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FEBRUARY HEARTS Due in February 2015 , open group all welcome!

I wish I would've kept breast feeding but I was back to work after 4 weeks *sigh*
I'm going to have to establish a supply for when I go back to school in September, so I hope that isn't too difficult to do. At least he'll be 6 months!

DH was all set to get a vasectomy next week. I even made the call to schedule it myself, but then I chickened out. Something about reading the phrase on the registration form "I do not want any more children in this lifetime" made it seem too real. Stupid emotions! :haha: I'm sure I don't want anymore kids, but at the same time we're still young (I'll be 28 this year) and I don't know what we'll be feeling in the next 10 years, I guess. Has anyone had the Copper IUD? It's our last option!
I had the mirena IUD put in at the six week check up. Not copper, but an IUD. I've been spotting ever since.
I had the Mirena for about 6 years before having kids. It was largely good, I never had periods, but the second one I got eventually fell out and I got pregnant. I had 2 miscarriages and later learned that the Mirena is associated with a much higher chance of miscarriage if you get pregnant on it or shortly after getting it out. I'd like to avoid hormones anyway...
Great news Izzie :)

Feronia, I totally understand why you'd want the iud :) Something about the vasectomy seems so permanent.... I have a friend who had the copper iud. She loved it. At first she had lots of bleeding but then no periods at all. hope that helps!

Ladies I have the stomach virus :( I'm nursing through it, miserably, but I'm dehydrated. Can't keep anything down yet.... anyone have suggestions for quick rehydration once I can drink again???? Also, should I worry little guy is going to get it?
I'm at my wits end...I felt pretty good about everything until our Dr appointment. Now all I can worry about is my son's weight gain and am making myself feel so guilty. I never felt like there was a problem until getting him weighed. Now I feel like I'm just making a problem and feeling stressed. And now ds is so cranky! I've thought of everything trying to problem solve. I hate doctors! They just stress you out!!!

Sorry you're sick TTC :( I tried your suggestion of nursing more frequently and ds just wouldn't nurse "nicely". He latches and sucks better when I wait for him to signal that he's hungry...so it just turned into a battle and more poopy diapers which then turned into a diaper rash
Ttc126 so sorry your going through that, hope you feel better soon.
TTC, don't worry too much about your little one getting the bug if you're nursing, but if you're really not able to keep water down you should go to the hospital for rehydration! I had a stomach bug once while nursing and I couldn't even keep water down. I went in, had an IV and some anti-nausea meds, and was out of the hospital a few hours later and was feeling MUCH better. I hope you're feeling better soon, that's no fun!
Hi everyone. I havent been on here since Jakob was born so cannot read through all the posts. From what I have read though it seems overall everyone is doing really well. Sorry to hear you are sick TTC. Many congrats Feronia on getting into Midwifery. DCM sorry to hear you have been through so much. Hope you are ok.

Jakob is 9 weeks old today and weighs 14lb2. EBF and loving it. He is sleeping most nights 8-3 where he'll wake for a quick feed and then back to sleep until 7am. Last night he slept 8-6! I woke up panicking quite a few times though and had to peek over to the moses basket to check he was still breathing!

He is a happy boy and barely cries. I am out every day due to my son being at school. Always try and set off earlier in an afternoon so can fit a long walk in. Not done many groups, just go to postnatal group currently. Try to call and see friends though or have them round here. Waiting until Jakob is a bit older before we do any classes.


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thanks everyone for the well wishes! I'm finally recovered. I ended up taking a leftover nausea med from pregnancy because going to the hospital wasn't an option since my dh was at work and I had both kids by myself. After I took it, I finally was able to keep ice chips down then later I tried water and Gatorade. I'm feeling much better today. Dh got sick too and went to the urgent care. My brother got so sick he was hospitalized last night.... so terrible! Luckily it seems like both my boys are still fine. And my milk supply has only seemed to suffer a little bit. I'm hoping with maybe a few extra feeding sessions and extra fluids it will be back to normal.

Emy, Jakob is such a doll!!!!! You sound like you're having a lot of fun :)
So I did my first pump to start supplies for when I go back to work today. Did 10 minutes each side and got 90ml. Do you think 10 mins is long enough?
Izzie I was told two different things...one was pump 20 minutes (meaning both sides total) and the other was pump a couple minutes past the last drop of milk you get. I usually do either one just depending on how full I am, how much time I have, and how long it takes to get that last drop etc.
Congrats EMYJC!!! He's so cute. And such a great weight! Mine are still shy of 11 pounds at 12 weeks. :lol:

TTC, sorry you were all so unwell :(
Izzie, I pump for 15 minutes and get about the same.
I've pumped a couple of times, and found the best way was to pump from the other side when DD is feeding. I do have a very fast letdown though so not sure if that's why I get it so quickly. She refuses a bottle though, so I've not had to express a lot and don't know if my advice would be the right way to do it!
I'm at my wits end...I felt pretty good about everything until our Dr appointment. Now all I can worry about is my son's weight gain and am making myself feel so guilty. I never felt like there was a problem until getting him weighed. Now I feel like I'm just making a problem and feeling stressed. And now ds is so cranky! I've thought of everything trying to problem solve. I hate doctors! They just stress you out!!!

Sorry you're sick TTC :( I tried your suggestion of nursing more frequently and ds just wouldn't nurse "nicely". He latches and sucks better when I wait for him to signal that he's hungry...so it just turned into a battle and more poopy diapers which then turned into a diaper rash

Sorry to hear this Wnt2beAMom. This page from kellymom might help. Pumping the foremilk off before feeding will help baby get to the fattier milk and feeding more often has the same effect as the fattier milk comes earlier in the feed (though I note you said feeding more often didn't work). Make sure weight is being checked with length - if the two are in proportion then that's how your baby is meant to be. Also, weight gain does slow down around this time. Good luck! https://kellymom.com/health/growth/weight-gain_increase/ Edited to add: If you're happy that baby is happy and well and his diaper output is good then don't worry, trust your instincts! It might be worth weighing again in a couple of weeks just to check he's not dropping rapidly or losing weight but, if he sticks to the same centile then he's fine!

Izzie, if you can, try to pump between 2 and 6am, that's when hormone levels are highest. There are various methods of upping your supply for a stash (pumping other side during feeds, pumping straight after, power pumping) and your supply will regulate if you then stop doing it gradually. You might find baby is happy to go without during the day and will just cluster feed morning and night. You may not have to pump in the day to keep your supply up as, at this stage, it's the number of feeds that matter rather than the timing of them. You may have to pump for comfort though.
Hi everyone!

I feel like I haven't been on here much lately! I tend to just catch up on my phone but never get around to posting on there. Catelyn just turned eight weeks. She's doing so much better on bottles still and at her last weighing almost two weeks a go, she was 11lbs 11oz!

I'm still struggling and stressed over pumping. Feed by feed we are fine, she takes a 4oz bottle and occasionally wants a little more after that which I sometimes have on hand in the fridge, or I just breastfeed her. I can pump a 4oz bottle okay but I still never seem to find myself ahead. DH and I had a busy few days last week where we ended up out for most of the day, a few days in a row, I think that messed things up a little. Today I rented a hospital grade pump and have got 4oz's both times so far.

Hopefully now with the electric pump rather than my crappy manual, and with us chilling out at home more I can concentrate on getting my supply up and starting a freezer stash for when my in-laws come out in less than two weeks!

Apart from that, Catelyn is doing great! Such a happy, smiley baby!


Beautiful pictures, captain. And I thought my daughter has a lot of hair!!! Good luck building your stash! I am working on mine and we are supplementing some formula. Our stash is a bit of a fall back if I can't breastfeed at any point. If you were ok with adding in formula now and again you might be able to stash quite a bit of breastmilk in case you were away for longer etc... But that is if you are ok with formula. I made peace with that a while ago! ;)

I haven't been on in a couple of days... Seems everyone is pumping! I do 20 minutes, occasionally longer if there is still decent milk coming. I did a week of power pumping before bed, and it made a huge difference- now I get more than double what I was getting during that night session. With those two pumping sessions and bf throughout the day, she could be on just breast milk... But I kind of like the idea of formula in case my milk is deficient in any way etc. so, we are freezing a couple of bottles worth per day as a rainy day policy.

is anyone else still having fussy issues? Some days she just seems so anxious and unsettled :(

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