February IVF Buddies!! 2nd Cycle. FET

Anxiously waiting your test results!! How much longer?! How's everything else going?

I'm just waiting for AF. CD30 today, but not sure when I ovulated. Longest cycle has been 34 days, average 28-32 non-medicated. I think I will test tomorrow AM if no sign of her by then. I always feel a desire to test early now just because of my ectopic history. I want to get that ultrasound as soon as I can so I can rule out an ectopic if I ever get pregnant again. We're also planning on using up the rest of our meds this next cycle (assuming this current cycle is a bust) so that we can just commit fully to adoption.

We have had 2 meetings with 2 different adoption agencies and have our third (final) meeting with another agency next week. We have a pretty good idea of how we are leaning and hope to make up our mind by the end of the month. Then come the start of payments and the home study evaluations! We will be so busy after that.

2015 most certainly is our year. It has to be! It's certainly time we get a happy beginning :)

HTW, how are you lovely? Thank you for checking in, finally i am able to update you with some news! I have been diagnosed with ANA (antinuclear antibodies). The antibodies that target “normal” proteins within the nucleus of a cell are called antinuclear antibodies, and basically I am self destructing! I also have been found to have high amounts of Natural killer cells, with my natural killer cells outweighing my T cells (apparently these are the good cells). Our RI seems to think that this is very much the reason behind our failed transfers as this is the most we can see, obviously embryo quality does come into play but most of ours have been of quite good quality. So, that's my news! It's exciting but also scary to think maybe it can't be controlled and i will just never get pregnant but we have a bit of a plan to run with until we give up.

The treatment is as followed;
CD1; begin Prednisone (steroids) 15mg (my last fresh cycle I was on 20mg Prednisone but i only began this on day of EPU, which only gave my body 5 days to have it in my system - our new doctor doesn't believe this is enough time for the body to be desensitised to foreign dna and he recommends beginning at least at CD1 which is interesting.

1 Week before ET; Begin Clexane injections (once again, I was on clexane but I only began this the day of ET, and he also said this wasn't enough time for my blood to completely thin and stop clotting around the embryo)

1 Week before ET; Intralipid Infusion; where I stay overnight in hospital in Sydney (i have to fly there) and be infused with this soya emulsion stuff, so crazy! But apparently it works quite well.

Day of ET; begin double dose of Progesterone (he didn't say why but I assume it's got something to do with having more progesterone, duh! haha)

and basically, that is it. We are going into this next FET knowing that we will probably have to do another EPU and try this again, but it is exciting to know we are throwing everything at it. He charges about $500 for the Intralipid, as I have private health cover i do not need to pay for the hospital bed which is a relief, as our finances have been so so stretched. I feel really guilty for Mitch as I don't want to feel as though I am keeping him from having his own genetic family. I think it is a struggle I will face throughout my life but I really want to try as much as I can cope with.

How is everything going adoption wise, do you have any news for me? Any decisions being made? Is there much of a difference between the 2 adoption agencies? I am so excited for you. xo :hugs:

Oh hun! Yay for some answers! Can't believe you are gearing up for an FET already - seems to be happening so fast all of a sudden but I know you've done your fair share of waiting. It sounds like a great plan to FINALLY get you your baby! So happy for you :) Did he say you will need more intralipids if you do end up pregnant? I've seen protocols where people will get a second infusion when they get their BFP and sometimes even later than that.

A friend of mine who's had recurrent pregnancy losses is now 17 weeks pregnant with her miracle baby with the addition of intralipids! I hope you follow in her foot steps!

I totally understand your guilt. Just this morning I was thinking how it's likely my darn eggs fault that I can't bring up a mini-me for my hubs. It sucks and truly would do anything to make it happen if money was no object. He just wants to be a dad to any lil baby that wants us so I'm hoping the adoption process runs as smoothly as it can!

Well we've filled out applications for 2 adoption agencies (one local to our state and one national US agency) and will submit those this week. The application process has been pretty easy so the more challenging aspects are yet to come! We opted not to use a 3rd agency that we met with. They have a waiting list that averages 6 months and right now their wait list is full! After you wait the 6 mo on the waiting list, then it's an average 12+ months until your matched with a family. SOOO long. The national agency has an average wait time of 12 months to taking home your baby (and as little as 3 months)! So this time next year I could be a mama!!

We also are in the midst of our last medicated cycle. On day 4 of letrozole and will start the follistim for 3 days on Thursday. I go in for a CD11 ultrasound on Sun (US mother's day, which is fitting, isn't it?). Maybe we'll end up bump buddies! Fx. I'm truly so excited for you. I can't wait for your next cycle to start!!!

I know, it feels like it's happening quickly but we are due to move from where we are currently living (we live on the border of NSW/VIC in a town called Wodonga) to Sydney which is a 6 hr drive away. We only have one embie here so we figure we will transfer it before we move. I have looked at the calendar and it looks like we will be transferring around one week or the week of our move date! So much hecticness. That's if our embryo defrosts, there's always the chance that it won't and i'll come home empty handed on transfer day. Which sucks because i have to fly to Sydney anyway for the intralipid! Sigh, can't win! At least if we get the FET done, we can then move forward with another fresh cycle if need be. I am just happy to have found someone that MIGHT be able to help.

IF, and that's a big old what if, we get pregnant we will need another Intralipid about 1 week after transfer and then i think one at 9 weeks, 12 weeks and possibly more. I didn't actually mention or ask this i think because i feel like there's no way I will ever see a BFP!

Oh HTW that's amazing news, i am sooo excited for you. I can't believe the waiting times, they are actually a lot less than I thought they would be (in Aus it's about 3 years to be matched). Are they typically young parents that are putting their kids up for adoption or is it people from all kinds of backgrounds?

I so hope that we can adopt one day if this doesn't work. I am so scared of adoption in Australia because there are sooo many rules and regulations regarding that.

How amazing that even in like 6 months you could be a Mummy!! Do you have to cease all infertility treatments before adoption? In Aus you have to have stopped for 6 months to even apply. Sigh.

Thinking of you so often, I check out your little blog all the time too just to see how you are. xoxo
Ugh is it day 1 for you yet?!? I'm getting so impatient waiting for you to start your next FET!!! I check your blog every day for updates :) Life is going to be a bit crazy for you this month with the move. So much excitement :)

I hope the intralipids are your key to your first BFP ever!! But if not, additionally fresh cycles can give you hope with the new protocol in place :thumbup:

One of the reasons we went with the national agency is to keep the weight time down as low as possible - some of the local agencies have weight times of up to 2+ years, but we're paying $$$ for it. After nearly 4 years ttc, we have lost our patients and it seems like money well spent to make this happen as quickly as possible!

The families placing kids for adoptions are all different types - some younger mothers, some have other kids but don't have the resources to care for another, it really depends. I just hope we can match with a healthy baby - that's ultimately all that matters to me. One healthy lil bean.

We are up to our eyeballs in paperwork. Just when I think we've finished I find another form we have to fill out. Fortunately I've passed my physical, hubs has his next week. We both got our fingerprinting done today and we will be dropping off our hopefully completed paperwork next weekend. EEK! Then we'll start the grueling homestudy process. I'm terrified of that!

As for fertility treatment, they frown upon continuing treatment when you are going through the adoption process but they don't ban you from ttc. We don't plan to pursue any additional treatment, but will certainly do nothing to prevent a pregnancy. 1 pregnancy in 4 years means the odds are no baby will start growing in my uterus. We will know in about a week though if my last medicated cycle work! I'm pretty sure I'll be a hot mess if (when?) it fails.

I can't believe they make you stop treatment for 6 months before you can even apply. That seems crazy. How would they even know?
Ugh is it day 1 for you yet?!? I'm getting so impatient waiting for you to start your next FET!!! I check your blog every day for updates :) Life is going to be a bit crazy for you this month with the move. So much excitement :)

I hope the intralipids are your key to your first BFP ever!! But if not, additionally fresh cycles can give you hope with the new protocol in place :thumbup:

One of the reasons we went with the national agency is to keep the weight time down as low as possible - some of the local agencies have weight times of up to 2+ years, but we're paying $$$ for it. After nearly 4 years ttc, we have lost our patients and it seems like money well spent to make this happen as quickly as possible!

The families placing kids for adoptions are all different types - some younger mothers, some have other kids but don't have the resources to care for another, it really depends. I just hope we can match with a healthy baby - that's ultimately all that matters to me. One healthy lil bean.

We are up to our eyeballs in paperwork. Just when I think we've finished I find another form we have to fill out. Fortunately I've passed my physical, hubs has his next week. We both got our fingerprinting done today and we will be dropping off our hopefully completed paperwork next weekend. EEK! Then we'll start the grueling homestudy process. I'm terrified of that!

As for fertility treatment, they frown upon continuing treatment when you are going through the adoption process but they don't ban you from ttc. We don't plan to pursue any additional treatment, but will certainly do nothing to prevent a pregnancy. 1 pregnancy in 4 years means the odds are no baby will start growing in my uterus. We will know in about a week though if my last medicated cycle work! I'm pretty sure I'll be a hot mess if (when?) it fails.

I can't believe they make you stop treatment for 6 months before you can even apply. That seems crazy. How would they even know?

Due in 10 days! Haha I am getting so impatient too! I just emailed my clinic because I had a thought, what if this embryo doesn't defrost; do I have to pay the whole fee?! Hmm. I figure I better double check as if I do have to pay everything I might just hold onto it for a while... Sigh I don't know, we will see what they say.

So what is involved in home study? I can't believe how quickly this is moving for you, I am so excited. You are going to get the most precious little baby and I just can't wait. Sorry about all the paperwork, but in the long run it will all be worth it.

Good luck with this last medicated cycle, It's so crappy that you must go through all of this. :(

We are in the process of organising our house and state move and I've been researching new doctors. I can't decide between a female doctor in Sydney's CBD or a male doctor, who is Chinese (apparently some people have had a bit of a language barrier) but he seems so lovely from what I have researched... He also has his office on the west Sydney side where we wil be living; it might be a bit easier for us. Decisions.

We will probably dive into another fresh cycle if our FET fails; and we will ask for assisted hatching and 2 embryos to be transferred along with steroids and intralipids again. It's kind of a throw it all attempt and that will probably be it for us; at least for a long long time. At least until I'm old enough to finally Persue adoption. We have talked about fostering which could be cool too.

Good luck with everything, I hope it all goes well and you get your so well deserved bfp this month.

Thinking of you. Xoxo
WooHoo! I got AF today, so officially CD1. Usually I spot for like 3 or 4 days but yesterday I began a tiny bit of spotting and then was woke up in the middle of the night by intense cramping and full blown! (TMI, my bad!) But i'm happy to finally get this show on the road.

I began Prednisone yesterday as well, I am on 15mg at the moment, until I have our embryo transfer then I think I go up to 20mg.

How is everything with you? Any news? xoxo
So what is involved in home study? I can't believe how quickly this is moving for you, I am so excited. You are going to get the most precious little baby and I just can't wait. Sorry about all the paperwork, but in the long run it will all be worth it.

Good luck with this last medicated cycle, It's so crappy that you must go through all of this. :(

Good luck with everything, I hope it all goes well and you get your so well deserved bfp this month.

Thinking of you. Xoxo

No BFP for me this month - AF found me! :( Today is CD10. Will just be using OPK's (since I have a mountain of them left over) and going at it the old fashioned way. Not expecting anything to come of it but I like knowing when AF is due. Worst part of irregular cycles is not knowing if you're actually "late". I've gotten my hopes up before and I hate that feeling!

We turned in all of our paperwork now. So just waiting for background check and FBI clearance to go through to set up the first appointment for our home study. I'm not entirely sure what to expect for the home study- I just know it's 3 meetings (2 in their office, 1 in your home) where they ask you lots of personal questions about your upbringing, your relationship, parenting philosophies, etc. They also inspect your home and make sure it's fit for a child. Should be fun.

We're also working on our adoptive parent questionnaire. Basically we have to decide how open we are to working with birth moms who drink, smoke, use illicit drugs, have mental health problems, etc. Super stressful researching all of options on whether we need to be worried about genetic risks and birth defects! Makes my head spin.

So that's what's going on with me. We are hoping to be done with this pre-adoption stuff by the end of July so that we can officially become a 'waiting family' and get this show on the road!!!

WooHoo! I got AF today, so officially CD1. Usually I spot for like 3 or 4 days but yesterday I began a tiny bit of spotting and then was woke up in the middle of the night by intense cramping and full blown! (TMI, my bad!) But i'm happy to finally get this show on the road.

I began Prednisone yesterday as well, I am on 15mg at the moment, until I have our embryo transfer then I think I go up to 20mg.

How is everything with you? Any news? xoxo

Woohoo!!! :happydance: So exciting that AF decided to be early this time. Now hoping this is the last time you see her for 9+ months. I've been following your blog and it sounds like life is ging to get pretty hecticc with your move and transfer around the same time!

Have you figured out if your hubs will join you for the intralipids next weekend? I would hate to have to go by myself! I'm much more comfortable with my hubs by my side, so I hope you can find a way to have yours with you!

Sounds like you were able to pick a doc in sydney - which one did you end up picking? The woman or the chinese guy? Hope it's a good fit, but I hope even more you don't end up needing to see them at all!

I'm keeping everything crossed tight that happy news finds you in a few short weeks. You are so deserving of this and have had way too much heartache and sadness associated with your journey. It's high-time you got to be the receiver of good news! I cannot wait to hear how all of this goes. I've got high hopes we'll be celebrating a bun in your oven soon :)

As always, thinking of you :flower:
So what is involved in home study? I can't believe how quickly this is moving for you, I am so excited. You are going to get the most precious little baby and I just can't wait. Sorry about all the paperwork, but in the long run it will all be worth it.

Good luck with this last medicated cycle, It's so crappy that you must go through all of this. :(

Good luck with everything, I hope it all goes well and you get your so well deserved bfp this month.

Thinking of you. Xoxo

No BFP for me this month - AF found me! :( Today is CD10. Will just be using OPK's (since I have a mountain of them left over) and going at it the old fashioned way. Not expecting anything to come of it but I like knowing when AF is due. Worst part of irregular cycles is not knowing if you're actually "late". I've gotten my hopes up before and I hate that feeling!

We turned in all of our paperwork now. So just waiting for background check and FBI clearance to go through to set up the first appointment for our home study. I'm not entirely sure what to expect for the home study- I just know it's 3 meetings (2 in their office, 1 in your home) where they ask you lots of personal questions about your upbringing, your relationship, parenting philosophies, etc. They also inspect your home and make sure it's fit for a child. Should be fun.

We're also working on our adoptive parent questionnaire. Basically we have to decide how open we are to working with birth moms who drink, smoke, use illicit drugs, have mental health problems, etc. Super stressful researching all of options on whether we need to be worried about genetic risks and birth defects! Makes my head spin.

So that's what's going on with me. We are hoping to be done with this pre-adoption stuff by the end of July so that we can officially become a 'waiting family' and get this show on the road!!!

WooHoo! I got AF today, so officially CD1. Usually I spot for like 3 or 4 days but yesterday I began a tiny bit of spotting and then was woke up in the middle of the night by intense cramping and full blown! (TMI, my bad!) But i'm happy to finally get this show on the road.

I began Prednisone yesterday as well, I am on 15mg at the moment, until I have our embryo transfer then I think I go up to 20mg.

How is everything with you? Any news? xoxo

Woohoo!!! :happydance: So exciting that AF decided to be early this time. Now hoping this is the last time you see her for 9+ months. I've been following your blog and it sounds like life is ging to get pretty hecticc with your move and transfer around the same time!

Have you figured out if your hubs will join you for the intralipids next weekend? I would hate to have to go by myself! I'm much more comfortable with my hubs by my side, so I hope you can find a way to have yours with you!

Sounds like you were able to pick a doc in sydney - which one did you end up picking? The woman or the chinese guy? Hope it's a good fit, but I hope even more you don't end up needing to see them at all!

I'm keeping everything crossed tight that happy news finds you in a few short weeks. You are so deserving of this and have had way too much heartache and sadness associated with your journey. It's high-time you got to be the receiver of good news! I cannot wait to hear how all of this goes. I've got high hopes we'll be celebrating a bun in your oven soon :)

As always, thinking of you :flower:

I think we have agreed to both drive there on the Saturday morning together and he can stay with me, and when I am discharged around 10pm we can go and stay with my Aunty who lives about 30 minutes away. I don't want to go alone either. I am such a sook! hehe.

I went with Dr Lok, the Chinese man. He works from both the clinic near my house (on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) and the city (on the other days). Obviously the fact that he is near my house makes things a lot easier especially in traffic (it is awful in Sydney!). Plus, M was really keen on him because he watched a video on their website and he seemed really nice, haha. So i'll roll with that. I have been speaking to his receptionist/personal assistant and she is SO lovely, which is helpful considering the other places i have been have had quite slack receptionists. She is brilliant, which is a great help!

I so hope this is our time, although (as i'm sure you understand) we are very hesitant to feel anything other than caution. I always try to safeguard my heart but I am starting to realize that this may not work for us, but this is the last part to try. A few cycles with Immune Therapy and we can reassess where we are at. I am already at the point where I would love to pursue adoption but the fact that it is so difficult in Australia is what makes me scared.

How is your journey going? Do you have any news or updates? I am always interested even in the small things! I do check out your journal too just to make sure you are OK.

I have an ultrasound on Tuesday to see what is going on, i think they are looking for signs of ovulation; not too sure. Last FET i did at a different clinic they just did blood tests, so this is a bit more 'high tech'. Intralipid next weekend and then fingers crossed embie survives. So much pressure. When you did your FET you had just a single embryo frozen, is that correct? I remember you transferred 2 embryos in the fresh cycle and had one frostie? It defrosted ok did it not? Sorry to ask, I am just paranoid pete regarding this embryo... :(

Also, thinking of you very very often. xx
Glad you've made it so hubs can go with you! That will make it so much more relaxing!

It will be so convenient to have your doc close by! Good choice! Mine is about 30-40 min drive away (and an hour from my work) so it was soo hard making appointments. Glad the receptionist is helpful too - seems like all is settling in to place (but I'm still keeping my fx you won't need to see him :winkwink:)

I think it is completely normal to feel hesitant and guard your heart. You've been through so much! But this is a whole new protocol!

I saw your blog update. I don't think your follicle size was unusual if you don't typically ovulate for several more days - most follicles grow 1-2 mm a day so you should get to a mature level before ovulation!

My last transfer was a single frozen embryo transfer and it defrosted just fine. No problems - but I was worried about it so I totally understand that fear! The technology for freezing has gotten so much better and they are only freeze high quality embryos to help minimize the risk of them not thawing so the odds are in your favor.

We have been taking many online classes to work towards our license to adopt. We need 18 credits and I think we have 10 or so? I can't remember as some classes are 1 and some are 2 credits. We've also been working on our adoptive parent questionnaire - and finally submitted it today! We have to review it with someone from the national agency (over the phone), I'm guessing it will be them trying to convince us to be more open to other situations. We are just waiting to schedule our first of 3 home study meetings - hoping we hear from the local agency yet this week to set up the first meeting! We also need to start working on our online profile - so we need to start gathering photos and stuff!

In more fun news we ended up buying a crib a couple of weeks ago and put it together this last weekend! It was kind of weird and I felt more like I was just pretending, but it's so crazy/exciting to think I may have a lil baby sleeping in there next year!

Hope we both have babies in our nurseries before 2016 is over!
Glad you've made it so hubs can go with you! That will make it so much more relaxing!

It will be so convenient to have your doc close by! Good choice! Mine is about 30-40 min drive away (and an hour from my work) so it was soo hard making appointments. Glad the receptionist is helpful too - seems like all is settling in to place (but I'm still keeping my fx you won't need to see him :winkwink:)

I think it is completely normal to feel hesitant and guard your heart. You've been through so much! But this is a whole new protocol!

I saw your blog update. I don't think your follicle size was unusual if you don't typically ovulate for several more days - most follicles grow 1-2 mm a day so you should get to a mature level before ovulation!

My last transfer was a single frozen embryo transfer and it defrosted just fine. No problems - but I was worried about it so I totally understand that fear! The technology for freezing has gotten so much better and they are only freeze high quality embryos to help minimize the risk of them not thawing so the odds are in your favor.

We have been taking many online classes to work towards our license to adopt. We need 18 credits and I think we have 10 or so? I can't remember as some classes are 1 and some are 2 credits. We've also been working on our adoptive parent questionnaire - and finally submitted it today! We have to review it with someone from the national agency (over the phone), I'm guessing it will be them trying to convince us to be more open to other situations. We are just waiting to schedule our first of 3 home study meetings - hoping we hear from the local agency yet this week to set up the first meeting! We also need to start working on our online profile - so we need to start gathering photos and stuff!

In more fun news we ended up buying a crib a couple of weeks ago and put it together this last weekend! It was kind of weird and I felt more like I was just pretending, but it's so crazy/exciting to think I may have a lil baby sleeping in there next year!

Hope we both have babies in our nurseries before 2016 is over!

I had another scan this morning that showed we have some growth on that follicle and also another on the left that seems to be gearing up to ovulate too - which is very good news! I have to start doing those OPK's on Saturday morning onwards, hopefully to not miss ovulation, but they only want me to do it in the mornings once a day.

Oooo there is a lot happening in your world! Are the online courses long or hard? Or just time consuming? Don't worry too much about your online profile. I am on the other side of the world and talk to you via a screen and I can tell the type of person you are. Your determination, love and caring nature just oozes through the screen and that's without putting a face to written words. You will be a mama and have a baby in that crib by 2016, i just know it.

Thank you so much for settling my worry with that embryo. I know that there is a chance that it won't defrost, but also there is a chance it will and I have to try and focus on that. It's just the effort that we are going through to make sure my body is in prime responsive mode that scares me. :)

So happy to hear from you, keep me updated with how your online profile goes / talking to the local agency :) :hugs:

Just wanted to say hi and let you know I had the Intralipid last night, which went really really well. I begin the clexane tonight and have another scan tomorrow to see if I'm ovulating yet or not, and then hopefully transfer 6 days after! Soooo hoping this embryo defrosts. I did make a better update in my blog if you ever want to read it (I don't want to bore you with boring details haha).! Hope you are going well and not drowning in paperwork! Xx
Hooray for just a few days to go until transfer!!! I've been following along on your blog :)

Glad the intralipid went really well. So happy to hear you made a friend, too - as great as BNB is, it's always nice to get to talk to someone IRL. Hopefully your tummy is surviving the clexane injections OK. I will be keeping everything crossed your embaby defrosts perfectly for you. I know how nerve-wracking that wait to find out can be. Please update when you can!!

We are making more progress in the adoption world - we have our first homestudy on Wednesday!! So we are busy cleaning and organizing our house like mad right now :) We have our second meeting in July 3 and then we will have to schedule one more yet. Hoping that we'll be licensced by the end of July! EEk.

And your words were so sweet and made me feel so good. Thank you!!! You will be a most excellent mama as you are so caring and compassionate and I can't wait to hear your happy baby news.

We also finished our 18 credits of classes. Some of the classes were more interesting than others but nothing too hard. We have to answer questions after each class and I got nervous waiting to hear if we passed the first one, but we did! So it's been much less stressful to finish the rest of the classes.

We still haven't worked on our online profile, we've been so busy with everything else! but as soon as we get through the first home study visit, I think it will be easier to focus our attention on that. We only have one more weekend at home before we have a big string of weekends away so we will have to make the most of it!
Hooray for just a few days to go until transfer!!! I've been following along on your blog :)

Glad the intralipid went really well. So happy to hear you made a friend, too - as great as BNB is, it's always nice to get to talk to someone IRL. Hopefully your tummy is surviving the clexane injections OK. I will be keeping everything crossed your embaby defrosts perfectly for you. I know how nerve-wracking that wait to find out can be. Please update when you can!!

We are making more progress in the adoption world - we have our first homestudy on Wednesday!! So we are busy cleaning and organizing our house like mad right now :) We have our second meeting in July 3 and then we will have to schedule one more yet. Hoping that we'll be licensced by the end of July! EEk.

And your words were so sweet and made me feel so good. Thank you!!! You will be a most excellent mama as you are so caring and compassionate and I can't wait to hear your happy baby news.

We also finished our 18 credits of classes. Some of the classes were more interesting than others but nothing too hard. We have to answer questions after each class and I got nervous waiting to hear if we passed the first one, but we did! So it's been much less stressful to finish the rest of the classes.

We still haven't worked on our online profile, we've been so busy with everything else! but as soon as we get through the first home study visit, I think it will be easier to focus our attention on that. We only have one more weekend at home before we have a big string of weekends away so we will have to make the most of it!

Oooo yay! I was talking about you to my husband yesterday, saying how much I hope things start happening quickly for you and it seems as though it is! How exciting. I'm so glad you are passing with flying colours. End of July! So soon. That will be here before you know it. The online profile is a tricky one, because you do want to give it all of the attention that you can. I'm so happy to hear that it is all happening, it really makes me excited to think that maybe that will be me one day too. :)

Do you ever sit there and think, 'our baby could already be out there in the world or growing now' and you just haven't met yet. It's such a cool thought, I am sooo excited for you.

Thank you for checking up on my blog, the clexane injections are icky, i have a huge purple bruise on my left side (it always seems to bruise more!) and Prenisolone is leaving me with chronic dry mouth and freakin starving all the time but i'm just going to roll with it! Only 3 more sleeps until transfer - still keeping my fingers crossed bubsikle will defrost :coffee:

Good luck (even though you don't need it) with the home study on Wednesday, please let me know how it goes! :hugs:
I was just talking about you to my hubby! We are both hoping these intralipids were the missing link for you! So glad to hear transfer went well for you too. When's your OTD? I can't remember - do you usually starting testing early? Fingers crossed oh so tight!

Our first home study visit was easy peasy! Very painless. :) So glad! It took about 1.5 hours (they say it usually takes 2) and we now only have 1 more to go (on July 3rd)!!! They typically do 3 visits, but she says she sees no red flags or any thing to feel like we'd need the 3rd visit. So that is such a relief. After that she says it'll take about 3 days for her to write her report and then we will be approved! I didn't expect it to happen that quickly so now we really need to buckle down and work on our profile. I think we will get it started this weekend - we're having our nephews over for some photos to use in our profile. So it should be a fun day at the playground, on the river, riding bikes, etc.

Hope you have a nice weekend and get all of your packing done! Best of luck with the move!
Hi eveclo thanks for your sweet comments in my journal. I've been thinking about you lots since we last chatted. Have you been able to start moving forward with another cycle? Or have a new plan?

We are getting ever so closer to being active with our agency and I will breathe such a sigh of relief when that happens. Until then I just keep chugging along...
Hi eveclo thanks for your sweet comments in my journal. I've been thinking about you lots since we last chatted. Have you been able to start moving forward with another cycle? Or have a new plan?

We are getting ever so closer to being active with our agency and I will breathe such a sigh of relief when that happens. Until then I just keep chugging along...

Hi Lovely! Sorry, I haven't been on much i've been really busy with the move and just trying to organise things. Unfortunately no new news with a new cycle, I ended up getting AF about a week earlier than planned and I was out of town so was unable to organise to start. That's ok though, no rush. I feel as though my body needed a break anyway. I am starting a new job at the end of the month and I really want to just be there for that. I don't need to be distracted or sad about infertility. So maybe another cycle in 6 months or so. The plan is to do PGD and hopefully transfer two normals with Immune treatment. I have another appointment with the immune doctor in the next 2 weeks so ill see what he suggests next for me.

So glad to hear you are getting closer and closer. I have been watching some videos on Facebook about children that have been adopted or in foster care and finally adopted etc. it makes me feel so nice inside!! I can't believe you're going to be a mama soon, it makes me so happy for you. Please look after yourself. xx
Bummer AF didn't cooperate in getting another cycle in before you started your job. Must've been a sign it was time to take a much needed break. How is the new job treating you? Hope you are making some friends and liking the work! I'm so terrible at making friends in real life that it would be so hard to start over again with a new job! That's one of the reasons I tough it out with my current job even though I don't love it! Haha.

PGD + immune therapy sounds like a good next step. I read your update on your appointment and I'm so glad they are being supportive. I feel like it's hard to know when to stop and sometimes I think I gave up too easily and I do get jealous of those who have the resilience to keep going and trying! I really, truly hope that this last cycle of IVF holds the answer for you.

Still waiting over here to be activated with our agency :( They changed their policy at the start of the year and I didn't realize it otherwise we would've been activated 2 weeks ago! Oh well. Hopefully only 1-2 more weeks until we are officially ready... I think I will have a mini panic attack that first day! Haha. Right now we are just waiting for our agency to put together our video and finalize everything so we have nothing to do and it sort of feels like the calm before the storm!

Thinking of you!

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