Thanks mlm115, I guess I'd be weird if I wasn't worried given my history, but I am trying to take a more zen-like attitude to it - what will be will be... Although that doesn't stop me googling at 4 am when I can't sleep!!!
Just looking for people who recently got their bfps and will be due in February. Based on my lmp, my predicted due date is February 1st. Soooo excited to see that bfp, but also unbelievably nervous! Praying hard that this will be my rainbow baby!
Hi! - so glad to find this group
we had a second trimester loss 3 years ago & just got up the nerve to try again - I am currently 17dpo - I think I will be due 2/7
I had a vaginal swab today & am having my first bleeding - Hoping/praying it is from irritating the cervix ...
My labs are as follows
7dpo progesterone 11.4
14dpo beta 60 & progesterone 15.9
17dpo Beta 311 (waiting for the progesterone #, as it can't be run stat)
thanks so much!
Well fingers crossed for you, I'm sure your numbers will be great too! Totally understand the impatience of waiting for the results though
Lucky you! I am willing morning sickness to arrive!! I felt a little nauseous last week on and off, and had a slight retching moment yesterday - but I want full blown morning sickness to reassure me all is well!
I had all day/all night severe nausea and food aversions starting at around six weeks with my pregnancies that resulted in my two little boys. This went on until about 20, 21 weeks with both of those pregnancies. With my m/c I felt great more or less and hardly had any symptoms at all. I know that the m/s is no guarantee but my brain can't help the connections it's making you know? So yeah, I'm totally willing the m/s into my life as unbelievably insane as that sounds. I want to get hit with it hard, no mercyGood and bad news- morning sickness has found me. Good that its a great sign of pregnancy, Bad that I feel like complete garbage! I wish I could lay in bed and not go to work!