I saw that stuff in mother care he he it made me laugh app baby oil has the same efect. I used baby oil wit my last baby and he was 9 pound I never used it first time round i had a 7 pounder and tore bad so it must work lol. I haven't done it this time but I mite start cuz stitches are not nice x
yea ive heard almond oil as well , there seems to be many things that do the same job i just happened to be already ordering from mothercare so bought that one
for massaging your perineum to improve its elasticity and help prevent tears when giving birth
hmmm so tell me, where might I be able to purchase this item? Just out of interest
hehe x
the mothercare one is :
my friend used this one : https://www.amazon.co.uk/NATALIA-PE...1_3?ie=UTF8&s=drugstore&qid=1291632167&sr=8-3
she had no stitches for any of her babies - she just had 3rd
well i feel like crap i ache and i have the kids flu , my SPD has been chronic in the night and ive had no sleep so much so that when the alarm went off at 7:30 i just cried and cried as i couldnt believe i had to get up , hubby phoned in work so he could take DS1 to school for me as i can barely walk , i kept on crying till about 9am , why is it when preganat as soon as you start crying you cant stop ! it seems to be easing a little atm . I have a nice bubble bath running atm hoping that helps a little and i have a physio appointment for next tuesday . the thought of suffering like this for the next 10 or so weeks is really getting me down , i have so much to do this week too as its my sons birthday on Friday and i have party bags to do , cakes to sort and all sorts arghhh.
sorry for the big moan haha