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FEBRUARY HEARTS Due in February 2015 , open group all welcome!

Good luck ttc, I would definitely test.

Awesome melly!

Hurray captain! Enjoy your time with dh!

My girls do their biggest and fastest feed in the middle of the night and I still feel like I should pump in the middle of the night so we wake them to eat. I think they would sleep through the night if we let them though which makes me debate continuing to pump. But I feel guilty giving it up.
Don't feel guilty, savvy... I can't imagine having your pumping schedule! :) it doesn't have to be all or nothing... You could drop the middle of the night feed and see how it goes? I am sure you know/will know what is best :)
Thanks surprise! I thought about seeing if they would sleep through the night and if my supply suffers then oh well...a little is better then nothing. I am also afraid it will be more of a struggle to get them to eat the extra 100 ml bottle throughout the day since we already eat every 3 hours during the day from 6am-9pm. Maybe one day I will see what happens!

After a round of the stomach flu for me this weekend my supply took a hit. I usually drink almost 200oz of water a day and I only got around 100 yesterday and I couldn't eat a thing. Today I have only pumped a little more than half of what I usually get. Hoping my supply increases tomorrow since I started eating a bit and drank more water today. Not a fun weekend!
Thank you all :)

I am exclusively breastfeeding and I'm also pumping extra milk to donate! So I should be protected. My little guy is still sleeping right next to me in his own bassinet too. So it's probably unlikely. I haven't gotten a period yet so maybe gearing up for af. I decided I'll see how I feel in a week or two and test then if I need to....

melly, that's great!!!!!

captain, hope you have a nice time with dh :)

Savvy, you've done so well!!!! whatever you decide to do, just be gentle with yourself and know what a wonderful job you've done!
Savvy, I was trying to work out whether I should wake to pump during the night! My breasts were like boulders this morning - it took two feeds and two pump sessions before they felt normal again. But there again it seems counterproductive to not get all the rest I can if they're both sleeping!
Ladies I just took a four hour nap and woke up to dinner being ready! Bliss!!
Hey everyone just checking in,how i and your little ones are doing well!baby jack is doing great he's almost 8weeks old cant believe how fast time is going i wanna keep him tiny forever lol!we ja e decided that there's no more babies for us it's too hard recovering from a section and a toddler. Christopher loves his brother but he will try to hurt him sometimes so we have to watch him like a hawk! Jacks smiling,cooing,following us with his eyes,and sometimes plays with his hair lol he's such a hairy baby there's hair everywhere lol he has a thick head of brown hair and he doesn't realise its attached to his head so he pulls it sometimes lol!he's really getting chubby he's 11lbs ay the moment and sky blue eyes like me and Christopher but his features are his daddy's.

Good luck ttc hope u get the result u want 😊
I'd still test TTC...but that's because I was a POAS addict! Haha.

My Dr recommended 24months between my babies because of my c section and bp.
She also said to take baby aspirin when I do get pregnant again. Has anyone heard of doing this to help bp?
I'd still test TTC...but that's because I was a POAS addict! Haha.

My Dr recommended 24months between my babies because of my c section and bp.
She also said to take baby aspirin when I do get pregnant again. Has anyone heard of doing this to help bp?

I took aspirin and heparin during my last pregnancy (which was a frozen cycle ivf). It thins the blood and encourages embryo implantation.
Want2be, I took baby aspirin this past pregnancy to prevent preeclampsia. It must have worked :) I'm also supposed to have at least 2 years between deliveries so yeah wouldn't be the best timing.... haha! :) These things work out. I'm sure I'll know soon enough. I've been too embarrassed to go buy a test.... maybe I will order one...Lol!
Thanks, that's good to know :)

Has anyone been putting their baby on a schedule?
Mine seems to be a bit different everyday and I think if I tried to be more regimented we would have an easier time settling baby to sleep and reading his cues?
Talking of swimming, mine have had theri vaccinations now so i can now access the lcal pool which does 'twin swim'... i take them to the creche, i go get dressed, they change one and bring him to the pool, i get 1:1 swim time with him, they then change and bring the 2nd one to me and take the wet one back and dress him, they then collect the 2nd one so i cna get dressed! Can't wait to get going with it, especially with the warmer weather now! DH and I are talking about going swimming on sunday so he can see them in the pool the first time before i go to these session x

Melly excellent news your little ones are sleeping through! I have one who does 7.30 - 3.30 and managed to turn that into 12.00 - 6am one night with a dream feed. Didn't work last night though lol Hopefully soon my guys will sleep a bit longer overnight.

My boys are 3 months old today!! a pic for those i haven't already spammed on fb with it lol

Lovely boys, shells! They are quite different, aren't they? :)

What things do you ladies do to entertain your little ones? The past two weeks have been rough. It seems like she is always unhappy :( we went out to a store today and she was pretty good there, so I am wondering if she is bored... any tips or ideas very welcome! I think a daily walk is in our very near future, though it might soon be too hot for most of the day :(
Surprise, I try and get out most days, even though she sleeps as soon as she gets in her car seat and doesn't usually wake up the whole times we're out, it still breaks up the day for both of us, even if it's just a mental break for me. I've noticed she's been waking up more and more and she's really happy just looking around at stuff.

Her bouncer chair has been a little miracle for us too. She's really content to sit in there and listen to the music it plays. A friend of ours got her a tranquil turtle, it projects waves onto the walls and plays music, I usually put it on in the evenings when we're trying to wind things down ready for bed. She likes to lay there while it's on, I usually incorporate this with some diaper free time.
Thanks, captain! I am going to look at a tranquil turtle now :) and I think you are right about getting out and breaking the day up some.

I don't know what happened- the last couple of weeks, she has just seemed so unhappy. Sometimes I feel guilty for bringing her into the world for her to be so sad all the time. I really hope this is just a phase and she will be a happy baby in no time.

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