Thanks, captain! I know there's for sure more in the morning. But she gets so frantic when I try to feed her at night, so I wonder whether there really isn't enough or she is just so fussy and unsettled that she can't keep it together to feed properly! I also read that for something like 75% of women the right breast produces more.
I was told the same thing about clothes from our hospital: what you have on plus one layer. It seems to work well... Though I run cold, and OH runs hot. So whose layering do you measure from?!
if I were shopping for her 6 month wardrobe from scratch, I would go for something like the below (at least where we live!):
1 swimsuit
7-10 pjs (maybe a mix of footed and unfooted)
3 sleep bags
4ish long sleeve body suits
8ish short sleeve body suits
4ish dresses
4ish short sleeve or no sleeve rompers
5 shorts
5-10 pants (mostly unfooted)
3-4 hoodies/cardigans etc
A few pairs of socks
1-2 pairs Robeez style shoes (dotty fish from are much cheaper even with shipping!)
Some dribble bibs
That looks like a lot on paper!