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FEBRUARY HEARTS Due in February 2015 , open group all welcome!

Thanks, that's good to know :)

Has anyone been putting their baby on a schedule?
Mine seems to be a bit different everyday and I think if I tried to be more regimented we would have an easier time settling baby to sleep and reading his cues?

I don't know if schedule is the right word for what I do, but some things are consistent. We always go for a walk in the day, usually afternoon. We do the bedtime routine from 7pm, bath every other night. We go to the library once a week. We go to baby club free at childrens centre on Tuesday afternoon and today tried baby music club in the morning. At home we get up around 6.30-7. She bounces I. Her chair while I shower, dress and have breakfast. In between feeds, naps and nappies we play, do tummy time and look at books. Some days I find really long and trying. I'm also planning on starting the church baby group this week if she's ok after the dreaded jabs on Thursday. If I didn't get out of the house everyday even just for a walk I would go doolaally!
Thanks Izzie,
That's what I was meaning. That sounds pretty similar to what I do, I'm hoping to start going to more activity events at the library and stuff soon. I (and my dog) LOVE the daily walk though! :)
Lovely boys, shells! They are quite different, aren't they? :)

they are very different in size now with olivers feeding troubles, but facially they are actually very similar and if they had hats on and wrapped up i have to double take sometimes lol
Lovely boys, shells! They are quite different, aren't they? :)

they are very different in size now with olivers feeding troubles, but facially they are actually very similar and if they had hats on and wrapped up i have to double take sometimes lol

They are very sweet :) so fascinating to watch twins as they grow :) I hope your Oliver is doing better.
I would love to get out of the house every day but between the two of them, half of the days it gets to 5pm and I haven't done anything but feed them, resettle, pump and feed myself. Having a shower is a bonus. :lol: And that is with my mother living here for these first few months to help! Otherwise I wouldn't be able to pump and no laundry or housecleaning would get done. :lol:

For entertainment, I sing and dance with them, chat to them on my lap, they have bouncers and play mats (Hugo loves the bouncer, probably because of his reflux, and Clara loves the play mat) and we go for walks around the garden in the ergos or moby.
Melly i'd go crazy if i couldn't get out! I try to get out most days even if it's just a walk to the supermarket for milk.

My two like the rocking chairs, they now like the play mat which they used to hate! and they appear to like just sitting while i talk absolute rubbish at them and they 'talk' back lol Ollie loves patterns and is fascinated by our flowery wallpaper, smiles and gets really excited when changing his bum because there is a flower right by his face lol If they get restless i put them in the pram and o off for a walk.
We don't get out every day.... usually a few times a week. It's been extremely windy here so our daily walk to the park hasn't happened in a few weeks. I think it's great so many of you get out of the house every day! You all sound like you're doing a great job and I admire how well you all seem to be doing!!!!

So I haven't updated yet... I went to a follow up with my hematologist. My iron (ferretin, total iron blood saturation) and my folate levels are extremely low. My hemoglobin is also very low (it hasn't improved at all since delivery and got a little worse). This would explain the symptoms I've been having (minus the cramping). I'm to take iron and folate for a month and then retest. If things haven't improved we'll see about IV treatment. So I honestly feel 99% sure I'm not pregnant because everything can be explained by the iron deficiency and anemia. So I'll be taking my supplements and really eating a healthy diet :)
I stay home most days, to me it is just too much to pack them up to go out and between feeds and my pumps only gives me about an hour and I am so exhausted I would rather just sit.
I try to get out most days, my eldest has a few groups we go too. On a Monday we go to our local toddler group, and on a Thursday we go to her 'gym kids' class. I like how we're managing to keep her routine the same as it was before so far! Today we started baby massage which was really good. DD1 went to the crèche (the local leisure centre runs the massage class and also has a crèche in it). If we don't have a group on we go for walks or meet friends for lunch/coffee etc. I'd go nuts being in all day, I've never been one for staying home though even pre-kids!
You are all up to so much!

We have been very wary of taking her out... But I came to the conclusion she is bored. her world is so small if we just stay in the apartment :( She has been so unhappy the last couple of weeks- We went to a baby clothing store yesterday and she was more or less silent throughout. So, I took it she liked (and needed) some new things to see. My husband thinks she shouldn't go to the grocery store etc, but as germaphobic as I am, I think she has to have a life, too! Going to try and convince him we should go out for lunch this weekend. All of you going all these places solidifies the idea that we need to get her out and about, too!!
No schedule here but she serns seems to be getting into a bit of a pattern in terms of feeds, naps and bedtime.
We have to get up for ds to get to preschool every day at 9, she usually wakes for the day between 8&9, she has been asleep at 9/9.30 for 2/3 days in a row now. We have cluster feeding from 7pm, before then she seems to like looking at the fish in our tank so I put her in the bouncer watching them while I get ds ready for bed. Sometimes after he's in bed I bath her or shower with her.
Other than that I feed on demand and the rest of the time she's in the wrap pretty much so I can do my housework, prep meals, go places with ds etc.
Oh my, Surprise, aren't you getting cabin fever?! There's no reason to stay inside, your baby needs to be exposed to some germs. Why would you not take her to the grocery store? If you're breastfeeding, when your baby is exposed to a bug or a virus, their saliva feeds it back to your body via the nipple at feeding time and you quickly (within a couple of hours) start making antibodies and passing them through your breastmilk so it's like giving baby a shot as and when it's needed. I'm not saying she'll never be ill but it lessens the chances. Also, there are good bacteria that she needs to be exposed to so if she's well and doesn't have a weakened immune system, don't be afraid to let her mingle! :thumbup:

We don't get out every day because I just find it too stressful trying to get all three of us ready but, luckily, my mum comes over a few times a week so either we all go out together or she looks after DD while baby and I go to groups. I quickly go stir crazy stuck in the house!
I had read that about breast milk, minibump :) I had agreed with keeping her more or less isolated for these first weeks as she hadn't wanted anything beyond us and food... But now I think we both are looking for more!
Omg ladies , how is everyone. Haven't been on since giving birth. These past couple of months have been such a roller coaster but now I can pick up where I left off at, omg I don't even know where to start cause I don't even know where I left off at
Still catching up on posts, but hooray -- I got into midwifery school after all! Got my acceptance yesterday for the second school to which I applied, so we'll be doing a cross-country road trip with a 4-month old and 2.5 year old. I must be crazy! :D
Amazing!!!!! congratulations Feronia!!!! You'll have to keep us all updated with the road trip and when you start school!!!!! So so so excited for you!!!

Hi DCM :)
Amazing!!!!! congratulations Feronia!!!! You'll have to keep us all updated with the road trip and when you start school!!!!! So so so excited for you!!!

Hi DCM :)

Hey sweetie , omg I feel so lost and don't even know where to start. I feel like a new student coming in class but I have to update you ladies, so much has been going on
Wow congratulations Feronia! I'm a wee bit jealous of your cross country trip but I'm sure it will be tough with two little ones! You'll have to keep us all up to date with everything!

And hi DCM! Looking forward to reading an update from you!

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