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FEBRUARY HEARTS Due in February 2015 , open group all welcome!

Thanks ladies, I really appreciate your kind words. I admit it is hard but I'm grateful :)
You've been through so much dcm! :hugs:

Ugh. So my supply has taken a nose dive and I'm all out of my stash of frozen. Supply is struggling to keep up with demand here! It's the first time since two weeks old that I haven't been at least a day ahead! I can't even get one feed ahead now!

Trying all the tricks in the book and pumping every two hours right now. I'm not even getting an increase in the mornings any more.

I know it sounds silly, but this started the day I got my depo shot for birth control. Possible link or just a coincidence? I can't think of any other reason.
You have had a lot if tough things, dcm :hugs: I hope things are looking up!

Could it be the switch to no breastfeeding, captain? I don't know if just pumping sends your body a different message? I have heard the pill can affect supply, so would think depo shot could too? Hope it is just a temporary blip!
Captain, I joined some exclusive pumpers on facebook and a lot of them are mentioning to drink gatorade to boost your supply. Maybe something to check out if you like the drink. Just keep hydrated and try not to stress. Do your best and know that if you have to supplement, it isn't the end of the world. My twins get about 40-50% of their bottles as breast milk and the rest is formula. I would love to have enough for both but unfortunately I struggle to keep my supply where it is. Do you power pump? That could help too instead of adding more pumps.
I have to go back to work for a week in July (don't ask!!!) then off again til September when I go back full time. It will be Wednesday ,Thursday, Friday and Monday to Thursday lunchtime. My mum will look after lo on thise days.

She will be five and a half months. Would you put her onto formula in the weeks leading up and just be morning and bedtime; or would you start expressing and freezing now so that there is a supply to give by bottle while I'm not there. I don't particularly want to have to pump while I'm at work. Will my supply dry up if I wind down leading up to that week and then try to only bf after? Is it even possible to do that?

Advice and non judgemental opinions welcome. Thank you
I'm not sure Izzie, I hope someone else can help!

Captain, good luck improving your supply.

dcm, so sorry to hear your news, sounds like you are coping as well as can be expected. Big hugs.
Just had a Dr appointment for ds. He doesn't seem to be gaining weight quite fast enough. He was going along the 50%tile but now is 25%tile. He was 12lb 5oz.
What suggestions do you guys have to get him to eat more? He just doesn't eat for very long and he practically doesn't drink the foremilk at all because my letdown makes him choke and then its a hell of a battle to get him relatched while the letdown is happening.
I don't know if its related but he has seemed a lot more sleepy lately too.
The Dr suggested adding formula but that will be my last resort.
Wnt2be, you might try pumping for 1-2 minutes then starting your feed and latching him. I've had to do that when I had a crazy let down and it really helps! Also feeding more frequently. Maybe allow him one long stretch (4 hours) but otherwise try to wake him to eat every 2 hours. Do you think either of those ideas might work for you?

Izzie, if you don't want to pump at work but don't really want to give formula,.I'd start storing milk now. how many hours will you be working?
Wnt2be, you might try pumping for 1-2 minutes then starting your feed and latching him. I've had to do that when I had a crazy let down and it really helps! Also feeding more frequently. Maybe allow him one long stretch (4 hours) but otherwise try to wake him to eat every 2 hours. Do you think either of those ideas might work for you?

Izzie, if you don't want to pump at work but don't really want to give formula,.I'd start storing milk now. how many hours will you be working?

8-4 ish at work with 20 min drive either side. Will be taking pump just in case, but don't really want to use it as cannot guarantee break times.
I was thinking maybe you could get in extra pumping before and after work? Then your supply won't completely go away for feeding her in mornings and evenings? If you had extra milk from pumping, you could use that as much as possible while you're at work then use formula for covering any feeds you can't use your milk for?
I will be pumping at work when I go back in 6 weeks. My insurance company is taking back my hospital grade double electric pump (Medela Symphony that I've been using for 12 weeks) and have sent out the personal version (Ameda Purely Yours Express). I'm a bit disappointed - does anyone have any experience with the Ameda? I am hoping it's still good enough to keep up my supply. :(

The twins are 12 weeks old today! And they have both slept through (10pm-6am) for the last four nights!! Yay kids. :happydance:
I don't have personal experience with the Ameda pump. But the lactation consultant/ nurse that runs the breastfeeding support group highly recommends Ameda. I also like that they're a closed pump system! I heard of one issue during nursing my first (19 months ago) that some people were having a suction problem. It turned out to be the little membranes weren't fitting quite right and they replaced them.

It's not going to feel like the symphony. the hospital grade are really amazing.... But it is a good pump.

if you really end up hating it, babies r us rents out the hospital grade ones for $20-$30 a month. :)
I will be pumping at work when I go back in 6 weeks. My insurance company is taking back my hospital grade double electric pump (Medela Symphony that I've been using for 12 weeks) and have sent out the personal version (Ameda Purely Yours Express). I'm a bit disappointed - does anyone have any experience with the Ameda? I am hoping it's still good enough to keep up my supply. :(

The twins are 12 weeks old today! And they have both slept through (10pm-6am) for the last four nights!! Yay kids. :happydance:

Congrats on them sleeping so long! :) what's your secret? Lol
How much do they weigh now? Are they ebf? Any idea what could help? Mine still wakes up every 3 hours and will be 12 weeks Saturday...:(
The twins are 12 weeks old today! And they have both slept through (10pm-6am) for the last four nights!! Yay kids. :happydance:

My daughter is 12 weeks too and sleeps that same time, I do wake her up at 1 & 4 to eat & get a diaper change though 😁
The twins are 12 weeks old today! And they have both slept through (10pm-6am) for the last four nights!! Yay kids. :happydance:

Congrats on them sleeping so long! :) what's your secret? Lol
How much do they weigh now? Are they ebf? Any idea what could help? Mine still wakes up every 3 hours and will be 12 weeks Saturday...:(

They are about 11pounds now (need to weigh them but a week ago they were 10.2 and 10.5 pounds). I would say the only things we've really tried to do are have a final feed around 10pm, and then if they wake during the night we don't unwrap them or change them (unless they've obviously done a poo!) and keep the lights/sound low. Just feed, burp, back to sleep. It happened gradually here- they went from 10 to 2am, then it got later and later (and sometimes earlier again!) until it was 4am, 5am, now 6am. I think we have been very lucky!
Melly, and anyone else who pumps and bf... When do you pump? If you have to bf too, what sort of gaps do you leave to ensure supply? I need to freeze and stockpile, but today someone said give her one bottle a day too so that she gets used tonthe bottle again? Seems like I could be back to pumping and feeding all day...what do you do? I'm in awe!!!
DS was weighed at exactly 2 months old at my midwife discharge appointment. *tear* He's 13 lbs and 60 cm long! :D

That's great, Melly! I honestly think it's luck, lol. I did the same thing with both kids (bedshare, nurse at night) but my daughter woke up sometimes over TEN TIMES on a bad night until she was 17 months. She still wakes up at least once or twice a night and she's 2.5, but DS is now sleeping 6pm - 6am and only waking up once around 3 or so for a feed. It's sooo different, but not anything I'm doing! :haha:

So sorry for those of you going back to work! I went back last time at 11 months and pumped 3 times or so -- during both breaks and at lunch. It was tough but doable. Your employer legally has to provide you with a clean non-bathroom space, so make sure to give them notice that you'll need it.
Izzie, right now I pump at night. Jude eats around 9pm then I pump at 11pm. I get enough for a 5oz bottle plus 4-5 extra oz that I freeze to donate to a milk bank since my freezer is already packed full with like 500 oz.

If you're wanting to start pumping I recommend feeding your daughter first then pumping right after. You don't want to be waiting more than half an hour after she eats or it will cut into her supply for the next feed. If you pump right after she eats, it tells your body to make extra to pump. Give yourself a good week to adjust. You shouldn't have any trouble :)

My baby is 14 weeks old. He is 13lbs 9oz :) I was wondering if anyone has gotten their first postpartum period yet? I have had mine this week. It has been awful. Two days of bleeding so heavy I can't leave the house and then horrendous cramping today :( Wondering if anyone else has had that yet?

I'm not surprised it's back so soon for me...with my first I started getting regular cycles at 6 weeks postpartum. I kind of chalked it up to pumping while ds1 was in nicu and not getting that immediate breastfeeding relationship going. But with Jude he has just started sleeping one longer stretch (6hrs) and not even every night and he's never had formula...so I guess I'm one to get my af back early!

Aww feronia! that discharge appointment sure is bittersweet :hug:
I pump straight after feeding at the 10pm and 6am feedings and get 1-2oz, then I pump about 1.5-2 hours after the 10am, 2pm and 6pm feeds and get 2-3oz.

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