February 2013 Testers + clomid/ Femara

horseypants- I WANT TWINS TOO! I always have but they don't run in my family, do they in yours? My DH thinks I'm crazy but I think people are so blessed to be lucky enough to conceive twins! I'm on 50 mg clomid and get to test on the 28th, ( it's my first round, excited to see if it does the trick) what are you taking and is it your first month taking? On my ultrasound I had two large mature eggs and a couple others that were still cooking. Also, my DH has super sperm lol ( it's our inside joke) but he tested with all A's in every category and has .....drumroll...... 460 million swimmers- HOLY CANOLLY! I'm hoping that with the extra :spermy: maybe god will give me twins, but I will be more than happy with one little bean! YAY, I cant wait to see if you get lucky when do you test? FINGERS CROSSED :twins:
Yes its Lei... Well its LeiAndra but that is toooooo long lol !! WHOAAAA about the earthquake!!! I think if I were to ever be in one of those I would freak out! Something about the ground shaking & me not being able to control it doesn't really sit well with me :haha:

Thank you about the house but now Im not sure what to do. The loan agency sent me some papers going over the numbers & Im not to happy about them. The interest rate is extremely higher than they originally told me so Im not to thrilled about that. After a long talk with DH we decided if they can't go down on that then we are going to pass on the house. Its not something I want to do but I don't want to put us in a financial hole.

Your 28? I just turned 26 :)
Yes its Lei... Well its LeiAndra but that is toooooo long lol !! WHOAAAA about the earthquake!!! I think if I were to ever be in one of those I would freak out! Something about the ground shaking & me not being able to control it doesn't really sit well with me :haha:

Thank you about the house but now Im not sure what to do. The loan agency sent me some papers going over the numbers & Im not to happy about them. The interest rate is extremely higher than they originally told me so Im not to thrilled about that. After a long talk with DH we decided if they can't go down on that then we are going to pass on the house. Its not something I want to do but I don't want to put us in a financial hole.

Your 28? I just turned 26 :)

Ugh I'm sorry that stinks about the interest rate:wacko:doesn't It always seems that when something starts going well your dumped with something else. Well goodluck :thumbup:I really hope they go down on that for you so you can get into your cozy home! If not, then it wasn't meant to be and another house will come along when the timing is right. I had to let the house of my dreams go about two years ago because it fell through ( still kinda heart broken over it:shrug:). I'm technically 27:haha: but i turn 28 Nov. 29th so I rounded up on the year's of life lol ( more dramatic for the earthquake lol).
Yes its Lei... Well its LeiAndra but that is toooooo long lol !! WHOAAAA about the earthquake!!! I think if I were to ever be in one of those I would freak out! Something about the ground shaking & me not being able to control it doesn't really sit well with me :haha:

Thank you about the house but now Im not sure what to do. The loan agency sent me some papers going over the numbers & Im not to happy about them. The interest rate is extremely higher than they originally told me so Im not to thrilled about that. After a long talk with DH we decided if they can't go down on that then we are going to pass on the house. Its not something I want to do but I don't want to put us in a financial hole.

Your 28? I just turned 26 :)

Ugh I'm sorry that stinks about the interest rate:wacko:doesn't It always seems that when something starts going well your dumped with something else. Well goodluck :thumbup:I really hope they go down on that for you so you can get into your cozy home! If not, then it wasn't meant to be and another house will come along when the timing is right. I had to let the house of my dreams go about two years ago because it fell through ( still kinda heart broken over it:shrug:). I'm technically 27:haha: but i turn 28 Nov. 29th so I rounded up on the year's of life lol ( more dramatic for the earthquake lol).

I said the same thing..... we have had so many bumps trying to get this house & if they wont go down then it isnt meant to be. I emailed my realtor about it & she said she is going to work with me & them to drop it down to almost half. We will see though!!

So last night I was spotting brownish/pink.. Today I am super light with no cramps at all (I say that now but im sure since I said it they will start lol) but when I put it on FF my next testing date would be DH & I's 1 year wedding anniversary :) 11/12/12 :happydance:
They better go down on that interest rate or I'll kick their butts for you Lei! How beautiful would it be to get a BFP on your wedding anniversary! :) My mom just told me this the other day and I thought despite the fact that it was my mom talking about sex, it was cute. She said the first time her and my dad had sex was on Valentines day then my sister was born on Valentines day. I told her "Ew gross, how cute"
Apparently my mom had to take a light fertility drug (maybe clomid? Not sure if they had it back then) to get pregnant with me. Took them a year or year and a half. I found it interesting because she doesn't know we struggled and had to take clomid lol.

That's crazy about the earthquake! We had a mild one like 10 years ago they're definitely strange! Hopefully it shook those spermies in the right place :thumbup:
Jenna it sure would =) The only thing we are doing next cycle is both taking ginseng & Goji!!! I really want to get preggers in Jan cause then the baby would be due in oct =D

Its funny you say that about your mom cause I don't remember if you remember me telling you my mom did the same. Her & my dad tried for my older brother for almost 2 years & was also on clomid & temping. She said once they stopped trying (cause the dr. said they couldnt have kids) she fell pregnant.. Then got pregnant with me a little over a year later then 6 years later had my baby brother :D
Oh wow! Lucky her :) My mom was temping too I remember her saying that. How weird :) You'd think your mom would be a little more understanding than she is knowing she struggled to get pregnant too. Maybe she's just forgotten how heartbreaking it is.
Oh wow! Lucky her :) My mom was temping too I remember her saying that. How weird :) You'd think your mom would be a little more understanding than she is knowing she struggled to get pregnant too. Maybe she's just forgotten how heartbreaking it is.

I thought the same thing but too but I just found out she has a ton on her plate as well. Im thinking maybe that's why she really hasnt been there so much for me but hopefully this time away from ttc will get DH & I feeling refreshed! :thumbup:
I think you will feel refreshed. You'll be so busy with your new place too you'll hardly have time to think about it anyways!
I FINALLY got around to the pumpkin candles. It wasn't as easy as I thought they would be, but that was solely my own fault. I had a difficult time pouring them because when I did it ran down the pot and all over the counter. But I had OH fold a piece of aluminum foil and use it to guide the wax to the pumpkins (kind of like how you see with a concrete pouring thing if that makes any sense...)
Overall, it was a success and I think all of you should try this if you like crafts as long as you put something down so you don't get wax on your counter like I did and I recommend using foil to help you pour also.


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Love the candles Jenna!!!!!! I am going to need to try this with the kids. I think it would be cute to have outside while I am greating trick or treaters :D
:thumbup: GREAT JOB ON THE CANDLES! I love them! Very cute may have to try myself, thanks for sharing!:thumbup:
Thank you! I had fun despite the mess I made lol.
That's a good idea Lei! I hope I get lots of trick or treaters this year. I never had any before. I grew up in a house down a little private road so nobody ventured over there. Except we did get one once... We weren't prepared so we scrounged the kitchen and gave him a bag of chips lmao! Then when I moved out I always worked swing shift on Halloween so I never got to have any! This is the first year I might have some so I can't wait :) Do you dress up for them? I'm thinking I might just get some devil horns and call it good. I don't think I'll fit in to my pirate costume from last year :haha:
LOL!!! I usually try & dress up a little bit to match the kids but this year they are talking about being a princess & some demon thing so no telling what I will settle for lol. Im thinking I may end up dressing up as something like a cat lol
A cat would be fun! You could get creative with some face paint. I love halloween! I haven't got to do anything fun for years, then the ONE year I'm finally free that night I'm too big to fit in a costume :haha: Oh well!

Oh boy :growlmad: Draven's kicks are starting to get painful. It feels like he's trying to rip through my stomach and it's not fun at all. He's getting too big and I still have 13 weeks to go...
horseypants- I WANT TWINS TOO! I always have but they don't run in my family, do they in yours? My DH thinks I'm crazy but I think people are so blessed to be lucky enough to conceive twins! I'm on 50 mg clomid and get to test on the 28th, ( it's my first round, excited to see if it does the trick) what are you taking and is it your first month taking? On my ultrasound I had two large mature eggs and a couple others that were still cooking. Also, my DH has super sperm lol ( it's our inside joke) but he tested with all A's in every category and has .....drumroll...... 460 million swimmers- HOLY CANOLLY! I'm hoping that with the extra :spermy: maybe god will give me twins, but I will be more than happy with one little bean! YAY, I cant wait to see if you get lucky when do you test? FINGERS CROSSED :twins:

heymomof1making2, :)
they dont run in my family but i want them!!!!!! i'm on 50mg of clomid too. this is my first round. i am waiting to o now and it should be any day, but maybe i'll have to wait a week since my cycle is usually on the long side. i teased my OH about how we needed to get a sperm analysis last night and he got all scared and said he's not shooting blanks. the poor dear. i will be happy with just one too, but boy would i be loving life if i got two. if that happens, it will have been worth the wait. xo as far as testing this cycle: nope i havent o-ed yet and im keeping careful track, but i'm a poas addict, so i will probably starting 7dpo xo...... i think that means hopefully by halloween, we will both know. good news? :dust:

yes, the pumpkin candles are great!

Beautifullei2, i'm stumped on my costume this year, everyone, keep the ideas coming :)
Jenna your so silly!! Your not big your just pregnant lol! Speaking of ..... when do we get to see more bump pics????? You have not posted any in a while!

So last night I was craving mexican food & it was yummy.. Even had a margarita with it. Well after we were leaving I told DH I did not feel well at all. We get home & EVERYTHINGGGGGG came back up! No bueno! Then about midnight I woke up with the worst cramps ever & eventually fell back to sleep. About 1 I got up again & couldn't stop throwing up. I came to work today still feeling so nauseated so I think I may give myself a half day. All because I wanted mexican food lol.
Ohhh noooo :( I think you got a little too excited with that Mexican food lol. I'm sorry :( Do you think its food poisoning?
One of the girls in my class invited me over tonight for a girls night. She's so sweet lol she said "I went out and bought a bunch of stuff for virgin mixed drinks for you in case you wanted to come." Lol! I'm excited to have something to do and maybe make some friends in this area for once lol!

I'm taking belly pictures on Monday when I'll be 7 months :) I do a "belly-shoot" every month. Wow I can't believe its already been a month since my last belly-shoot lol. Times flying!
horseypants- I WANT TWINS TOO! I always have but they don't run in my family, do they in yours? My DH thinks I'm crazy but I think people are so blessed to be lucky enough to conceive twins! I'm on 50 mg clomid and get to test on the 28th, ( it's my first round, excited to see if it does the trick) what are you taking and is it your first month taking? On my ultrasound I had two large mature eggs and a couple others that were still cooking. Also, my DH has super sperm lol ( it's our inside joke) but he tested with all A's in every category and has .....drumroll...... 460 million swimmers- HOLY CANOLLY! I'm hoping that with the extra :spermy: maybe god will give me twins, but I will be more than happy with one little bean! YAY, I cant wait to see if you get lucky when do you test? FINGERS CROSSED :twins:

heymomof1making2, :)
they dont run in my family but i want them!!!!!! i'm on 50mg of clomid too. this is my first round. i am waiting to o now and it should be any day, but maybe i'll have to wait a week since my cycle is usually on the long side. i teased my OH about how we needed to get a sperm analysis last night and he got all scared and said he's not shooting blanks. the poor dear. i will be happy with just one too, but boy would i be loving life if i got two. if that happens, it will have been worth the wait. xo as far as testing this cycle: nope i havent o-ed yet and im keeping careful track, but i'm a poas addict, so i will probably starting 7dpo xo...... i think that means hopefully by halloween, we will both know. good news? :dust:

yes, the pumpkin candles are great!

Beautifullei2, i'm stumped on my costume this year, everyone, keep the ideas coming :)

Yay! This is so exciting! Dh and I were looking at a house the other day and I was looking at the bedrooms saying "and this is where the twins could be":haha: lol a girl can dream cant she? Anyways I am going to test on the 29th when will you start testing? What date?

HI LEI AND JENNA! Jenna I cant wait to see that 7 month bump ( i love looking at those photos, gives me such a warm feeling inside:flower:) Also in reference to you ladies earlier Halloween post; my family are going as owls :winkwink: I am a purple owl:happydance:, my daughter is a pink owl:happydance: and DH is a blue owl :haha:( he's such a good sport lol). I am making them from a post I found on pinterest ( they are coming out really cute). I also got my daughter a matching owl treat bucket, I'm so excited! Last year we went as smurfs and boy did we look ridiculous :dohh:lol.
I can't believe I'm 7 months already, wow! Finally out of the second trimester! Jeeze, I feel like second trimester took FOREVER. I'll take some pictures in a couple minutes, I gotta get some coffee in me. I woke up at 5:30 and could not for the life of me get back to sleep. I lied there wide awake until 7 before finally giving in and getting up. I didn't realize pregnancy insomnia started this early, I didn't think it came until the very end.

That owl idea sounds so cute! Will you share a picture? I've never seen an owl costume before. Your testing day is coming up! About a week away :happydance: :dust:

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