully your little bean will give you a break every now and then and let yoi eat with out throwing up. Great idea with the beer bottle ;) When do you plan on sharing? After the next US? I couldn't wait past 9 weeks lol I was too excited.

Lei, I'm still really holding out hope for you! Hopefully Wednesday will bring you some better news.

I'm at the doctors right now and its awfulllll! I haven't eaten since dinner last night. I haven't had coffee so I have a horrible migraine. I had to drink that stupid orange drink again and its making me sick since its on an empty stomach. They will be calling me back every hour for 3 hours to draw my blood... So bored... So hungry... So miserable lol. OH promised me ihop after this... Keeping my eyes on the prize!
Hi ladies:flower: I have been snooping on your thread:shrug: and got excited:happydance: because it seems as though you ladies are on the same boat as I am. I have been ttc for well over a year and haven't been on bnb for a while ( very discouraged). I am on my first round of Chlomid (50 mg); had two large follicles on my ultrasound and DH gave me "the shot" two nights ago. we Bd'ed twice yesterday and once this morning ( will again tonight and once more tomorrow). Very nervous but very exciting as well. I hope to join you ladies on our journey together, can feel very lonely at times as you all know!. I want to congratulate those of you that are now expecting:baby: SO EXCITING! I have hope for the rest of us that we get a sip of that same water:winkwink:. Sending baby dust to all you ladies through this fascinating journey:dust::dust:

Welcome :flower:
Do you temp or use opks?
Yes this journey is hard at times but thanks to all the ladies on here it makes it so much easier. I tried so many times to talk to my friends but they just dont get it. If it wasn't for my bnb ladies I would be lost :)
When do you plan on testing so I can add you to the front page?

Bio, thank you! We've been an eggplant for a few weeks already, I THINK this is the last week as an eggplant. I could be wrong though I might have one more week after this. But whatever!! Today marks the first day of third trimester :) And what a beautiful little black dot you have!!! :hugs: Do you have any hunches towards boy or girl yet? OH and I knew right away we were having a boy even though at first we wanted a girl. We still knew he was a boy :) Sorry about the MS! I don't miss that one bit. I had it baaaad, never went away. Hopefully your little bean will give you a break every now and then and let yoi eat with out throwing up. Great idea with the beer bottle ;) When do you plan on sharing? After the next US? I couldn't wait past 9 weeks lol I was too excited.

Lei, I'm still really holding out hope for you! Hopefully Wednesday will bring you some better news.

I'm at the doctors right now and its awfulllll! I haven't eaten since dinner last night. I haven't had coffee so I have a horrible migraine. I had to drink that stupid orange drink again and its making me sick since its on an empty stomach. They will be calling me back every hour for 3 hours to draw my blood... So bored... So hungry... So miserable lol. OH promised me ihop after this... Keeping my eyes on the prize!

Jenna- EGGPLANT sounds yummy!!! HEHEHE.. My mom used to slice it really thin & batter it with corn mill & fry it up. Its soooo yummy lol! I havent had it since I was younger but I just have a huge craving for it. :blush:

Sorry your having to drink that again but hopefully this time your results will be fine since they starved you & all!! I mean REALLY?!?!? Who tells a pregnant hormonal women she CANT EAT!!! wtf :rofl: IHOP does sound like a great treat after though :haha:
Hi Beautifullei2, Thank you for the warm welcome, I'm so excited I found this thread! I use opk's however they gave me the hcg shot so I'm currently ovulating. I test for pregnancy at the doctors on Oct 29th, very exciting!
Hi Beautifullei2, Thank you for the warm welcome, I'm so excited I found this thread! I use opk's however they gave me the hcg shot so I'm currently ovulating. I test for pregnancy at the doctors on Oct 29th, very exciting!

FXed you get your :bfp:

I saw you have been TTC for a little over a year. Have you or your OH undergone any other tests to see why it hasn't happened yet. (I hope I don't seem like im prying cause its not my intention at all :flower: , I am just curious as to everyones story)

AFM: DH had a low sperm count but after trying some vitamins & surgery we got it back in the normal range :happydance: Now its just a matter of us actually getting pregnant.
Lol!! I told the lady drawing my blood the same thing! I said "Telling a pregnant woman she can't eat should be a sin." And she fully agreed. Almooost done though. About 20 more minutes until my 4th and final blood draw then I FINALLY get to eat for the first time today! Mmmmm pancakes are in my near future.
Also, the birthing class we planned on registering for was full so it looks like we'll be taking it a couple weeks sooner than I expected! We start next Monday lol! I hope its fun.
How were those pancakes??????

I was going to test Wednesday but tomorrow marks 1year, 3months, 3 weeks & 3 days :) I'm feeling kind of lucky Bahahahaha
You and your 3's! Tomorrow sounds great hehe. So that'll put you at 13 dpo? Hopefully we'll be able to see the line by then! Can't waaiitttt :] I love waking up and rushing to my computer to see you've tested lol. It's fun for me.

IHop was AMAAAAZING!! When we pulled up I jumped out and told OH "RUN! RUN! HURRY, RUN!" I got stuffed french toast, hashbrowns, 2 eggs, and 2 sausage links. I ate every last bite of it PLUS one of OH's sausage links lol! I was starving. We were in and out within 45 minutes. It's only been 3 hours and I'm hungry again haha. I hope I never have to go that long with out food ever again, especially while pregnant lol. And I pray none of you have to either! That was torture.
Help! I think my thermometer is broke. This month, I have been using this new basal thermometer but for the last few days it has been registering around the same temperature (98.3 or 98.4). My charts typically have a few dips before they drop off and AF comes but seems this only my 2nd round of clomid (1st round I didn't temp) I am wondering if it has an effect on your temps the rest of your cycle?
beautifullei2 you can pry as much as you want my dear! I am an open book. Feel free to ask any question hun! So yes, we have been trying for over a year and at first I was just trying the natural approach, then took vitamins I researched online, tried softcups, pre-seed etc. It seemed nothing was working so we went to the fertility clinic here in Maine. I thought for sure it would be him because I had a baby 6 years ago with my x-husband with no problems, wasn't even trying; infact, I was 21 and having a baby, yikes to young but she is a blessing in every way! So truth be told DH had is semen analysis and came back with flying colors! the doctor said, and I quote, "your husband has golden sperm I have only seen 2 other analysis's this good in my 36 years in the field." So other then the fact that my DH's head is now the size of Texas I was relieved it wasn't him. My turn; poor egg quality, hormones a little high, uterine wall is thin ( hard for egg to attach) WHAT, ME? It was a shock non-the-less but here I am today first round of chlomid 50 mg took my hcg shot had a whole lot of BD'ing and now onto the dreadful TWW. I feel lucky this month, we will see! So now are you waiting to test for ovulation or pregnancy?
babyhopesnme have you tried the clearblue opt's? they work wonderful! My fertility doc even suggested them! Good luck hope it fixes it self non the less!:winkwink:
babyhopesnme have you tried the clearblue opt's? they work wonderful! My fertility doc even suggested them! Good luck hope it fixes it self non the less!:winkwink:

I usually use the internet cheapy OPK and they seem to work just fine, I think. I don't use them after I know I've O'd though. I have a pretty regular BBT pattern but am unsure how the clomid that I took this month may affect it. I have my progesterone drawn on 7DPO and it was 47.9 which is higher than normal so I know I ovulated and am just seeing if the progesterone production drops off so I lose some of these side effects of insomnia and hot flashes and tender boobs. I am due AF friday so maybe in the next couple of days, all will be back to normal.
Help! I think my thermometer is broke. This month, I have been using this new basal thermometer but for the last few days it has been registering around the same temperature (98.3 or 98.4). My charts typically have a few dips before they drop off and AF comes but seems this only my 2nd round of clomid (1st round I didn't temp) I am wondering if it has an effect on your temps the rest of your cycle?

Honestly, you're temps might just still be up and not due to the thermometer malfunctioning ;) What's your temperature during the day or what's your hubby's temp? If it's different than 98.3-98.4, then I'd suspect your temps are accurate.

Maybe you're not seeing a dip in your temps because you're going to get your :bfp:!!! :dance:
Bio, thank you! We've been an eggplant for a few weeks already, I THINK this is the last week as an eggplant. I could be wrong though I might have one more week after this. But whatever!! Today marks the first day of third trimester :) And what a beautiful little black dot you have!!! :hugs: Do you have any hunches towards boy or girl yet? OH and I knew right away we were having a boy even though at first we wanted a girl. We still knew he was a boy :) Sorry about the MS! I don't miss that one bit. I had it baaaad, never went away. Hopefully your little bean will give you a break every now and then and let yoi eat with out throwing up. Great idea with the beer bottle ;) When do you plan on sharing? After the next US? I couldn't wait past 9 weeks lol I was too excited.

Eggplant for a few weeks :dohh: where have I been?! I'm so out of it, sorry :blush: What's the next fruit he'll graduate to? Happy start of the 3rd trimester!!!

Haha isn't our grey/white spec beautiful? Next u/s it should actually look like a baby. I've had a recurring dream over the past 5 years where I've seen all of my kids: boy, girl, boy. I had always said I wanted 2 boys, then when I met DH he said he wanted 3 boys and yet I still kept having this dream, so I'm going with the 1st born being a boy ;)

One week to the day after I had a D&E done with our angel, I got awoken around 3am, one of those half asleep half awake moments, and I saw a little girl about 4 years old with long beautiful hair standing next to my side of the bed. She told me "mama, I'm ok, don't be sad. I'm happy in heaven and all grown up." I wasn't going to tell DH at first because he'd think I was crazy, but he told me he woke up at 3:30am and he didn't know why - he never wakes up in the middle of the night. Not to sound crazy, but I honestly feel like all of my kids visit me one way or another :cloud9:

So, we'll wait until after we get the NT scan results to start telling everyone, which will be after Thanksgiving. Once we're over that hurdle, we'll feel much more comfortable to actually enjoy this pregnancy :thumbup:

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