***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

My brother called me today to say that he got a bunch of stuff for me, like clothes, a boppy, a bjorn carrier, a $300 breast pump, a diaper genie, and possibly a baby monitor :) I feel SO relieved knowing how much he's getting for me!! :D He's gathering it all from friends with kids and yard sales and such. I'm so relieved!!

That is so sweet of him! Even more so because he had to go around and collect it all. Sometimes it's just easier to buy it than do the work to find it. Trust me I know hahaha.

I think my nesting is manifesting itself into christmas decorating for some reason. It's all I want to do and it's never right. I have moved the ornaments on the tree around at least three times since putting them up and the little trinkets for around the house get moved from one shelf to the other. Only cause to me they're just not right yet. :dohh:
hi , how is everyone this weekend ?

my SPD is particularly lousy today i been in agony , had ds1's best friends birthday party this morning , ds2 is ill his eyes are running , his nose is running he has been sick poor little soul , so we are all cuddling up watching dvds ...i need no excuse not to do my house work tbh haha

we just watched percy jackson lightning theif and are now watchng wallace and grommit while we wait for santa buddies to come on sky - just thought id fill you all in :thumbup:

oh and today my mothercare order came - on a sunday ..how odd ! so now i have my perineum massage oil (lmao) my bed mats for when i leak and some nice new fluffy towels - easily pleased me lol ! :haha:
I know, it is amazing of him :) I don't see him often (maybe once every year or two?) because we live across the country from each other, but he really surprised me and stepped it up. I can't believe it, but his ex wife even gathered things for me, and his neighbor that doesn't even know me wants to buy me a bunch of stuff... hahaha
hi , how is everyone this weekend ?

my SPD is particularly lousy today i been in agony , had ds1's best friends birthday party this morning , ds2 is ill his eyes are running , his nose is running he has been sick poor little soul , so we are all cuddling up watching dvds ...i need no excuse not to do my house work tbh haha

we just watched percy jackson lightning theif and are now watchng wallace and grommit while we wait for santa buddies to come on sky - just thought id fill you all in :thumbup:

oh and today my mothercare order came - on a sunday ..how odd ! so now i have my perineum massage oil (lmao) my bed mats for when i leak and some nice new fluffy towels - easily pleased me lol ! :haha:

This may sound silly, but what is perineum oil? I'm so confused! Xx
for massaging your perineum to improve its elasticity and help prevent tears when giving birth ;)
Hello girls haven't been on here for a wk or 2 been really bad wit my pelvis (spd) its now got so bad I've been crying because it hurts so much and i just feel usless because i cant do a lot and my OH is doin nearly everything i just feel so guilt ridden.

On a brighter note we put the cot up last wk end and braught a pram as it was half price in toys r us its a silver cross one and im dead chuffed with it. Washed all babys clothes and ironed them and packed his bag ready for hospital still got my bag to do but want to treat myself to a new nightie dressing gown and slippers so gonna get that this wk also gonna do my birth plan. Don't know why just got this erge to b comp ready for labour. Starting to get narky now so really hope he shows a few wks early and I dont go over. Got a growth scan 2 wks on wed then c a consultant think im gonna have to tell them I'm really suffering snd i really hope they consider bringing me in at 38 wks or even 39 just cant bare this pain for much longer im on crutches but there not helping much. Sorry to go on just feel v low and want it all over and done wit the thought of goin over terrifies me because the pain im in now. Hope ur all well. Soz about the essay lol:wacko:
I saw that stuff in mother care he he it made me laugh app baby oil has the same efect. I used baby oil wit my last baby and he was 9 pound I never used it first time round i had a 7 pounder and tore bad so it must work lol. I haven't done it this time but I mite start cuz stitches are not nice x
Hello girls haven't been on here for a wk or 2 been really bad wit my pelvis (spd) its now got so bad I've been crying because it hurts so much and i just feel usless because i cant do a lot and my OH is doin nearly everything i just feel so guilt ridden.

On a brighter note we put the cot up last wk end and braught a pram as it was half price in toys r us its a silver cross one and im dead chuffed with it. Washed all babys clothes and ironed them and packed his bag ready for hospital still got my bag to do but want to treat myself to a new nightie dressing gown and slippers so gonna get that this wk also gonna do my birth plan. Don't know why just got this erge to b comp ready for labour. Starting to get narky now so really hope he shows a few wks early and I dont go over. Got a growth scan 2 wks on wed then c a consultant think im gonna have to tell them I'm really suffering snd i really hope they consider bringing me in at 38 wks or even 39 just cant bare this pain for much longer im on crutches but there not helping much. Sorry to go on just feel v low and want it all over and done wit the thought of goin over terrifies me because the pain im in now. Hope ur all well. Soz about the essay lol:wacko:

I feel for you! I have it quite bad but not quite as bad as you seem to have it. It hurts alot and is impossible to be on my feet after a short time but feel very lazy just sitting around. I have to have a soak in the bath every morning to get a little bit of comfort for the day otherwise I'm just stiff all over as well as SPD, I look like the hunch back of natre dame ( if that's how it's spelt :-s)
Not long to go now just think of the end result :) and hopefully that will be the end of spd and you can enjoy your bundle of joy xx
Awwww thanks hun its really not nice is it. Ur rite tho the end is in sight just how its sooner rather than later my last baby was 15 days over due so thats why I'm convinced ill go over this time to. I really hope not x
I saw that stuff in mother care he he it made me laugh app baby oil has the same efect. I used baby oil wit my last baby and he was 9 pound I never used it first time round i had a 7 pounder and tore bad so it must work lol. I haven't done it this time but I mite start cuz stitches are not nice x

yea ive heard almond oil as well , there seems to be many things that do the same job i just happened to be already ordering from mothercare so bought that one :)

for massaging your perineum to improve its elasticity and help prevent tears when giving birth ;)

:) hmmm so tell me, where might I be able to purchase this item? Just out of interest ;) hehe x

the mothercare one is :


my friend used this one : https://www.amazon.co.uk/NATALIA-PE...1_3?ie=UTF8&s=drugstore&qid=1291632167&sr=8-3

she had no stitches for any of her babies - she just had 3rd

well i feel like crap i ache and i have the kids flu , my SPD has been chronic in the night and ive had no sleep so much so that when the alarm went off at 7:30 i just cried and cried as i couldnt believe i had to get up , hubby phoned in work so he could take DS1 to school for me as i can barely walk , i kept on crying till about 9am , why is it when preganat as soon as you start crying you cant stop ! it seems to be easing a little atm . I have a nice bubble bath running atm hoping that helps a little and i have a physio appointment for next tuesday . the thought of suffering like this for the next 10 or so weeks is really getting me down , i have so much to do this week too as its my sons birthday on Friday and i have party bags to do , cakes to sort and all sorts arghhh.

sorry for the big moan haha
I can't do that eve you're a brave woman!!! lol

if you had had as many stitches down below as i did with ds1 you would be willing to give anything a go ill tell you !

aww bless you eve, have you heard of the epi-no ? meant to be less painful that PM xx

i hadn but i just googled looks quite good , havent really got that sort of money atm though sadly . the massage worked ok for ds2 at least its not too bad imo.
When do you start doing the massaging ladies?? silly thing but im allergic to nuts so i cant use almond oil what else should i use??

My SPD has been really bad recently and since i was last on ive been in hospital twice. everything is ok tho me and LO are ok.

Been deemed unfit to work by the doctor so im on leave now till my mat leave begins on new years eve.

so theres my update hope everyone is ok love and :hug:
i had a 3rd degree perineum tear (3A) and a 2nd degree tear to some muscles inside somewhere, my pelvic floor is stuffed :( im not too worried about tearing again as midwife has been quite reassuring that its uncommon to tear soo badly twice....but i mite give this a try just to be on the safe side :)
Well, I just got GREAT news!!

My little sister just found out that her fiance's father will let them move into one of the houses that he owns and live there rent free, only having to pay utilities each month (which is less than $300 a month in the highest average!) as long as he is in school.. which will be for at least 2 more years!!! :) That means that she is going to move out by the time my baby is born (or at least near the time) so my baby will have her own room after all!! I'm so excited, since it also means I'll have my super comfy queen sized bed back instead of the twin bed I'm in right now (which is VERY uncomfortable!)... I'm so relieved!!!!! :D :D
maybe i should give it a go lol ds1 i got a epis with 2nd degree tearing and ds2 i got 2nd degree tearing again..so looks like im just one of them ppl that always tear its not fun at all. Idk why we dont get something stronger when were gettin stitched up its not them stitchin that hurts but when they touch my bits OMG its like there wearing needle gloves.

sooo not lookin forward to it again my boys were small ..6lb.11 and 7lb.4 so its not to do with them aahhh!! im not afraid of the labour just the stitches lol thats why i want to have a water birth to cause it softens ur perinium.

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