***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

Eek I wouldn't take EPO before 37 weeks honestly! I waited till a couple of days ago and i'm 38weeks today! i take one orally in the morning and one orally at night and insert one down there as night as well lol!

i was taking rrl tablets but a week or so ago i lost my bottle of pills and cant find them anywhere and its a trek to the nearst holland and barrat :(

EPO has prostglandins in it which helps to soften the cervix - thats all it does. this in turn though can make you dilate quicker and easier so a shorter labour - shouldn't make a difference to your membranes or anything though

Wiiwidow, when I had a trapped nerve I done this to help relieve it. Stand with legs together and heels together. Your feet facing away from each other, like towards opposite walls. Then lift, like go on tiptoes. Its supposed to help.

I am doing both RLT and EPO. RLT I am now on 3 bags a day and I brought some cherry vimto and added it and now I love it! I didnt mind drinking it before but now I love it :)

EPO I read from a big thread to take 1000mg a day, then double that amount when you are 38 weeks. Normally they come in 500mg capsules, but the ones I had were double strength so I just take the one for now, and will have two next week.
It said you can use the oil internally and put it on your cervix, but that just scares me so I just take it orally. But Franki can I start having 2000mg a day now?

Franki83 when I first read yours I misread and I thought it said you will have it outside. lol.

There are some BIG babies predictions there! 14lb!! (i put this before I got mine!)

I'm now going to do mine.................. (I wish it said WHEN it was going to happen! lol)

The day you deliver, outside will be fair. Your baby will arrive in the late morning. After a labor lasting approximately 40 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 14 pounds, 11 ounces, and will be 16-1/2 inches long. This child will have dark blue eyes and curly red hair.

I think I might just change my mind and opt for a sections now with a baby this size and a labour that long! x
Eek I wouldn't take EPO before 37 weeks honestly! I waited till a couple of days ago and i'm 38weeks today! i take one orally in the morning and one orally at night and insert one down there as night as well lol!

i was taking rrl tablets but a week or so ago i lost my bottle of pills and cant find them anywhere and its a trek to the nearst holland and barrat :(

EPO has prostglandins in it which helps to soften the cervix - thats all it does. this in turn though can make you dilate quicker and easier so a shorter labour - shouldn't make a difference to your membranes or anything though


My midwife said I can start them at 36 weeks as well. :shrug: But only one a day orally and then if by 39 weeks nothing has happened I can start to include one up the foof as well. :) I know there are so many different suggestions to these though.

Oh no! on losing your pills I hate when that happens.
Thanks for the tip Rachael - I'll give that a go in a mo!

In the meantime, here's my prediction:
The day you deliver, outside will be hot. Your baby will arrive in the middle of the night. After a labor lasting approximately 48 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and will be 16 inches long. This child will have light violet eyes and barely there brown hair.

48 HOURS! Dear god...not up for that - although I could do with a little warm weather, though I don't it very much February in the UK? She got the boy bit right though!
dunno if any of you seen this on hotdeals (i feel like bargain poster today haha)

anyway boots - pampers sensetive wipes 6 packs are half price , buy 6 lots = £22.47

use code PCBS24 for £5 off , gets the basket to £17.47 .got through topcashback for 2.52% 44p ish so £17.03 and get 220 ACP so another £2.20 off effectively 36 packets of wipes for £14.83 = 42p a pack .

hope thats understandable lol
free delivery to store or £2.95 to get to your house.

should keep us going for a while :D
My prediction!

The day you deliver, outside will be foggy. Your baby will arrive in the late night. After a labor lasting approximately 6 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 4 pounds, 8 ounces, and will be 21 inches long. This child will have medium amber eyes and fluffy auburn hair.

*Very likely
*This part is fun because when I doing a hypno sessions we were meant to imagine our birth and I came out my hypno saying I'll have a 6 hour long labour. So we'll see!
*Wrong! She's a lovely girl. :)
*:shock: That tiny and that long??? Is that even possible! Would make for an easy labour though, haha
*I could see the hair part, this heart burn is killer.
right girlies, BIG question for you.... past couple of hours, sorry if tmi, i have had better described as the runs....
now just been to the loo for a widdle when on my panty liner i noticed a very small amount of blood mixed with some mucous, you think i could be starting to lose my plug a bit?
i have had both of my children at 38 weeks. i just cant honestly remember the week before i went into labor with my others, sounds stupid i know... you would think these things would be engraved on the brain!
sounds like it could be a bit of a show to me , i know when i had mine it was like pinkish brownish mucous and if you have had the other 2 at 38 weeks it seems quite likely .
with Boo, i didnt get any type of show or anything right up until go time, n that was after a midwife had examined me. with Bub, my plug went in one solid lump, looked terrible... but i kinda getting shooting pains up in my foo area, i just honestly cant rememebr these... grrrr, friggin pregnancy brain...... think i may go hoover my stairs a few times, lol, it worked with Bub lol
in a way i hope so, im impatient, lol.
you know a daft thing? even though this is my third child... i am still petrified, and its still almost like a dream.... god now i certainly do sound mental! pmsl
right, so i just put in all my info exactly the same and it came out with this:

The day you deliver, outside will be fair. Your baby will arrive in the late afternoon. After a labor lasting approximately 15 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 12 pounds, 8 ounces, and will be 18 inches long. This child will have dark green eyes and some brown hair.

you know, i'm beginning to wonder if it is true at all, cos now it's a girl :haha:

so mine weighs 3 times as much as Jennis but is shorter, what a fat baby!!! But my hypnbirthing isn't working so well as it'll take 15 hours now!!
in a way i hope so, im impatient, lol.
you know a daft thing? even though this is my third child... i am still petrified, and its still almost like a dream.... god now i certainly do sound mental! pmsl

no Franki I think we are all the same, can't remember much about our previous pregnancies and dreading certain parts. That'[s not to say were not mental tho!! For me it's the night feeds, i feel so tired already, and i'm sleeping ok, could just sleep for britain!! Am hoping my birth will be more chilled though, hence the hypno birthing book! Both were quick but by God they were painful!!
Wow. So many of us ladies are becoming full term!

I've been taking RLT pills (and drinking the tea) since 27 weeks....haven't even had a single Braxton Hick, so I wonder if my uterus is really being "toned"...

And I've started taking the EPO pills (1000mg) yesterday orally. Since they don't actually induce labor(they just soften the cervix), they are safe to take from 34 weeks orally, and then 37 weeks vaginally. Taking them orally doesn't do that much because the stomach acid destroys a lot of the prostaglandins, but inserting them vaginally will really help the cervix in its softening process.

The day you deliver, outside will be warm. Your baby will arrive in the evening. After a labor lasting approximately 20 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 10 pounds, 12 ounces, and will be 20 inches long. This child will have light green eyes and fluffy red hair.

If it's warm, then I must go outta state to have her...it's like 2 degrees F outside right now! LOL...She was right about her being a girl...The 10 pounder could be right if you go off my fundal height...LOL...and if she has green eyes and red hair, I got some 'splaining to do to my hubby!
yeah, thats the scary thing, i can remember everything perfectly about Bubs as i had nothing at all with him, was longest 1hr 45mins of my life! oooh that ring of fire! lol
its also the factor of, 3 kids! aaaaargh. i know i am over reacting, but still quite daunting, i know its just until i have him here and get into that established routine.
only problem i have is that i really want my big sis in there with me. but hubby doesnt get on so great with her. so i can see this being an argument coming. grrrrrrrr. talk about annoying, bloody families!
Hi ladies. I've been lurking on this for a while now and I think I must have joined you ages ago as my name is under 5th Feb. My due date is actually 4th Feb and I'm having a little girl. So excited to be 37 weeks tomorrow!!!!!

I have been having 4 cups of RLT a day, one EPO orally in the morning and one capsule inserted at night, bouncing on my birthing ball every evening and having sex when I can.

I did the RLT thing with my last 2 pregnancies and swear it helped the labour process a lot quicker (3 hours and 2 hours). My first birth was emercency c-section because he was an undetected breech (12 years ago).

I'm having a home birth this time so have been given my bag from the midwife this week, have been asked to buy a cheap shower curtain to give birth on lol.

Anyway, I'll stop rattling on I just wanted to say "hi", also I can relate to the ladies who can't remember their last labours ...... I can't remember either - eeek!!!
The only thing i can really remember is my water breaking. I don't remember having any actual contractions until i got to the hospital.
I think the fact that we cant remember much from previous labours is our bodies ways of making us forget so that we carry on reproducing!

So putting the capsule in vaginally, does the outer bit dissolve and does the oil drip out?

I saw on another thread that someone was drinking RLT to the amount of weeks they were..........so say 37 weeks, 7 cups a day. Would that make a big difference? I struggle with 3 cups a day. lol. x
I think the fact that we cant remember much from previous labours is our bodies ways of making us forget so that we carry on reproducing!

So putting the capsule in vaginally, does the outer bit dissolve and does the oil drip out?

I saw on another thread that someone was drinking RLT to the amount of weeks they were..........so say 37 weeks, 7 cups a day. Would that make a big difference? I struggle with 3 cups a day. lol. x

Yea they just dissolve as if you swallowed it. My sister gave me a tip of putting a pad on at night as she sometimes dripped out.

I was told the max of 6 cups/capsules is really all you need to take. I started with 1 pill at 32 weeks and increased that by one every week (so I'm on 4 pill at the mo) and will be at 6 pills by week 37 and stay at 6 for the remainder of my pregnancy. Also I take the pills cause I could not imagine drinking 6 cups of tea, any kind! I still have some tea though, I think it's quite nice, and just use it on the occasion as a top up. :)

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