***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

yes this happens all the time , do you think you have spd ? make sure you sit up and swing both legs out of bed at the same time and not one before the other

I'm not sure - I've never considered the possibility of having SPD. The bed thing is complicated - it's against the wall because out bedroom is TINY, and I have to climb down the bed to get outta it...I tried switching DH sides, and I couldn't for the life of me fall asleep on that side. :wacko:
yes this happens all the time , do you think you have spd ? make sure you sit up and swing both legs out of bed at the same time and not one before the other

I'm not sure - I've never considered the possibility of having SPD. The bed thing is complicated - it's against the wall because out bedroom is TINY, and I have to climb down the bed to get outta it...I tried switching DH sides, and I couldn't for the life of me fall asleep on that side. :wacko:

if there is anyway you can move your bed so you can get out the way i suggested i would recommend it , hopefully its just a pregnancy niggle rather than spd , i had a bit of clicking and popping with ds2 but climbing down the bed will become more difficult as you get even bigger !
Hi girls just quicky , Sorry aint been around Oscars (My youngest only 20 months old) in hospital real poorly .. Been in 5 days this is my 1st day away to get an hours kip at my mums.
I havent even seen my house, He is on breathing machines been diagnosed with Asthma has a lung infection and ear infection has steriods every 2 hours inhaler every 4 antibiotics every 4 hours and ibuperfen every 2 poor mite is battling through with a smile tough bless him.
Just wanted every to know so no one thought i had just disapeared lol. xxxx

awwwww sorry to hear ur little boy isnt well hun really hope he gets better soon xxxxxx:hugs:
I saw that stuff in mother care he he it made me laugh app baby oil has the same efect. I used baby oil wit my last baby and he was 9 pound I never used it first time round i had a 7 pounder and tore bad so it must work lol. I haven't done it this time but I mite start cuz stitches are not nice x

yea ive heard almond oil as well , there seems to be many things that do the same job i just happened to be already ordering from mothercare so bought that one :)

for massaging your perineum to improve its elasticity and help prevent tears when giving birth ;)

:) hmmm so tell me, where might I be able to purchase this item? Just out of interest ;) hehe x

the mothercare one is :


my friend used this one : https://www.amazon.co.uk/NATALIA-PE...1_3?ie=UTF8&s=drugstore&qid=1291632167&sr=8-3

she had no stitches for any of her babies - she just had 3rd

well i feel like crap i ache and i have the kids flu , my SPD has been chronic in the night and ive had no sleep so much so that when the alarm went off at 7:30 i just cried and cried as i couldnt believe i had to get up , hubby phoned in work so he could take DS1 to school for me as i can barely walk , i kept on crying till about 9am , why is it when preganat as soon as you start crying you cant stop ! it seems to be easing a little atm . I have a nice bubble bath running atm hoping that helps a little and i have a physio appointment for next tuesday . the thought of suffering like this for the next 10 or so weeks is really getting me down , i have so much to do this week too as its my sons birthday on Friday and i have party bags to do , cakes to sort and all sorts arghhh.

sorry for the big moan haha

babe i feel 4 u i know wat ur goin throuh im the same spd is horrible and i keep crying to i think it afects u emotionly physicley and mentaly. sorry about the spelling xxxx
sorry i'm a bit quiet at the mo got lots going on :)

33 weeks tomorrow bloomin hell where has the time gone!!!!

mummymadness i hope your lil boy is better soon! xxx
I haven't been on much these last couple of days. I've been scrambling to get a paper done for school, and been exhausted from work and cooking for the family.
I seem to have dropped suddenly, though. She feels like she is no longer breach, and my mom noticed the sudden drop (I thought I just looked smaller!). Now all the teachers and office staff at my work are betting whether she'll be here soon and if so how soon. I have a feeling she'll come early. But we'll see. My mom made note though that when she was pregnant with me, she/ i dropped in early December and was born Jan. 18th... Being that I just dropped, she thinks she'll be here mid January or so... Only time will tell, though... :shrug:

I have been getting sharp shooting pains done in the crotch area as well.

I've also been getting pains down there. Usually they don't last long, but I have noticed them lately...
morning everyone , i fnally feel better thank god ! well still breathless and no energy but thats prob the pregnancy not the flu !

im a bit pissed off today though , oh announced last night that he has some big work presentation today which involves a team meal tonight , thats fine i have no issues he has these every month or so however he is stopping over night and claims he already told me ages ago ( he maybe did to be fair but i cant recall ) anyway that means he wont see Jake (ds1) in the morning - his birthday . So im a bit peed off about that and i told him he should have the meal and not drink and come home but he said i will see:( . i know you have to make an effort and a good impression at these things but i think being here when your son wakes up on his birthday is more important ...anyway sorry for the rant .
luckily my dad is coming round later so i can get him to blow up all the balloons for me as i have no puff hahahahah
awww eve i would be really upset if my OH wasn't here for either mine or our childrens birthdays! i can so see it happening one day though, my oh is a workaholic... when he had paternity leave with our son he kept phoning and asking if they were ok without him and offering to go in and help out!!!!!!!!! i was really upset lol

i thought i had spd but now im not so sure

yesterday i was in london and was walking around all day going up and down stairs etc standing being pushed around on the tube

anyway by the evening the top of the inside of my thighs, like where the bones join your legs to your body if you get me? and all round my hips absolutely killled more than ever before. I had to keep hoisting myself around gripping things an pulling my body as it was too painful to move my legs apart :S then i was up a lot in the night last night in pain and today its a TINY bit better but not really

but i dont know what it is, if its not spd?

aww wine , could be spd but also could be a case of just over doing it ! at 33 weeks you shouldnt be on your feet all day long woman !
awww wine 33 weeks already wow so quick ...
Hope every ones well and coping with the SPD and all other late stage ailments , Thank you for all your kind words we have now got oscar out of hospital massive drug cabinate of medication but doin better :) xxx
i thought i had spd but now im not so sure

yesterday i was in london and was walking around all day going up and down stairs etc standing being pushed around on the tube

anyway by the evening the top of the inside of my thighs, like where the bones join your legs to your body if you get me? and all round my hips absolutely killled more than ever before. I had to keep hoisting myself around gripping things an pulling my body as it was too painful to move my legs apart :S then i was up a lot in the night last night in pain and today its a TINY bit better but not really

but i dont know what it is, if its not spd?


Personally sounds like SPD to me. SPD comes and goes most often and can be set off by the slightest thing or by completely over doing it. All it is, is your pelvis expanding and pulling a bit. I know this because I just saw my Physio today! hahaha.

Sadly she gave me crutches :( Well I suppose I could be grateful that I have something now. But I'm going to London this weekend and am really sad that I'll have to use crutches everywhere I go just to get around. I don't have it that bad, but that's only if I sit on the couch or glider all day. If I'm out and about for more than an hour it starts to kick in big time. She told me to rest for 10 min every 15-30 min. I told DH be prepared to stop for lots of tea breaks while walking around London!
glad oscar is home mummymadness :D

jenniflower - thats a lot of tea and cake lol ! i have physio on Tuesday my 1st one , would you say it was worth going to , did you learn something new ?
glad oscar is home mummymadness :D

jenniflower - thats a lot of tea and cake lol ! i have physio on Tuesday my 1st one , would you say it was worth going to , did you learn something new ?

He may not be able to manage a cake each time, but I'm pretty sure I could! hahaha. Most of it was useless but she did show me what exactly my pelvis was doing with one of those bone model thingys. She also showed me a few exercises that I had read about but it was good to have her show me personally. Plus I did get the Crutches and now it's in my file that I have SPD. She said I only needed the one appt and only if it gets worse to come back.
yea tbh my main reason to go is that it is properly noted in my file , i already told hubby the dangers of me opening my legs in labour so he knows to say something if im for some reasn out of it but would like it there in writing.

also crutches or a belt would be a nice ! i guess for the sake of an hour out of my life i mayas well go but i have to say im not expecting much
Hello ladies. How are you all???

How is the weather where everyone is??? It is soo freaken hot already here!!! It is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! last week it was raining and flooding now it is hot as hell again and i am living in air con from 7am in the morning till 8pm at night!!!! GRRRR why did we fall pregnant so i was heavily preggers through summer AGAIN!!!!!
Ohhhhh the things we do to ourselves right lol

Has everyone got everything ready???
EVERYTHING ready, do you mean ANYTHING ready. :haha:

it is so funny to hear you moaning about the heat, we in the UK are all moaning about the temperatures being below freezing all day at the mo!! Neither is great.

I had my xmas lunch at work today, yum yum, and had a glass of white wine...and felt really guilty, do you think it affected baby at all??:(

Well I only have one week left before maternity leave now, was really looking forward to it now I'm thinking OMG, i'm going to miss it :dohh:!!

eve - i'm right with you on being pissed off with hubby, that's the sort of thing i think is really important too but he'd be like :shrug: why? men!!
Hello ladies. How are you all???

How is the weather where everyone is??? It is soo freaken hot already here!!! It is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! last week it was raining and flooding now it is hot as hell again and i am living in air con from 7am in the morning till 8pm at night!!!! GRRRR why did we fall pregnant so i was heavily preggers through summer AGAIN!!!!!
Ohhhhh the things we do to ourselves right lol

Has everyone got everything ready???

Funny how its warm in Austraila and cold here in the states! Its about 25 farenheit here in the mornings. Id die to be pregnant in the summer:winkwink:. Make sure you rest and drink plenty of water in that warm weather:winkwink:
Mummymaddness hope your little boy is better soon :hugs:

I'm thinking I have Spd too, I'm very uncomfortable lately and esp wen I get up during the night I feel as if my legs are gone stiff and my hips are going to break :(

Had a midwive app and got a bit of a scare baby heart Beat was going very fast but she made me lie there for a bit then do another check and baby had calmed down. I'm feeling a bit worried now :(
hi everyone
i have just come back from hospital as kim my partner has been having having contractions and hoping she isnt going into pre-term labour :(
cervix is closed and tests all come back negative so thats a good sign?????
wont know anymore until tomorrow.

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