February 2014 due dates!

Ok, then yes, I had ms today! The thought of most foods is gross right now. I made mashed potatos for breakfast because it was the only thing that sounded decent to me haha
Allforthegirl, when do you get your blood results?
I am not sure when I will. Probably when I go for my U/S results. Right now because of my antibodies (not RH) and the possible ectopic last time the Dr just wants to rule everything out before we go to the next step!! So I think I am more of a limbo then most of you.... :shrug:
Feb 2 if this baby sticks :) I went outside yesterday to see a big bright beautiful DOUBLE rainbow. Sending rays out to all of us.
I'm pregnant after a loss. We lose our baby in jan. Found out at 15 weeks baby died at 11 weeks. That was with fertility treatment because in 3 1/2 yrs of trying we couldn't get pregnant...

We got news a week and 2 days ago we were expecting naturally... the test line was so dark it pulled some from the control line..

Well after having betas done mondayand wWednesday my dr ordered an ultrasound. We are 5 weeks and almost 6 days ( Saturday) pregnant with twins! I start progesterone compound cream tomorrow because progesterone is only 14.7 but my betas hcg was 5+1 3469 & 5+3 7026

I'm due feb 2. Hope to keep tabs with everyone else and that no more babies are loss... we have 3 living children and 6 baby angels and I'm 27 yrs old
Wow - twins Senerity, congratulations!! Welcome drsamyjohn too, wishing you both a happy and healthy 9 months xx

Well I hit 6 weeks today and hello morning sickness! I'm pleased to say I feel rough as! I retched whist cleaning my teeth, and again whilst stacking the dishwasher. We went out for breakfast this morning and I just didn't fancy anything, I ended up with a bit of toast whist my hubby tucked in to a full English.

Hope everyone else is doing well xx
So glad for your ms cb1! (And I mean that in the nicest way possible haha). I feel soooo nauseous ugh. I had a bit of a scare yesterday with some spotting. It was so minimal, but I freaked out anyway of course. Got a scan and found I measured a bit ahead, and there was a heartbeat! Hcg was over 33000, which I thought was high, but within normal range.
Wow - twins Senerity, congratulations!! Welcome drsamyjohn too, wishing you both a happy and healthy 9 months xx

Well I hit 6 weeks today and hello morning sickness! I'm pleased to say I feel rough as! I retched whist cleaning my teeth, and again whilst stacking the dishwasher. We went out for breakfast this morning and I just didn't fancy anything, I ended up with a bit of toast whist my hubby tucked in to a full English.

Hope everyone else is doing well xx
Woohoo! Yay for the ickies! I'm nervously waiting on the m/s to start still. So was it a progression of yuck or more like yesterday you felt fine and today you woke up feeling foul? With my DS1 I started getting the all day/night nausea around 5 weeks and with DS2 around 6 weeks. Both times this lasted until around 20 weeks. I'm getting the slightest waves in the AM before I get out of bed but that's not what I'm looking for lol. I want the real deal, can't get off the floor stuff I had with my boys. With my m/c my symptoms never really got strong and I really need for the m/s to hit to take the edge off, like aaaaanytime now would be splendid :thumbup: .
Wow - twins Senerity, congratulations!! Welcome drsamyjohn too, wishing you both a happy and healthy 9 months xx

Well I hit 6 weeks today and hello morning sickness! I'm pleased to say I feel rough as! I retched whist cleaning my teeth, and again whilst stacking the dishwasher. We went out for breakfast this morning and I just didn't fancy anything, I ended up with a bit of toast whist my hubby tucked in to a full English.

Hope everyone else is doing well xx

As yuck as ms is, it sure is reassuring things are going in the right direction!!:happydance:

So glad for your ms cb1! (And I mean that in the nicest way possible haha). I feel soooo nauseous ugh. I had a bit of a scare yesterday with some spotting. It was so minimal, but I freaked out anyway of course. Got a scan and found I measured a bit ahead, and there was a heartbeat! Hcg was over 33000, which I thought was high, but within normal range.

That is great news that everything is going well!! Yay for the beating heart!!:yipee:

AFM I am still having much of any ms yesterday I had nothing today I am just icky, but my bbs and abs are very sore today! I will take that!!:flower:
hey ladies I also posted in the other Feb '14 thread! Im due 14th Feb :)

Suffered a second trimester loss at Christmas so bit apprehensive this time although previously had two healthy pregnancies and two healthy babies (Girl now aged 8 and boy now aged 3)

:hugs: to everyone and their losses keeping fingers crossed for lots of sticky babies :)
My emotions are in the toilet. I feel like I'm just waiting for the days to pass until I start to bleed to give me the confirm that I lost this baby. I don't know how I'm going to handle another x amount of weeks before I can find out if my baby is alive. I have no symptoms really, my boobs aren't sore, the little heaviness they had seems lessened, my areolas don't seem as dark, I'm not nauseous enough often enough to write home about, no aversions to smells or anything else. Ugh, I just want to curl up in a hole and bawl my eyes out :cry: .
I'm the same hun no real symptoms but then I can't have had any with my daughter coz I was 8+3 before I realised I missed 2 periods but with my first I felt shockingly awful. Try not to worry x
My emotions are in the toilet. I feel like I'm just waiting for the days to pass until I start to bleed to give me the confirm that I lost this baby. I don't know how I'm going to handle another x amount of weeks before I can find out if my baby is alive. I have no symptoms really, my boobs aren't sore, the little heaviness they had seems lessened, my areolas don't seem as dark, I'm not nauseous enough often enough to write home about, no aversions to smells or anything else. Ugh, I just want to curl up in a hole and bawl my eyes out :cry: .

Oh hun, I'm so sorry you're feeling so badly : ( I totally understand the feeling of just waiting for it to be over- I know it's hard but try to keep some hope. Your little bean needs you to think positively! The waiting before scans and appointments is totally the worst though.
My emotions are in the toilet. I feel like I'm just waiting for the days to pass until I start to bleed to give me the confirm that I lost this baby. I don't know how I'm going to handle another x amount of weeks before I can find out if my baby is alive. I have no symptoms really, my boobs aren't sore, the little heaviness they had seems lessened, my areolas don't seem as dark, I'm not nauseous enough often enough to write home about, no aversions to smells or anything else. Ugh, I just want to curl up in a hole and bawl my eyes out :cry: .

Oh hun, I'm so sorry you're feeling so badly : ( I totally understand the feeling of just waiting for it to be over- I know it's hard but try to keep some hope. Your little bean needs you to think positively! The waiting before scans and appointments is totally the worst though.
Thank you mlm :hugs: . I'm trying so hard and I'm failing fighting these feelings of defeat most of the time.
My emotions are in the toilet. I feel like I'm just waiting for the days to pass until I start to bleed to give me the confirm that I lost this baby. I don't know how I'm going to handle another x amount of weeks before I can find out if my baby is alive. I have no symptoms really, my boobs aren't sore, the little heaviness they had seems lessened, my areolas don't seem as dark, I'm not nauseous enough often enough to write home about, no aversions to smells or anything else. Ugh, I just want to curl up in a hole and bawl my eyes out :cry: .

Oh hun, I'm so sorry you're feeling so badly : ( I totally understand the feeling of just waiting for it to be over- I know it's hard but try to keep some hope. Your little bean needs you to think positively! The waiting before scans and appointments is totally the worst though.
Thank you mlm :hugs: . I'm trying so hard and I'm failing fighting these feelings of defeat most of the time.

Never lose hope ladies...where there's hope, there's life :flower: :hugs:
Hi Ladies! I got my BFP and have a due date of Feb. 6th! I am really nervous. I miscarried in Feb at 5 weeks. Currently I have 5 week 3 days. Since we did IVF they monitor you very closely. I go back in on Thursday and am terrified. Since I did not get this far last time. I do not have the symptoms I had last time. Last time they were strong right off the bat. This time I am just tired. My boobs hurt when I was suppose to be on my period but they eased up. This really scared me so I had them do a 3rd beta. My betas were 108, 384, and then 3 days later 1274. So I am praying everything is going well!! Has anyone ever lost their breast soreness and went on to have a healthy 9 months?

Best wishes to everyone!!
I get on and off BB soreness. Yesterday they were ridiculous, today just mild. I do know with my last baby My bbs weren't really sore and they didn't start to really swell until the end, so I am sure we are both just fine!! :thumbup:
Hi Ladies - I have a question for you. This is TMI alert.

When I first found out I was pregnant I had a ton of cm. Now it at 9 weeks it seems like it really only happens first thing in the morning. Its still a creamy white but just not as much and only in the mornings like its been collecting when I was sleeping. Has anyone seen a DECREASE in CM? My last ultrasound at 7 weeks 3 days (we did IVF I was going weekly until graduating to our OB) the heartbeat was strong at 154. I am just scared somthing has happened in the that two week time frame. I go Thursday for my first OB appointment. I could not be more scared or nervous than now!

Hope every is feeling well!
You should be fine. I find some days are more abundant then others. I am sure you are completely fine. Just try and enjoy it cause you may one of the luck who have to wear a liner 24-7 other wise you feel like you peed yourself lol. Happened to me lol
I haven't been having much cm but saw heartbeat 3 days in a row last week. I have a large subchronic hemorage so I am spotting which I was told to expect my symptoms really stepped up at 8 weeks and my god do I know it. I feel shocking lol x

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