***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

I tell people I have 4 weeks left but as I have been iin prem labour twice now it could be anytime.
I wish I was getting any kind of signs of my body getting ready for labor...I've not even gotten Braxton Hicks...ugh. My doctor changed my due date back to the 14th instead of the 15th (based on her measurements), but I'm not bothering with changing my tickers for ONE day...(even though that means I'm 36 weeks tomorrow!! Had my baby shower today...this child has a TON of clothes...she'll never have to wear the same outfit twice. Lol. I am totally ready for her to get here...I even packed my labor bags finally! It's funny because she has 2 bags (one for all her cloth diapers that she'll need and one for her coming home outfit/blanket for carset/etc), and I have about half a bag. I honestly didn't pack all that much...Just a coming home outfit, a night gown, toothbrush, hairbrush, nursing pads, a couple pp pads (in case they don't provide them), and a few granola bars in case I have a really long labor. I don't remember what else, if anything, I packed. Lol
Juicy, I've been VERY swollen for a week now! I wake up in the morning and my feet are 2-3 times their size, as are my fingers. Rings that were too big for me pre-pregnancy are too small now. By night time, it looks like I have elephantiasis!!! LOL It's BAD.... And I've also been feeling hormonal...

Strange though for me.. Today I had literally NO appetite. I went until 5:30 before I even realized I hadn't eaten all day, and even then wasn't really hungry. But since we went to my younger sister's house for roasting hot dogs over a fire, I made myself eat 2 (which is hardly anything for me) and it only made me fee nauseated.. Now I'm sitting here, trying not to get sick. The thought of trying to kneel in front of a toilet or bend into a trash can to up-chuck (sorry) is REALLY not appealing to me... I haven't been this nauseous since 1st tri.... I SERIOUSLY hope it's a good sign that she's coming soon!! My mom thinks I'll have her either on my birthday, or the day after since it's a full moon..... We'll see.... But I know I feel like hell right now :(

When people see me and say "Wow, you're ready to pop!! How much longer?!?!" I tell them "She'll be here any time in the next 2 weeks!" I've given up telling them "my due date is in 3 weeks, but I'm having her within the next 2...." LOL
And now it's midnight, and I've spent the last hour cleaning my room, sorting baby's toys, moving clothes from my old closet to my new one, finishing a blanket I was crocheting (while bouncing wildly on my exercise ball), and have a strange burst of energy... If it weren't midnight, I'd be hanging pictures and scrubbing the dirt marks on the walls from my sister's dogs that finally left last week when she moved out..... But I don't want to wake anyone in my house. So I'm trying to refrain.... although scrubbing the walls won't be THAT loud :p I just don't know what's gotten into me all of a sudden!!
sounds like you are getting your nesting urge hunnie! i was like that, even hand cleaning the floor behind the toilets, as i could see a mark on the floor that just had to go!!!!
plus i had great fun on the bathroom floor as my daughter and her friend, playing with make up, had decided to crush a piece of eyeliner pencil into the floor... and then hide it under the rug... so i found this huge black solid patch... i got it off!! lol, nothing could have stopped me from doing it.
Every little thing will start to drive you nuts, honestly. i mean, i scrubbed everything out a couple of days ago... hubby and his amazing ways of destroying everything that i have done... has set me a challenge for today, lol.
Lol Yeah, I ended up staying up and scrubbing the walls, baseboards, and doors in my bedroom, hallway, and bathroom, along with scrubbing the bathroom sink, toilet, and fixtures. It's 1:40 in the AM now, and I seriously need to force myself to sleep, even though there is MUCH more I'd like to do... But I really don't think my parents would appreciate it if my intense scrubbing woke them up, so I'm refraining from moving into the living room/dining room/kitchen... tomorrow though I want to tackle sweeping/mopping my bathroom floor.... it just NEEDS done now, since the rest of the bathroom is SPOTLESS!! Lol I'm seriously impressed with myself... Especially since usually I HATE cleaning like that!! I even broke one of my nails while I was scrubbing (I'm trying to stop biting them, and just experienced my first broken nail of my life.. I've been biting them since I was about 5 years old and have nails that pass my fingertips for the first time ever lol well, 7/10 of them do, anyways) hahaha this is crazy!!!

In your experience, does this usually happen right before labor?? I mean I know it happens... but how soon before? I'm going crazy with this, plus the no appetite thing, the congestion, the nausea... everything LOL
the general rule that i was told about nesting is it usually happens in the fortnight leading upto labor. i think that may be a superstition though, but im not sure... with Emily i did this and lets just say, my sis was living with me at the time, and all she could do was make me a drink as i growled at her whilst i was scrubbing the toilet. i was even annoyed at a mahogany unit that was her n her hubbys in my living room, where it shouldnt have been,.. when my mom popped over she was annoyed that i was almost at the top of the stairs with it as i wanted it on the landing... my sis n James didnt have a clue that i was doing it until mom shouted at them, lol. yet again, i growled as i had to get it centre perfect on the landing, lol. it just looked tidier! i had her 10 days after.
honestly, it does drive you nuts hunnie. i have so much i still want to get done here too. But with 2 small children and a husband that just as messy as the kids, somedays i get so deflated as i feel really good that i have surgically cleaned my bathroom etc. kitchen, but then it gets undone...
But hubby at work, and i am cracking on, lol, also hoping it might help on with these niggling pains etc.
im still losing plug and keep getting very few and far between contractions but they are very mild. if its still going on wednesday when i am at my midwifes im hoping she can examine me down there just to let me know exactly what the hell is going on.
Morning all, I feel knackered this morning. Been and got the weekly shop out of the way, so at least I don't have to think about that anymore.

I got woken up last night with tightenings. Its really exciting now cos it actually woke me up! But absolutely nothing today.

Virginia is this your first? You might have a super pain threshold and not feel BH. lol.

My sister didnt feel them with her first, but gets them all the time with this one. x
morning everyone im afraid this is a moaning post but i need to vent ...

so you know ive been getting uti's and i have had 4 courses of antibiotics . finished last course last monday . woke up needing the toilet in the night - knew what was coming cus thas the only time i wake up to wee . so that was 3 o clock , then i was on the toilet every 45 mins ish till i eventually gave up and got up at 7. im in mega pain in my kidney , and everytime baby moves it hurts me inside - must be my bladder inflamed or something.
anyway got in the drs this morning appointment at 9:20 .
gets there with my sample didnt get in to see the dr till 9:50.
explained the issue again , he said he cant understand why its coming back :( , said he cant give me anti biotics as i have had too many and basically send yet another sample off and ring up thursday when he will decide if i can have anything else to take. i explained i was in agony but he wouldnt give me anything else.
told me to do the sample now and send off as they get picked up at 10am
did it and went to reception to find out the courier went ant 9:55 so i had missed him, so now i have to do another sample tomo and drop it in before 9:30 .
so now im sat here in agony tryng to resist the urge to wee as much as poss , feeling knackered , tearful and generally sorry for myself
Oh no eve that's horrible! :( I'm so sorry that your UTI's keep coming back that's horrible! Wish I could do something for you. So I'll just give you a hug. :hugs:
aaaw Eve, thats really crap for you darling! i dont know if it will help you, but advice my friend was given by her midwife as even before pregnancy she is prone to really bad UTI, is drink constantly, but get a really good cranberry juice, like the ocean spray one. the properties in it help.
She got so fed up at one point bless her, for nearly a pure month she was guzzling like mad and taking antibiotics.
but apparently the cranberry juice did ease things off for her. maybe you could try it?

god i hope it gets sorted for you honey. i know from experience they are not nice, let alone while pregnant! i wouldnt like to have one while pregnant.
I'm having a really crappy day today, its either really bad period pains, severe pains in my lower back that feel like im getting stabbed, or then my tummy tightening, but its not constant or regular....
im still losing gooey stuff with blood traces in it, and i am just knackered! but i have so much to do! whilst running around after my 4 yr old.... i am seriously hoping that my midwife will have a good look down there for me on wednesday if im still going like this by then... its driving me mental, as i cant get to sleep properly on a night time because of back pains etc...
Oh hun thats horrible that there is nothing doc can give you.

Have they checked to see if the infection has spread to kidneys?

Do you have any diclofenic? When I had UTIs I took them............they didnt work straight away but did in a day. Actually I don't even know if they are allowed in pregnancy :-S

UTIs are horrible, they make you miserable. I wish there was something that could be done.

Rubbish solution but just drink bucket loads of water today and hopefully tomorrow you will have some answers. x
yep been drinking cranberry and water and squash etc , i have trippled my water intake over the last month since i started having them but no luck

dr said i could only have amoxycillin and cefalexin (sp) and as i have had 2 weeks of each he doesnt want me to have more yet.

guess ill wait for the tests and midwife tomo , it just getting me down a bit and i have to still be cheerful and active for the other 2 kids.

also i noticed ths morning i had discharge with red streaks in it but dont know if it is my plug starting coming away or if it was from the uti as there is a bit of pink when i wipe after weeng too - tmi lol ! never had that before last time it was just a big blob of pinkish brownish goo :S
hmmm Eve, that is a tricky one... you see past 3 days i have been having mucous with blood in it, which i am saying is my plug coming away.
but, when i had my really bad UTI, i was getting lots of blood when i wiped too... dammit, i wish i knew for certain for you honey. you could ask midwife that too xxx
Hi Eve, that's miserable - poor you! I know how horrible UTIs are and would go mad if I was you. Have you tried some bicarbonate of soda as well - it helps to neutralise the urine so it will make it less painful to go - it tastes DISGUSTING but it does help. It won't get rid of it but it will ease it a little. Google it for exact recommendations, but its basically a teaspoon of bicarb stirred into a glass of water every couple of hours I think.

As for the nesting - I had the urge last weekend, but it didn't last long sadly and as I am now almost totally incapacitated without crutches, I'm at a bit of a loss. My house is so messy and I need to clean, but I CAN'T!! Debating getting a cleaner in!!
Wiiwidow, why can i imagine you getting a cleaner in, but you yelling at her with specific instructions as she not cleaning upto your nesting standards??? LOL poor person would leave bawling her heart out! LOL
Awww, eve, that sucks!!!!! My mom swears by a couple tablespoons of vinegar, along with cranberry juice and tons of water. I hope they figure something out for you soon!!! :(

A friend of mine informed me today about the tropical storm/cyclone named "Zelia" that is getting ready to hit New Zealand... It's sooo weird, as thats the name I'm giving my daughter (though spelled a little different), and New Zealand is where my parents started looking to move a couple years ago (obviously it never happened, but they got close...).... Now we're all pretty convinced that my girl's on her way :p
Morning all, I feel knackered this morning. Been and got the weekly shop out of the way, so at least I don't have to think about that anymore.

I got woken up last night with tightenings. Its really exciting now cos it actually woke me up! But absolutely nothing today.

Virginia is this your first? You might have a super pain threshold and not feel BH. lol.

My sister didnt feel them with her first, but gets them all the time with this one. x

Yeah, it's my first. I don't think I have a very high pain threshold though because I'm sitting here crying in pain. My pelvic area hurts SO bad...I swear it feels like somebody took a baseball bat and beat me between the legs as hard as they could...I can barely walk because of it...and then I can't lay down because my back is also killing me - I haven't had any relief from my back pain in weeks...even just sitting I have back pain...I'm not sure what to do...It's honestly constant pain now. Then if I move around too much, the bottom of my belly hurts like it's pulling a muscle or something. :cry: Ugh. I'm miserable. I also think I have hemorrhoids (tmi) because even though I've not been constipated at all (quite the opposite), it really hurts when I go and sometimes there are spots blood that I KNOW are coming from my bottom (nothing huge, just tiny spots occasionally)...

Eve I hope your UTI's go away. I've never had one of those (thank goodness), so I don't know the pain you are in, but any pain right now SUCKS...:hugs:
I'm term today, 37 weeks! should i start expecting things to happen??? or not really till 40? i am so anxious to have baby.
well siegal... it depends on your body chick. and when babby is ready.
both of mine were early birds, emily 38 weeks dead on, Jacob 38+3, so i am expecting something with this one, and they way im feeling, aches pains niggles etc plus losing plug, i wouldnt be surprised to be honest if it was very soon.
Congrats on being fully cooked now though!

Virginia... do you have SPD? it sounds a bit like you could have, you could always ask your midwife by describing it to her xxx

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